Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 263 There is a legend about Xiaozhi

"The president should call me Ye Tong." Ye Tong scratched his head and sat down.

"Haha, there are still rules, do as the Romans do." Damaranch replied, looked at Ye Tong with some emotion and said: "Your demeanor is even better than your father's back then."

"Where is it, the president has praised you." Ye Tong waved his hand, the two of them said a few words of courtesy, and watched the next game together.

However, it was obvious that everyone present was not focused on the competition. The Four Heavenly Kings and many Heavenly King-level powerhouses naturally looked down on this kind of small fight, and at best they just wanted to watch the competition of their own juniors.

The time of the competition has become the time for many family guilds and chambers of commerce to negotiate and negotiate. Especially when a disciple of a certain family appears on the stage, he will be praised by other families.

It’s just that there is a hidden dragon list, and this kind of flattery has become more like “Your child is ranked 23rd in the hidden dragon list, it’s amazing.” “Your child is ranked 9th, the future is promising.” Such words up.

And Yi Nengwu, who are at the top of the power in Chengdu, are also patiently listening to the opinions and politeness of representatives from many places. After all, it is an annual conference, which is still very rare.

Ye Tong chatted with Damalanqi one after another. As an association that is responsible for competitions in various regions, Damalanky has a wide range of knowledge and vision. Many of the things that Ye Tong said were related to Ye Tong. know something.

Of course, most of them are miscellaneous news, and there is not much important information for Ye Tong to know.

"That, it should be the trainer from the same town as you." Suddenly, Damaranch pointed to the competition venue and said.

Ye Tong followed Damalanqi's fingers, and at a glance, he saw Xiaozhi entering the arena.

Looking at the familiar Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, Ye Tong smiled.

"Yes, his name is Xiaozhi, and he is a very talented trainer."

"Well, I know." Damaranch nodded and said with a smile, "He has grown a lot since he was in Kanto."

Ye Tong nodded upon hearing this, "It has indeed grown a lot."

That Pikachu already has more than 2500 combat power, but its level is only 51. Not surprisingly, it will soon become a false king elf.

"It's just that his match might be a bit more difficult." Ye Tong said thoughtfully after glancing at Xiaozhi's opponent.

Xiaomeng and Chunyi are both top-ranked trainers on the Qianlong list, and their strengths are considered good, but Xiaozhi is no exception now, and only Pikachu should be stronger in his hands.

Sure enough, the match started soon, between Xiaozhi and his two opponents.

In the first match against Xiaomeng, Xiaozhi fell into a hard fight. At the point of using the fire attribute to be restrained by the water attribute spirit, he used two water spirits, Jenny Turtle and Little Saw Alligator, but was used by the opponent. The electric shock beast defeated one after another, and finally chose Dunjia to fight against the electric shock beast, and was almost pierced by three.

In the second game, Xiao Meng defeated Chun Yi, and in the third game, Xiao Zhi and Chun Yi tied.

As in the original plot, in this two-hour round-robin knockout match, Xiao Zhi narrowly qualified by one point.

"Little Zhi, it seems that he still needs to continue to learn about the ability to master elves." After watching the game, before Ye Tong could speak, Damalanqi said ahead of time.

"Well, indeed." Ye Tong also nodded, Xiaozhi is obviously still stuck in the most elementary way of restraining beasts with elf attributes. In the first round against Xiaomeng, using Pikachu, the difference in combat power of up to 1000 is enough Let it ignore the attributes to crush Xiaomeng's first two elves, and let Pikachu lose to the three-in-one magnet monster in the third round is even more outrageous.

It's impossible for Pikachu to lose against it, my God, you let it lose, it's just like playing a counterfeit match.

"Actually, his competition shouldn't be so difficult. That Pikachu seems to be very special." Perhaps seeing Ye Tong's thoughts, Damalan said leisurely: "That boy may not know his elf It's strong enough."

Damalanqi's words suddenly awakened Ye Tong and made his eyes light up.

Not everyone has the same system as me that can directly see the combat power of elves. Xiaozhi may have always thought that Pikachu was not strong enough, and his own training and command skills were not enough, so it seemed that Pikachu was sometimes strong and sometimes very weak.

After all, the strength of the elves is not only related to themselves, but also related to the trainers who get along with them day and night and direct their own trainers. Fang Tian painted a halberd weighing several hundred catties and gave it to Pan Feng. Gilded Lu Bu!

In other words, Pikachu is growing very fast, and Xiaozhi has not yet grown to the level of Pikachu that can control this level, resulting in unstable performance. In many cases, he cannot display Pikachu's combat effectiveness.

A skin god with a combat power of 2500 can sometimes defeat an elf with a combat power of 2500 or even higher, and sometimes loses to an elf with a combat power of less than 1500, which is why!
In other words, it is very likely that Pikachu has already grown very strong in the original plot. Those famous scenes that ignore the restraint of attributes and even leapfrog beasts are just the real strength of Pikachu that Xiaozhi occasionally displays?

"?" After thinking about this point, Ye Tong said immediately, which shocked Damalan Qi beside him.

"What's the matter with you, Little Leaf King?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Tong waved his hands quickly, and suddenly thought of something, he turned his head and said to Damalan strangely: "President Damaran, you seem to be paying attention to Xiaozhi?"

"Hmm." Unexpectedly, Damaranch did not deny it, but nodded.

"To be honest, I came to watch the Silver Conference this time because of this trainer named Xiaozhi." Damaran wondered.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Ye Tong showed a surprised expression.

Seeing Ye Tong's expression, Damalanqi smirked, and then said: "To tell you the truth, King Ye should know about the incident that King Feng appeared outside Zhenxin Town two years ago, right?"

"I know, what's the matter?" Ye Tong replied, and then he was taken aback suddenly.

In the first episode of the plot, Xiaozhi met Feng Wang when he left Zhenxin Town.

"It is rumored that because of the fire caused by a war, King Feng was disappointed with human beings. Since then, he has inhabited the sky of the whole world and is looking for a trainer with a pure heart in order to completely end the human war." On the side, Damaranch said with emotion He said: "According to this rumor, the final deduction is that only when there is a trainer with a pure heart, the Phoenix King will appear."

"Well...and then?" Ye Tong nodded.

"This inference has always been favored by Alola's Council of Elders, so after hearing the news of the appearance of King Feng, they sent me to Kanto to watch the Quartz Conference, hoping to find this trainer with a pure heart." Damaran Qi replied.

"You think it's Xiaozhi?" Ye Tong asked.

Damalanchi shook his head, "Not sure, Dr. Oki's nephew is also possible, but he didn't participate this time, which is a pity."

Ye Tong didn't speak, just stared at Damaranch.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and after a few seconds, Damaranch came to his senses and said with a smile: "Of course, King Xiaoye is also possible, but King Feng is a creature that has lived for many years and has a good memory. Father's deeds, Phoenix King should not appear because of you...so the higher ups excluded you."

"What is my father's deeds excluding me, it's just farting." Ye Tong also gargled and smiled, his stupefied just now was not because of this.

He knew very well that if this was the case, then that trainer must be Xiao Zhi. He had been in Guandu for two years, not to mention Feng Wang, and he hadn't even seen Feng Wang's hair except for Feng Wang Zhihuo.

After all, Xiao Zhi is the protagonist of the original plot. Although he has not grown up yet, he is also a character who can subdue the beast in the future.

I have a system, and I have changed many things, but there are still many things that will not change. Xiaozhi still set off and got Pikachu.

"Let's talk..." Thinking of this, Ye Tong scratched his head, turned to Damalan and said curiously: "President Damalan, this trainer with a pure heart, does it have any special meaning?"

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