"Thanks, Zeta!"


After successfully helping Leo and Astra resolve the crisis, Zeta quickly switched from the "Gamma Future" form to the "Delta Sky Claw", and then summoned Belial Dusk.

As soon as Beria Dusk came on stage, he immediately saw Griza, and said dissatisfiedly to Yaohui: "Hey, Yaohui! You interrupted my rest just to clean up this thing again?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan Yaohui hurriedly apologized to Belial Dusk in Ultraman Zeta's body: "I'm very sorry, but now the Kingdom of Light and the entire multiverse are at stake, we really need your help !"

Beria Dusk: "Kingdom of Light? Multiverse? What do these two have to do with me? Anyway, I am immortal, so am I right? Wait a minute, these two are a multi-level middle-level and a multi-level Elementary battle strength!"

Xia Chuanyaohui saw Belia Dusk's reaction, and knew that if he used this as an entry point, he might be able to persuade it to help, so he hurriedly responded:

"Yeah, they are very strong. One is an immortal body that can absorb superpowers to improve its own strength. Although the other was once defeated by you, Griza has evolved to the final stage now, and his strength is complete. Not the same!"

Beria Dusk: "Interesting, let's cut it and see!"

Xia Chuanyaohui saw that he had finally succeeded in instigating Beria Dusk to agree to play, so he couldn't help shouting with fighting spirit: "Oss!"

Altman Leo looked at the sword with the same head as his enemy Beria, who had an unshakable hatred, even the tone of his speech was almost the same, but at this moment he wanted to fight side by side with it, even though I had already made psychological preparations before, but when things came to an end, I still felt a little uncomfortable.

Ye Fu watched the Ultraman Zeta he had seen for the first time talking nonsense about the sword in his hand, so he turned his head and asked Griza, "No way, this guy can crack it." That new face of your Void Body? You have to compete with it for a long time even to use your own weapon, isn't it outrageous?"

When Griza saw this scene, he immediately felt extremely ashamed, but the facts were the same before, so he had no choice but to respond:
"When I was in Nebula LP372 with Dark Lugiel, I really thought he was a clown when I saw this kid's appearance."

"But his strength should not be underestimated, and after this battle, these Ultra fighters have also improved more or less. I don't know what kind of strength this guy is now."

Yefu: "Then let us wait and see."

After the arrival of the three reinforcements from the Warrior of Light camp, Otto's father arranged a new tactical division according to the current situation. Leo became the main attacker against the leaf rot, and Astra supported and looked for The flaw in Ye Rot's body.

And myself, Aguru and Nexus are responsible for resisting Yefu's offensive against Leo as much as possible, and helping Ultraman Leo relieve the combat pressure when facing Yefu.

As for Griza and the group of monsters, they were naturally handed over to Ultraman Ginga Victory and Ultraman Zeta.

After completing the distribution of the new tactics, Leo approached the leaf rot at a very high speed for a close-to-body bunt. Under the blessing of "combat gloves" and "Ultra boots", he used his superb fighting skills to continuously limit the combat distance between him and himself. .

Astra, who was on the side, kept looking for the flaws of Yefu according to the instructions of Otto's father, and at the same time helped his brother Leo resolve some dangerous attacks made by Yefu.

With Leo Ultraman's superb fighting machine combined with "combat gloves" and "Ultra boots", he can no longer deal with this guy as he did before.

In addition, Astra surrounded him like a fly, Yefu already felt quite uncomfortable, and what was even more irritating was that there were Otto's father and Aguru on the side who were blocking his offensive and launching attacks on him. feint.

With a body that is infinitely similar to a human being at this moment, it is getting more and more aggrieved.

When this kind of grievance finally endured to a breaking point, Yefu exuded an energy shock of multi-level mid-level strength, killing Leo, Astra, Aguru, and Nai except for the father of Ultra. Kesers shook away as far away as possible.

After forcing these annoying flies back, Yefu changed his body back into an incomparably huge posture. Although this action undoubtedly expanded the area of ​​his body to be attacked, it also expanded his offensive range. space.

Under Yefu's sudden change, countless weapons were transformed from all over his body and slashed towards the four annoying Ultra warriors in front of him.

On the other side of the battlefield, after Ultraman Galaxy Victory launched the "Galaxy Penetrating Ray" to end the last two monsters summoned by the Lebrondo Stars in the dark, he wanted to immediately step forward to help Zeta, but unexpectedly he Just as the front foot was about to move, another group of monsters attacked towards him on the back foot.

Under such circumstances, Galaxy Victory had to continue to deal with the attack of the group of monsters. After gathering energy, the crystals all over his body emitted golden dazzling brilliance.

Then, under the traction of Ultraman Galaxy Victory, the energy of thunder and lightning accumulated in the sky quickly formed a huge thundercloud on the battlefield, and then Galaxy Victory sent down the lightning energy in the thundercloud. After the instant release, a huge spiral of energy light was formed, and it bombarded the group of monsters on the surface.

"Galactic Lightning Strike!"

Under the thunder and lightning, the golden thunder and lightning instantly blasted the eight monsters that could not dodge into powder, and the remaining monsters who survived the disaster were all terrified by the huge power of the "Galaxy Lightning".

But these monsters are under the control of the Lebrando Stars, and their actions are completely out of their control. Although they are terrified of Ultraman Galactic Victory in their hearts, they still move in every direction in his direction. rush away.

"Looking for death!" Before the words fell, Yinhe Victory jumped to the sky, and then, with a swift strike of golden lightning wrapped around him, he launched "Galaxy Victory" towards the monsters on the surface. Shock".

This move "Galaxy Victory Shock" not only exploded the hit monster and killed it instantly, but the aftermath of the move even shook the group of monsters to the ground one by one, only the three were stronger The monster is still standing.

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