"Grumble rumble..."

The sound is from far to near.

The sound of water bubbles is very small.

It is almost impossible to detect it with the human ear alone!
However, they couldn't escape Chen Xuan's powerful arrogance.

Slowly, the water bubble in the sea is getting closer and closer to the raft!
The sound was getting louder and louder, and even the bubbles were getting bigger and bigger, like spring water, gurgling up and down, less than two meters away from Chen Xuan.

At this time, the people in the live broadcast room were the ones who discovered it.

*ah?What's the sound of gurgling? *
* Nautical mile!There is something in the sea! ! ! *
*I Cao!It must be a creature from the forbidden land again!Chen Xuan run! ! *
*No way!This is just picked up the baby ah!Just encountered a forbidden land creature again? *
*ah! !That thing is coming up! *

The sea is surging!

A huge spider-like thing sprang out from the bottom of the sea all of a sudden!
【Ding!Chen Xuan, a player from the Dragon Kingdom, discovered forbidden creatures. 】

[Name: Full King Crab (F+ Grade Creature)]

[Details: It has eight thick thighs, which can stretch up to five meters. The hardness of the leather shell is comparable to steel, and it is indestructible. Two huge crab claws can break elephant bones, carnivorous animals! 】

(Forbidden land biological classification: F-level, E-level, D-level, C-level, B-level, A-level, S-level...)
*Hold the grass!Hold the grass!Hold a big grass!What a big king crab! ! *
*This king crab is more than one meter high, three meters wide, and has ten legs!It must taste delicious! *
*God is so delicious!Foodie upstairs, when is this, are you still thinking about it? *
*fragrant?In the eyes of the king crab, you are much more fragrant than it! *
*It's over!Are we going to follow in the footsteps of the Great American Country? *
*GOOD!That deep-sea Bilian is obviously better than our Joe Jack's stuff!die!Die fast!Let you also experience the thrill of exploding equipment! *
*He's at sea now!I see how he still runs!The country of rice sent a congratulatory message!Celebrate the first death of the Dragon Kingdom in advance! **
*Have you run out of luck? !There is a prize quiz!Let's guess how many pieces this big crab will divide this little fresh meat from Longguo? *
*Go to your grandma's!Can you please shut up! *
*Chen Xuan!Danger! ! !run! ! *
I saw that full-fledged king crab had already jumped onto the raft where Chen Xuan was!
Fortunately, the raft is big enough to prevent it from being sunk directly.

The full king crab let out a sharp and terrifying roar, and two huge pincers more than three meters long were showing off their might in the air!
"Chen Xuan! What, what should we do?"

Bingbing's face turned pale with fright!
Now Chen Xuan is not on land, but at sea!
There is no going back!

"Last time I tore a crocodile with my hands, to be honest! If it were me, I would not be the opponent of this king crab!"

Grandpa Pei took a deep breath.

Majestic's face turned blue and white, "Estimatedly, even bullets can't break through its ten-centimeter-thick crab shell! This time I'm afraid..."

"Is it really over this time?"

Seeing helplessness, Bingbing's tears fell to the ground.

Zhuang Yan, Mr. Pei, Liu Mou and a group of experts all shook their heads in frustration.

They couldn't help but think of the death penalty in "Mound Country" and "Rice Country"!

Either death, or a natural disaster!
None of them are what they want to see!

Just at this juncture!
"Wow! Ho! Ho Ho Ho..."

The little guy next to him exploded all over his body, showing an unprecedented ferocity!
"Wang Wang Wang!"



The voice was sharp, with an extremely ferocious growl!
That full king crab was stunned!It seems to have seen something terrifying!

The ten legs shrank together at once!
Two eyeballs the size of goose eggs, like a child who has done something wrong, look left and right.

At last……

Jumped into the water and ran...


* Grass grip? !Hold the grass? !Ran? !Still have this kind of operation? ! *
*God!Actually scared all the king crabs away? !Lord Dog is invincible!Hahaha. *
* Nima!This unscientific!This puppy is about the size of that crab's eyeball!How did you do it? ! *
*No way...it's all right!Is the Dragon Kingdom bought and hung up?Can this save a life? *
Dragon country live broadcast room.

Zhuang Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"President Qin, you are an authority in biology, what do you think?"

Zhuang Yan looked at Qin Baichuan and asked.

Qin Baichuan, an expert professor, was about to drop his jaw in shock!
How can he see it?
He sits and watches!

A small dog the size of a palm scared away a super king crab that was four to five meters in size!

Who can believe this? !

However, since the camera was already aimed at him, he could only adjust his glasses, and said with no idea: "Maybe, it might be a racial issue! For example, no matter how big a mouse is, it will be scared away when it sees a cat!"

"But, the difference is too big! One is five centimeters, the other is five meters! There is no reason to be afraid!!"

Master Pei replied with a wry smile.

"This..." Qin Baichuan was at a loss. He realized that his research on animals for so many years was in vain.

Adventure movie screenwriter "Liu Mou" slapped his thigh and said, "It must be level suppression! The velvet dog is an E-level creature, and this full-fledged king crab is an F+! If you see it, you must run away!"

"Oh, I see!"

Everyone suddenly realized!
After getting the answer, the camera moved away.

Like a curious kitten, Bingbing quietly asked: "But the tiger-toothed wolf last time was also rated F+! That little guy's deterrence doesn't work against it at all, what's going on!"

"Say a few words less."


All king crabs receded.

I thought the danger was lifted!
But that little guy still has his hair blown all over his body!

The voice continued to growl, looking in one direction vigilantly!
From the beginning to the end, Chen Xuan ignored the king crab!
It also did not use the "overlord color" domineering that is basically not used to deter the full king crab.

It's not that the little guy scared the other party away!
It was another guy who made all king crabs flee in a hurry.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

swoosh swish...

The sea exploded!

A few kilometers away, a huge thing, like a torpedo, galloped towards Chen Xuan and the others crazily!

A real threat has emerged!

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