Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 417 The Mysterious Old Man


As if hearing Ye Tong's call, the little Kabimon raised the fairy wand.

On the other side, Cai Zhong also showed a serious expression, "Grass seedling turtle, use the flying leaf knife!"


The grass seedling tortoise shook its head, and the flying leaves charged towards the little Kabymon like a sharp blade at an extremely fast speed.

"Little Snorkel, move to the right." Ye Tong ordered accurately, but the reaction of the little Snorkel was a beat slower. When it moved, it had already been hit by Fei Ye.


The flying leaf hit the little Kabymon but it didn't go deep. The thick fur of the little Kabymon seemed to block the attack very easily.

At this stage, the lethality of the grass seedling turtle is not strong. Relying on its own defense, the little Kabymon did not suffer much damage.

Seeing this scene, Cai Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then ordered again, "Grass Miaogui, fight melee!"


As soon as the words fell, the tortoise in front of Cai Zhong quickly rushed towards the little Kabymon.

The speed is so fast that it is even comparable to Hackron at the same stage.

"Use Shock!"

The tortoise shrank its head quickly, kicked its legs, and hit the little Kaby like a spinning cake.

"Little Snorkel, use..." Ye Tong ordered, before the voice fell, the grass seedling turtle had already bumped into the little Snorkel.

This time the attack knocked the little Kabimon into a stagger, Ye Tong was about to fight back, but the grass seedling turtle moved quickly again.

Immediately afterwards, several counterattacks failed to hit, but the little Snorkel was attacked several times.

Seeing the tortoise moving around at high speed like a spinning top, Ye Tong was startled.

"This fucking, is it a turtle?"

"King Xiaoye, don't underestimate me." On the opposite side, Cai Zhong giggled, "My tortoise is very fast."

Saying that, the tortoise used the impact again, this time, it directly knocked the little Snorkel to the ground.

Ye Tong watched this scene, and clicked on the information panel of the little Snorby.

In the skill column, there are only four skills.

Sleep, snore, yawn, sleep talk.

"Hiss, should I hit him on the head?"

Ye Tong took a breath, looked at the little Kirby who was constantly being suppressed in the field, and showed a helpless expression.

I am a three-time champion, I won't lose to a pavilion owner who uses grass seedlings in this way in this kind of place.

Watching the situation closely, Ye Tong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Little Snorkel, use sleep."

The voice fell, and in the field, the little Snorkelling, who was a little anxious, suddenly stopped moving, hugged the fairy wand, and fell to the ground.

In three seconds, close your eyes and fall asleep, all in one go.

On the opposite side, Cai Zhong was stunned for a moment, looking at the little Kirby who had entered a sleep state, for a moment, he didn't even know what Ye Tong was doing.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Caizhong waved his hand, "Grass Miaogui, use the shock!"


The grass seedling turtle turned into a flying cake again, but this time, Ye Tong didn't wait to die, but waved:
"Little Snorkel, snore."


In the arena, thunderous snores sounded. This time, the tortoise's attack was unsuccessful. As an elf, it seemed to resist the snoring of the little Snorkelling, showing a distressed expression.

"Grass seedling turtle, use bite!" Seeing this scene, Cai Zhong ordered again.

In the arena, although the tortoise who heard the order resisted a little, it still walked towards the little Kaby, with its mouth open and its sharp teeth showing.

"Little Snorkel, talk in your sleep!" Ye Tong's order sounded at this moment, and suddenly, the little Snorkel made a sound.


With this loud cry, the tortoise, which was about to use its bite, was startled, and jumped eight feet away in a jerk.

"Ula Ula, Ula, Ulala..."

In the arena, the little Snorkel turned over and muttered frantically in its own language.

Looking at the tortoise in the distance who didn't want to continue to attack at all, Cai Zhong was stunned again.

And such fighting skills?
Looking at Ye Tong, coincidentally, Ye Tong also showed a smile, and said with a smile: "The owner of the Vegetable Seed Shop, the skills of the elves have a lot of knowledge."

Hearing Ye Tong's words, Cai Zhong was a little unconvinced, looking at the little Kaby who was still talking, slowly, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"King Xiaoye, I told you, you underestimate me."

The voice fell, Cai Zhong waved violently.

"Grass seedling turtle, absorbing a million tons!!"

After the voice fell, Ye Tong's face changed suddenly. The 18th-level grass seedling turtle has mastered a million tons of absorption!

In the arena, upon hearing this order, the tortoise immediately jumped in front of the little Snorkelling. Although its expression was uncomfortable, it soon bent down.

The light condensed, and dozens of tentacles-like rays grew out of it, and then quickly connected to the little Snorkel.

Immediately afterwards, in the light, there seemed to be some energy that was transmitted from the body of the little snail to the tortoise.

This is a million tons of absorption, a powerful but easily interrupted skill in the grass system.

But just at this time, the little Snorkel was in a sleep state and could not interrupt the million tons of absorption.

"I lost." Seeing this scene, Ye Tong showed a helpless expression, and was about to wave his hand to admit defeat, when suddenly, the little Kabimon raised the fairy wand.

It seems that because of absorption, the little Snorkel recalled the feeling of being bitten by mosquitoes in the hotel, raised the fairy wand high, and slapped the tortoise.


This sound hit right on the head of the tortoise that couldn't move when it was absorbed by a million tons.

The air was still, and the million tons of absorption was interrupted instantly, and then, the tortoise staggered and fell down.

Having dealt with the tortoise, the little Kabimon took the fairy stick back into his arms, turned around, and at the same time, picked his butt.


The snoring sounded again, Cai Zhong watched this scene and fell silent.

After a while, Cai Zhong looked at Ye Tong, "I lost."

"Ah, this is not the first round, you still have..."

"No, I'm not coming." Cai Zhong said, looking at the little Snorkelling, "My mentality has collapsed."

"Well, that's so embarrassing."

Ye Tong smiled awkwardly, walked over, picked up the little Kaby, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Killing a big turtle in a dream, strong Mr. Ka.

"This is your medal." Cai Zhong walked over and handed out the medal to Ye Tong.

It can be seen that Cai Zhong's mood is a little low, and his defense is broken by the powerful Sleeping Arhat Fairy stick technique by the little Kabimon.

"Oh, thank you." Ye Tong took the medal, looked at the vegetables, and comforted him: "Actually, you should have won."

"But I just lost." Cai Zhong said, glanced at Ye Tong, and said in a very low voice.

"Now I have to have someone to have dinner with and watch a movie with me."

"Good guy, you wait here for me!"


Half an hour later, Ye Tong, who had left his autograph, a hot photo, and a verbal promise at EMI Hall, finally opened the door.

"This vegetable is really a fanatic."

Thinking of Cai Zhong taking out dozens of photos of himself from various places from the drawer just now, Ye Tong felt a little lingering in his heart.

Good guy, luckily I still have a conscience and was not tempted by beauty.

"King Xiaoye, you finally came out." Just as Ye Tong was thinking about it, suddenly, a voice rang out.

Ye Tong looked up, the street in front of him was empty.

This scene immediately made Ye Tong feel a little nervous, and the thing that was almost blocked by a sword came to mind.

Holding the elf ball in his hand, Ye Tong asked in a deep voice:


"it's me."

When the voice sounded, Ye Tong turned his head sharply, only then did he see an old man leaning against the wall behind him, and beside him stood a sword more than one meter long.

"You are?" Looking at the old man, Ye Tong showed a puzzled expression.

"It's just an old man."

The old man replied, looked at Ye Tong, looked up and down, and said:
"It's King Xiaoye. I heard from a blacksmith on Mengsi Island that you are known as a legend."

After saying a word, the old man nodded to himself.

"It seems that there is some ability."

"I'm sorry, senior..." Ye Tong nodded, and was about to ask a question, when suddenly, a sharp aura rose from the old man in front of him.

This momentum, like a sky-shattering sword, soared up, as if it was going to tear the entire sky apart.

Ye Tong was startled, and the old man's voice sounded.

"The shadow of the sword master fell into the water, please enlighten me!"

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