When Jugula transformed into the Five Emperor Beasts through the Dark Zeta Sublimator, Rosso, Blue, and Grigio had also transformed into Ultraman Grob through the "concentric ring". The high-level peak strength is upgraded to the multi-level primary combat power.

It is also the strongest fighting force of the Kingdom of Light camp on the Milky Way Nebula against Tartarus.

"Boss, it's so lively here, I wonder if you need my help?"

"Huh? This is the hateful Rob Altman? But it looks a little different."

After seeing the huge light emitted by the "Ultimate Ray of Destruction" here, Lugoset left the previously active battlefield and came to Tartarus.

"Rugset? Hasn't it been wiped out by us, why does it appear here again?"

"I don't know, anyway, this guy can't make any waves, he comes as soon as he comes, the trouble is the guy in front of him who claims to be the ultimate life form."

Tartarus glanced at Rugset, and then said: "It is enough to have me here, you can continue what you should do."


In the face of this multi-level and high-level strength boss, Rugset didn't dare to say no, and immediately continued to line up with those Ultramans who he had already beaten.

the other side of the universe.

SP5 Nebula Ultra Guard Division.

At this moment, Luji Aier's army has overwhelmed the border.

This time, the number of dark lops he carried has reached three hundred.

And the mechanical Ultra Brothers also reached [-].

The original captain of SP5 was Melos.

But because of the war situation, the current captain has been replaced by Jack Altman, who is more prestigious in the Kingdom of Light.

Melos was naturally not upset, because he knew from the news from outsiders that the enemy this time was far from the other legions he had fought against, and was very powerful.

The Kingdom of Light has experience in fighting with him, and has brought a large number of active forces to support him, which is something he can only wish for.

"Report! Captain Melos, Captain Jack, the enemy army is overwhelming!"

The guard at Xingyun's gate immediately ran to the general meeting room and reported the situation.

"Hmph! I know they are ruthless! This time we will make them come and go!"

Jack Altman's hand stroked the Ultra bracelet that Hikari had delivered to him, and the confidence in his heart grew stronger than ever.







"Severn X!"


"Follow me to meet the enemy!"



"You sit in the rear, lead a group of people, and wait for the opportunity!"


After giving the order, Jack led the crowd and hundreds of guards to the front line to fight!

"Dark Lukiel! You are stubborn and sinful, even if you surrender now, we will not accept it!"

Jack Altman scolded angrily.

Hearing Jack's words, Diablo Lugiel seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Surrender! Hahahaha, the word surrender is not in my dictionary. Under the cover of darkness, our soldiers are unstoppable! You guys! Just wait and kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Rampant villain! Take your life!"

Jack Altman heard Lukiel's words and took the lead. He touched the Ultra bracelet with five fingers, and from it, an Ultra javelin appeared, and stabbed fiercely at the dark Lukiel's head.

Not to be outdone, Dark Lukiel flicked the dark spark in his hand, and the dark spark gun suddenly appeared from his hand.

Spears collide!

In mid-air, dazzling sparks bloomed.

"We're going too!"

When Eddie gave an order, the other Otto brothers also rushed forward.

"Eddie kicks!"

Eddie suddenly appeared behind the dark Lugiel, with a huge power of light surging at his heels, and kicked straight towards the dark Lugiel.

At the same time, Justis and Seven X also appeared on the left and right of the dark Lukiel, using "Seven Ice Axe" and "Blade of Light" respectively.

The figures of the two crossed from Lugiel to the left and right, and fierce knife marks appeared on the dark Lugiel's body.

But Lukiel didn't care about the attacks of the other three people at all, and finally took Eddie's flying kick from Eddie Altman.

His big hand firmly clamped Jack, black light surged from his left hand, and dark power poured into his sharp claws.

"Dark Hell Claw!"

Huge scratches roared fiercely towards Jack Altman's body!

Dark Luke Aier, who has experienced many experiences, is now at a higher level in actual combat than before, so this sudden move of Dark Hell Claw is almost the rhythm of killing Jack Altman in seconds.

But Jack Altman has been fighting Shiqian's imperial army for such a long time, so he is naturally not a fool. After all, he came prepared, and it is impossible to foolishly eat all the strength of this hell claw.

He himself deliberately used himself as a bait to create the perfect timing for the other three Ultramans to attack again.

"Ultra Armor!"

Just when the sharp claws were about to scratch his skin, he activated the Ultra bracelet again.

The shiny silver Ultra armor immediately enveloped his body!

It was Hikari who invented the ultimate armor for him!

Since the other party didn't give his armor a name, let's call it Ultra Armor!
The moment Lukiel's sharp claws reached Jack's body, a fierce light burst out from his armor.

This turbulent light energy devoured the dark energy of the dark Lukiel in an instant, and the dark hell claws, which were enough to destroy a planet, couldn't make waves at 01:30 on the opponent's body at all.

Those three slight claw marks were placed on the armor, as if being scratched by a cat's paw, and they were fleeting. This armor actually has a repair function, of course, it is supported by the energy in Jack's body.

"It's now!"

Eddie Altman and his Ultra brothers have fought side by side for so long, and the tacit understanding is not only innate, but at least it can be regarded as a match made in heaven.

This is Dark Lukiel's free time, such a perfect timing, he will naturally not let it go.

He suddenly activated the "Ultra Seal" after Hikari strengthened his abdomen, and the energy in his body became even more majestic after suddenly running for a big circle!

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