Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 163 Kikyo City!Crew boy

"Ye Tong, are you there?"

Aside, seeing Ye Tong's strange behavior, A Su asked suspiciously.

"it's okay no problem."

Ye Tong waved his hand, there is no need to think about the evolution of the green caterpillar into a cracked seat for now.

In the future, when I become a boss who can casually beat the champions of various regions, and then I have no place to use the dozens of beasts in my hand, then I can still think about it.

At present, it should be the easiest to realize the evolution of the Big Rock Snake at level 60 plus a special metal shell and the evolution of the Electric Shock Beast at level 60 plus a special metal shell.

"At that time, Sirona's Super Iron Tyrannosaurus seemed to have reached level 60."

Ye Tong scratched his head. Before, he thought that these things could evolve directly without a metal shell, but it seemed that his thinking was too simple.

Fortunately, there was no overheating, otherwise tens of thousands of points would be gone.

In this way, Ye Tong and A Suo walked for a long time, and at about evening, they finally came to the city of Kikyo.

Jingle bell jingle bell

Many wind chimes were installed on the periphery of Kikyo City, and the clear wind came under the night, and the crisp bells sounded.

"Ye Tong, then I'll go back first, and I'll contact you when my father sees you later." Standing still, A Suo said to Ye Tong.

"Okay, then I'll go shopping around Kikyo City for a few days." Ye Tong nodded.

"Well, you can go to the Tower of Trumpet Bud to have a look. There is the ruins of Alufu in the southwest, so you can also go and have a look." A Su replied, and then asked: "By the way, the hunters organized a riot recently. It's not as peaceful as Jihua Market, so be careful."

"no problem."

Ye Tong and Aso waved goodbye, and each entered a street.

Jugeng City is worthy of being the second largest city in Chengdu. The buildings are very gorgeous. At night, it is brightly lit and there are quite a lot of pedestrians on the road. It has a feeling of singing and dancing.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, the super elf fireball mouse only costs 50000 coins."

"Scallion Pancakes, a special snack of bellflower, 5 pieces for [-] yuan, buy more, get more discount!"

"Five super balls, [-] each, a must for catching elves while traveling at home!"


The cries of vendors on the roadside can be heard endlessly. Walking among them, Ye Tong felt as if he had returned to the earth's night market.

The only difference is that the people of this world have merged with the elves. From time to time, at the booth, you can see Haoli who helps the owner move things, the cute and rolling Pichu, and the wind speed dog raised by ordinary people.

Ye Tong nodded, walked casually on the street, bought a few useless items, and came to the main street.

Compared with the alleys, the main street is much more lively, with constant pedestrians and many people who are challenging the trainers. From time to time, you can see many immature faces who are competing.

After walking for a while, Ye Tong watched the duel between two children at the side of the road.

The two sides of the competition are Chrysanthemum Leaf with a combat power of 15 at level 213 and Fireball Mouse with a combat power of 13 at level 199.

"Hey, Jucaoye is fighting Fireball Mouse. It's interesting, this Chrysanthemum leaf should evolve."

With a smile on his face, Ye Tong looked at it with interest. At his level, he has rarely been exposed to such low-level games.

The game quickly became tense. Jucaoye should be absolutely restrained by Fireball Rat according to the attribute restraint. It's just that Jucaoye's level is higher, and its owner's command level is also higher, but it actually suppressed Fireball Rat.

After a while, there was a faint tendency to win.

The owner of the Fireball Mouse is a thorny-looking young man. Seeing that his elf is about to lose, he shouted anxiously: "Fireball Mouse, use the spark!"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Tong shook his head at the side. Seeing that the Fireball Mouse was exhausted so badly, it was obvious that there was no way to use sparks anymore. At this time, the best way should be to evade and seek opportunities.

This thorny boy can't judge the timing of the battle.

"The Fireball Rat's physical strength is simply not enough to use sparks!"

In the next second, the owner of Jucaoye on the other side, a boy with a short hair, said the same words as Ye Tong, and shouted calmly:
"Chrysanthemum Leaf, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

The three leaves flew towards the Fireball Mouse and easily knocked down the Fireball Mouse.

Yo, this guy can do it.

Ye Tong showed a surprised expression, and was about to look again, only to find that after Ju Caoye won the victory, the light instantly enveloped it, obviously the victory made Ju Caoye reach the threshold of evolution.

The surprise in his eyes was even worse. When he went to the arena, he saw the thorn-headed boy watching the chrysanthemum leaf evolve, and said unwillingly: "Hmph, you are lucky this time, I will definitely win next time!"

After all, the thorn-headed boy ran past Ye Tong, holding the poke ball tightly in his hand.

"Wait for you!" The flat-haired boy replied, his eyes shifted to the chrysanthemum leaves that were evolving in front of him, showing an excited expression.

"The chrysanthemum leaf has evolved." Ye Tong squatted next to the short-haired boy, and said with anticipation.

The short-haired boy turned his head and glanced at Ye Tong, seeing that he looked about the same age as him, he nodded with a smile.

After a while, Chrysanthemum Leaf evolved, and her body became much bigger. It seemed that she had some power.

"Bay leaf, combat power 313, level 16."

This chrysanthemum leaf is not bad. At the beginning, when Lao Peng had just evolved into a fire dinosaur, it seemed that his combat power was only 348. It should be an elf with super attributes.

"Bay leaves are very powerful, you need to train hard." Ye Tong encouraged the boy with short hair, and Ye Tong stood up, ready to slip away.

A Su told himself that the city of Kikyo would be up after 12 o'clock, and if he didn't find a hotel at this late night, he could only sleep on the street.

"Hey, wait a minute."

The boy with the flat head stopped Ye Tong.

"Huh?" Ye Tong turned his head, showing a puzzled expression.

"Would you like to have a trainer battle?" The flat-haired boy showed a fighting spirit on his face, pointing at the bay leaf and said, "My bay leaf is very strong."

"Bay leaf, isn't it?"


Bayleaf raised her head proudly when she heard what the flat-haired boy said.

"You want to challenge me?" Ye Tong showed a strange expression.

"That's right." The short-haired boy nodded, glanced at Ye Tong's empty waist, and then seemed to understand, "Oh, you haven't become a trainer yet."

"It's not that you haven't become a trainer." Ye Tong shook his head, and took out a poke ball from his bag.

"Then why don't you accept my challenge?" the flat-haired boy asked, "Are you afraid of losing to me?"

"It's not scary."

Ye Tong laughed dumbfounded, looked at the flat-haired boy in front of him, and asked, "Do you want to become a powerful trainer?"

"Yes, my dream is to become a strong trainer and win the regional championship!" The short-haired boy said excitedly, "What about you?"

"I also want to become a powerful trainer." Ye Tong smiled.

"Then accept my challenge!" the flat-headed boy said again, "Let's work together to become a strong trainer!"

"That's it..." Ye Tong nodded thoughtfully, "All right, then I accept your challenge."

"Go, fire-breathing dragon."


The 57-level 3300 combat power old spray appeared, and its huge body immediately occupied one-third of the street, attracting everyone's attention.

The roar instantly drove the wind to blow the bay leaf and the boy with a flat head several steps away.

"This, is this your elf?"

The flat-headed boy looked at the huge fire-breathing dragon beside Ye Tong, and said in disbelief.

"That's right." Ye Tong nodded, looking at the flat-haired boy, he seemed to hear a crisp sound of glass shattering.

Oh, the sound of heartbreak.

"I lost." The flat-haired boy silently put away the bay leaf, turned his head and left.

He has only seen this kind of fire-breathing dragon on TV. Others at his age already have such an elf, and they say they will become some kind of powerful trainer...

Fuck him dream!

"Hey, don't go." Ye Tong shouted twice with a smile, seeing that the crew cut boy didn't look back, he blinked at Lao Jie.


The old spray understood, and fell from the sky in the next second, blocking the face of the short-haired boy.

The short-haired boy was startled, took several steps back, and fell to the ground.

Ye Tong slowly came in front of the crew-cut boy, gave him a condescending look, and threw out an identification medal.

"I am this year's Quartz Champion, and I am also Ye Tong of the Rockets. If you really want to become a strong trainer, you can go to Jihua City to have a look."

The short-haired boy caught the medal, glanced at the bald medal, raised his head and was about to ask, but found that Ye Tong had disappeared.

He got up quickly, but he couldn't see Ye Tong.

"Go to Jihua City...to become a powerful trainer?"

Looking at the medal, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon appeared again in his mind, and a flame slowly ignited in the eyes of the flat-haired boy.

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