Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 575 This is the real way


Hearing Ye Tong's question, unexpectedly, there was a confused expression on the man's face.

After a while, the man shook his head and spoke lightly.

"Maybe the Tao was me, or maybe I was the Tao."

"Good guy really."

Ye Tong got the answer and swallowed.

Damn, I just wanted to take a Kyurem, and then try to see if I can combine it into Dao, but I punched it, and Dao came out directly.

Just this illusory reality, which can change in the blink of an eye, isn't it easy to handle me.

Didn't Senior Shadow say that it was split? Was it split?

This is really bad luck. His mother opened the door for bad luck, and bad luck got home.

"Today I wanted to see some ancient secrets, but I didn't intend to break the senior's seal and disturb the senior's rest. This junior feels guilty." Ye Tong cupped his hands and said quickly, "Today's matter is all disturbed by the junior, so I will leave and don't disturb the senior. rest."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tong turned his head, ready to run away without saying a word.

"You don't need to be too afraid, I have no malice towards you." Seemingly seeing Ye Tong's thoughts, looking at Ye Tong's back running back, the man said again lightly, "I am not real, There is no threat to your safety."

"Not real."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Tong stopped.

"Damn, senior, you should have said earlier, you scare me so much..."

"Although I am not a real body, I still have the power to change reality and ideals." The man spoke, his red lips parted slightly, with a touch of chill, "If you are angry, it will be no problem to kill God."


Ye Tong: "Bad! Senior's demeanor is really admirable to me. I have disturbed you too much today, so I will leave now."

"You can't leave, your elf broke my seal and released the only remaining domain enchantment." The voice sounded again, "If I don't let you leave, you will never be able to leave."

Ye Tong: "..."


In Sanyo City, in that luxurious coffee shop, Flame Soul was still drinking coffee there as usual.

On the side, something similar to a disc was placed on the table, and there was a pointer on the disc, which was rotating.

There is no fixed direction, from directly above to directly below, 360-degree random rotation.

It would look like a clock if it wasn't for the hour hand.

There is a shadow beside the disc, and there are two cups of coffee on the coffee table.

"Flame Soul, King Xiaoye is back." A gloomy voice sounded from the seat in front of Yuanpan, "The council has issued a reward for him."

"As soon as it is released, it will be released. In Hezhong, can someone kill King Xiaoye?" Flame Soul didn't care about the content of that voice.

"What I said is that King Xiaoye is back." The voice sounded again, seemingly dissatisfied, "Our plan may have changed."

"Change? How?" Flame Soul asked back, seemingly disdainful, "You and I have both been to the Giant's Cave. The barrier there was left by Tao himself. Who would dare to break it unless it was lifted naturally?"

"People in the plasma team and the temple know that place, but who went there? Except for us who have the breath of black and white dragons, there is no way for others to enter."

"I saw the seal, and the seal will be lifted within three months at the most. At that time, you and I will naturally have Kyurem in our pocket."

"A seamless plan, just be patient."

Listening to Yanhun's words, the shadow remained silent, as if he gave up asking again.

Loudly! !

However, at this moment, suddenly, the disk in front of him began to vibrate violently, and the long pointer on the disk suddenly turned strangely counterclockwise.

Immediately afterwards, the pointer pointed to the northeast direction, and the disc was still vibrating violently. The moment the pointer stopped, suddenly, the entire disc exploded.


The disc exploded into a jumble of fragments.

Everyone in the hall was startled, and they all looked at Flame Soul in the corner.

And Yanhun looked at Yuanpan, who was still trembling even if the table was broken into pieces, and finally showed a horrified expression on his usually calm face.

"Kurem, wake up!"

"Someone broke the seal left by Tao!"


"I said big brother, look at you, you won't let me go, and you won't let me stay, what exactly do you want me to do?"

In that unique space, after trying many times, Ye Tong, who finally confirmed that he could not leave, finally gave up struggling, sat down on the ground, looked at Dao in the distance, and made a sound.

"Otherwise, you'd chop me up with a knife, and you'd just leave me here without saying a word. I really can't stand it."

I have to say that Ye Tong was really in a hurry at the moment. According to Dao, the seal was opened, and Kyurem had already woken up.

The situation in the Hezhong is chaotic. Quecchi wants to fight for Kyurem. There are two black and white dragons in the temple, and they definitely want to fight for Kyurem.

He took the risk to open the seal in order to take Kyurem away first.

That's good, the Dao didn't say anything else, he just locked himself here, and he didn't say why, anyway, he locked him up and wouldn't let him go.

"Damn it, let me watch you change everything here..."

Looking at Ye Tong who seemed to have become irritable, a smile appeared on Dao's face, and finally, he spoke.

"In my impression of you, you are a very calm person, with a mind far beyond the composure of ordinary people."

"I'm not calm now." Ye Tong replied, looked at him, and seemed to have come to his senses.

Could it be that Tao also came back from the future?
"Still calm." Dao said, ignoring Ye Tong's suspicion, and continued: "It's just that now, you have learned to hide."

"You have hidden your wisdom and calmness in your superficial impetuousness and uninhibitedness."

"You are still willing to protect this world, but now you have to be more determined and gradually understand why you want to protect this world."

"Hiss." Hearing the words of the Tao, Ye Tong took a breath, this Tao can penetrate people's hearts.

Penetrating people's hearts, damn it, doesn't N just have such abilities...

"Senior Dao, just tell me directly, you left me here, what exactly do you want me to do." Putting away the hippie on his face, Ye Tong turned serious.

In the face of such a person, no matter how much gossip is said, it is useless. Instead of doing this, it is better to get straight to the point and directly get the result that both parties want.

"What I want you to do is not complicated." Dao shook his head, still looking at Ye Tong, "Do you want to subdue Kyurem?"

"Yes." Ye Tong didn't deny it, he broke the seal for Kyurem.

"If you have a chance in the future, will you still work hard to get Zekrom and Lacey Ram, and find a way to make them three in one?" Dao said again.

"This..." Ye Tong hesitated, looked at him and said, for a moment, he didn't know whether to speak or not.

Originally, that was absolutely what he wanted, but after seeing Dao with his own eyes, Ye Tong hesitated.

How fucking fierce is this, really close him out, will you listen to yourself?

"Your thinking is right." Dao said, staring at Ye Tong with a hint of deepness in his eyes, "My request to you is also very simple, don't try to merge them again to wake me up."

"It's okay...Eh? Isn't it?"

Ye Tong was startled, "Why? Don't you really want to come back?"

"Do not want to."

"I left the seal just to tell the person who got Kyurem about it. Even if the seal disappears, my thoughts will still remain."

With an affirmative answer, he turned around, and then, a long sigh seemed to resound throughout the whole world.

"I'm tired of the struggles and contradictions of all things. I once chose to divide myself, and that's why."

"I am all things, I belong to all things, and I am the real me."

"Or, this is the real way."

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