Fortune of Nations: Start as Hawkeye Mihawk

Chapter 69 Bingbing's Wife Is Too Sassy

However, the beast tide is still a long way from here.

Chen Xuan didn't care too much, he was still chopping vegetables, and cooking with the little girl warmly.

*What the hell!Father Xuan didn't find out at all! ! *
*It's over, it's over, it's over! !Father Xuan was unprepared!This matter is in big trouble! *
*that whoever!quick!Send a reminder to Father Xuan! *
Reminded by the audience, Chen Zhengxing acted quickly.


"Damn! The reminder function is still cooling down!"

Chen Zhengxing was so angry that he slapped the mouse to pieces!
Everyone else in the studio also frowned.

"I didn't expect these foreigners to be so despicable!"

Liu Mou gritted his teeth in hatred.

Yi Shangtian was in a hurry: "Xiao Liu! This is..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Baichuan scolded angrily, "These bastards only play tricks!"

"Old Qin, don't say a few words! This is..."

"Professor Yi, what are you doing? Aren't you angry?" Bingbing clenched her fists and said angrily, "These foreigners joined forces to deal with Chen Xuan! They even attacked the little girl before! This kind of People use despicable and shameless means, they are simply animals!!"

"That, Miss Bingbing..."

At this time, Wei Dong reminded Bingbing to look ahead.

Only then did everyone realize that the camera was pointing at them!
The directors on the other side of the glass window are all stupid!
Who would have thought that in this live broadcast room with billions of people, a group of guests from the Dragon Kingdom would scold the international players regardless of their nationality!

The live broadcast room has already been blown up, and they all give them thumbs up!

Of course, many foreigners were very angry and clamored to sue the host and guests of Longguo!
Seeing that the words had already been broadcast live, Bingbing simply let go and said, "You want to sue? Then sue! I'm going to quit this job! I want to say it too! Your group of players are a bunch of despicable and shameless bed bugs!"

World uproar!

The Longguo live broadcast room instantly boiled.

*Hold the grass!Bingbing wife is too sassy! ! *
*LOVE LOVE LOVE!I want to see who dares to fire my Bingbing wife! *
*What the hell are you supposed to fire?What sentence did my Bingbing wife say wrong? *
*The dogs in foreign countries are only allowed to do some animal things, why don't we say a few words? *
*FUCK!You guys from the Dragon Kingdom!Actually cover up!The dignified official media host actually insulted us like this!We are going to the United States to sue you! ! *
*Go to Dragon Kingdom first!Let Longguo dismiss these people! ! *
Soon, countless complaint letters were sent across the ocean to the mailbox of the highest relevant department in Longguo.

However, these emails were ignored on the spot!
Even the staff didn't even look at it, just clicked select all and delete!

The leader even drank coffee leisurely in the back, not taking it seriously at all!
They are even still studying whether to award Bingbing the title of best host of the year this year.

How could the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom help a group of brazen foreigners to punish an excellent host of the Dragon Kingdom?
Seeing that the complaint against Longguo was fruitless, a group of foreigners wrote a letter of complaint to the United Nations.

There are even many high-level foreign officials who have directly approached the United Nations and demanded an apology from Longguo in the name of human rights.

As a result, he was directly rejected by the high-level officials of the United States, and they cursed in private.

"Are you idiots? The Dragon Kingdom is now the largest country in the world! Sue them? Are you suing?"

"Are you able to beat them economically? Or can you beat them with your fists? They have oil and cannons, you have a hair!"

"If you still want your country to have a place in the world, I advise you to apologize to Long Guo immediately!"

After getting these replies, those gringos are going crazy!


The Dragon Kingdom is now different from the past!

No matter what level it is, you can directly beat other countries!

Even the country of Rice, once the largest country in the world, is now a younger brother in front of the Dragon Kingdom!

Sue them?
What an international joke!

Seeing Bing Bing and other guests still in the live broadcast room, a group of foreigners were simply blown away.

The Dragon Kingdom shielded it, but the United States let it go, and even asked them to apologize!

This f*ck can really piss people off!

But there is no way!

What can they do?

One of the current Long Kingdom people can beat ten of them!
They only dare to say hi on the Internet!

*Wait!Now you can be proud!Wait for our Joe Jack to come to your castle with a wave of beasts!Look at how arrogant you are! *
*right!One goes up and down the other, when you guys from the Dragon Kingdom go down, it will be our world!At that time, the world pattern will continue to change! *
*At that time, I would like to ask the United Nations, who the hell is the most powerful country in the world, and who dare not mess with anyone! *
For these remarks, the Dragon Country audience all sneered.

Incompetent people always put their fantasies in a fantasy future.

The strong always dominate the present!

In forbidden land.

Nine people from the ten-member team have arrived at the outskirts of Chen Xuan's castle, lying in the grass and watching the situation of the castle secretly.

"Where did Yamamoto go?"

Smith, Captain of the British Guard, quietly asked Joe Jack.

Joe Jack lowered his voice: "He, he went to attract the beast tide!"

"WTF!? By him?"

"Bruce", the captain of the Enamel Country Special Warfare Brigade, said with a look of surprise.

Joe Jack nodded: "You may not know that Yamamoto is the fastest runner among us! It's perfect for him to attract the beast tide!"

"Don't you have the D+ level skill Quick Shadow Step? Don't you run as fast as Yamamoto?"

Pete looked at Joe Jack curiously.

Joe Jack nodded: "I don't know why, I can't outrun him at all even if I use Shadow Step!"

"That's strange! How can he run so fast?"

"Maybe he has some special talent for running! It's like the ability he has cultivated in running for his life all the year round! He's even more flying than flying people."

Everyone: "."


At this moment, there was a sound of shaking the mountains from behind!

"Senior, open the bag!!! Help! Grab the grass!!"

Accompanied by the sound of the earth trembling and the mountains shaking from the rush of wild beasts, Yamamoto howled like crazy, and ran here!
All nine people were shocked.

"Hold the grass! It really is a flying man! It's faster than the cheetah running in the front! Take it!!"

Yamamoto cried while running: "Help! Help!! Don't watch it!!"

Everyone reacted immediately.

"Brothers, it's time to take revenge on that kid in Longguo!! Come rush with me!!"

With great fanfare, Joe Jack led a group of people rushing towards Chen Xuan's castle.

Feeling the ground trembling, Chen Xuan put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands after eating and drinking, and slowly walked up to the top floor of the castle step by step!
A few kilometers away, below is an endless wave of crazy beasts, rushing towards him.

After Chen Xuan saw it, his face was expressionless, and he didn't panic at all.

The live broadcast room became tense in an instant.

*What is Daddy Xuan going to do? *
*Oh my god, I'm scared to pee through the screen!There are at least seven or eight thousand forbidden land creatures! *
*This is scary!There are so many forbidden land creatures, how can Father Xuan stop them?I'm afraid the whole castle will be smashed to pieces! *
*I think Daddy Xuan still runs with his core, and fights with the beast tide while running, so the chances of winning are greater! *
*Although Father Xuan is very strong, I have to admit that there are too many opponents! *
"Chen Xuan..."

Bingbing also clenched her tender little hands, her peach blossom eyes stared at the screen tightly, extremely nervous.

Chen Xuan was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and slowly pulled out the black knife behind his back.

A burst of electric light crawled across the black knife.

Chen Xuan slowly raised the black knife to the sky.


A thunder flashed across the sky!
Thousands of kilometers of dark clouds were instantly pierced!

The sky is changing color!
Thunder stretches for thousands of miles!

Immediately after the second!
The third way!
Fourth way!
Boom boom boom...

Countless lightning bolts about a hundred miles long exploded in the sky!

From all directions, they all gathered in the sky above Chen Xuan's sword light!
A huge thunder net was formed in the sky centered on Chen Xuan and stretching for thousands of kilometers!
Those who saw this scene were stunned.

What the hell is this? !

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