Rosen began to have a little doubt about him.

In fact, Rosen couldn't be blamed for being suspicious.

The main reason is that people's hearts are separated from their belly, so they can't be easily believed.

So Rosen kept an eye out, and continued: "Yes, but I need to verify the authenticity of the coordinates you said. If the situation is true, I will give you the iron three-piece set."

"Then what should you do if you lie to me?" The man asked another century-old problem.

But before Rosen could answer, he came up with a neutral idea.

"How about this, you come to my territory, give me the resources first, and I will tell you the specific coordinates. If the news is false, you can come back and get it. Anyway, you know my territory, and I can't run away."

"Okay, send me the coordinates of your territory, and I will go there tomorrow."

Rosen readily agreed to his proposal.

With the coordinates of the territory, even if he dared to lie to him, Rosen couldn't even let him run away.

Although he had initially believed what this person said, Rosen still kept his guard in his heart.

The man sent the coordinates, and Rosen looked at it, and found that they were not far away, and the two were only separated by more than ten blocks of fog.

Arranging to meet tomorrow morning, Rosen turned off the private chat message.

The most worrying thing in my heart is finally about to be resolved.

Rosen's mood also began to become smoother.

"Hmm! Others are forming alliances, but I like to go alone. If you want to survive under the torrent of alliances, strengthening your own strength is the hard condition. It's time to start expanding."

Thinking of this, Rosen came to the regional channel again and officially started the second expansion.

"Buy a large number of leaders, and the price is fair. Male leaders 2 iron coins, female leaders 1 iron coin. You can also bring other needs to exchange, and it will be valid for a long time."

After sending this message, Rosen added this sentence to his profile.

In this way, those who see his information can understand his needs, thereby promoting the transaction between the two parties.

As for why iron coins are used to represent the terms of exchange.

That's because iron coins are a must-have item that everyone wants.Necessary for crafting refined iron weapons.

When the lords have no food needs, they will have other needs.

Weapons are becoming the main needs of the protagonist.

As for weapons, refined iron made of iron coins has appeared, so many people lack iron coins.

There are even a lot of people buying iron coins.

Iron coins are gradually becoming the only currency.

Of course, Rosen also traded for those who didn't need iron coins but only needed food and weapons.

However, iron coins are still the main exchange resource.

Because he has a lot of iron coins...

Fill in the information and come back to the regional channel.

At this time, the regional channel completely exploded.

One message after another was scrolling rapidly, making it overwhelming.

"I wipe! It's started again..."

"What started again..."

"That guy named Rosen has started to buy people again..."

"What happened to the acquisition of Lingmin? Many people are buying Lingmin, but now no one is willing to sell."

"Yeah, yeah, the beast tide is over, most of them can kill at least one wild beast, enough to eat for a while, and there are even fewer people who sell their leaders..."

"No, this guy named Rosen gave a very fair price, unlike other lords who kept the price extremely low, causing many people to refuse to sell even though they were in short supply of food."

"Made, I have finally waited for this day. I have hoarded more than 20 people at a low price these days, and I am waiting to sell them at a high price... I will not be able to support them soon..."

For a while, countless private chat messages popped up in Rosen's private chat window.

In a few breaths, the message is 99+.

"Hey, brother, I don't want iron coins, I want weapons, okay?"

"Brother Rosen, I want to sell two vassals, can I exchange them for a set of iron armor?"

Rosen clicked on two messages casually, and ignored the first one at a glance.

He has made it very clear, bring demand to exchange.

If you want to change, just say how much to sell and what you want.

He doesn't have time to chat and fuck these people.

So Rosen ignored the first one and chose to trade with the second person.

The two leaders exchanged for a set of armor.

To be honest, it's still a little expensive.

After all, armor requires a lot of iron to make.

Although Rosen had a lot of resources, he had to bargain a lot in the face of such weapon facilities.

"It's a little expensive. At least three people need to be changed. If you want, you can directly initiate a transaction with me."

Just after finishing speaking, before the page was closed, a transaction request popped up.

It can be seen that the man can't wait.

Open the transaction request, in the transaction space, there are three leaders, and the demand note: 'A set of iron armor. '

Seeing the information, Rosen put in a set of iron armor directly.

Iron armor includes things like helmet gauntlets and boots knee pads.

Rosen's territory already has two hundred sets of armor.

But he still has hundreds of pieces of iron that haven't been boosted.

At that time, hundreds of sets can be produced.

Therefore, Lawson still does not refuse anyone, and he will change any price that is not outrageous.

Because from now on, the citizens will be more valuable and harder to change.

In the early days, human life was worthless because there was no food to eat.But with food, the value of human life soars.

For example, this beast tide is a small improvement.Because most of them have food...

After the transaction is completed, continue to look down.Some people want food, some people want weapons, there are all kinds of needs.

Unlike the first time, everyone was short of food, so they basically needed to eat.And it's cheap, because they can't even afford to support themselves.

Now, there is not much to eat.

Rosen two two, three three acquisitions.I have been receiving a wave of large transactions from more than 20 people in the middle of the morning and at midnight, which cost [-] iron coins and [-] catties of meat.

To Rosen, these resources are nothing but a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

Until now, the information from the private chat was basically read.And Rosen also bought 120 citizens as he wished.

Among the 120 people, there are men and women, and men occupy the majority.

The purchased citizens will be arranged and arranged by the internal affairs, and Rosen does not need to worry about the whole process.

"Huh~ I've been reading the lord's guide all the time, and my eyes are dazzled. It seems that I will come to buy more often in the future, and I only bought this little person once... It's far worse than the first time."

Rosen slowly turned off the lord's guide, and slowly retreated into the bed.

I decided in my heart that I will come to buy a wave every day in the future. It is best to know some human traffickers and buy them all at once.Otherwise, it would be a waste of his energy to deal one by one.


Silent all night.

The next morning.

Rosen was awakened by a rooster crowing.


Although the crowing of the old rooster was not loud, it still reached Rosen's ears in the quiet morning.

This is also one of the disadvantages of the warrior realm, the hearing is too good.

One didn't pay attention, and heard a voice in the distance.

"Go and see if the chickens in the chicken coop have laid eggs. It's been several days. If they haven't laid eggs, just kill them." Luo Sen told Bei Ye Wang while washing his face.

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