The mechanical overlord didn't have any ideas, and his core was handed over to the other party. He naturally listened to what he said.

As for the tire snake, he also sacrificed his own core. After all, his two brothers have done the same. If he falls, it is really unreasonable.

These are the three brothers. The tinder chip tried to control them with all kinds of thoughts, but there was no way.

Ye Tian simply took all of them as his own.

The entire kingdom was taken into the Linliu world by Ye Tian, ​​which happened to be one south and one north of the Forging Legion.

Ye Tian gave an order to the King of Computers to reorganize all the mechanical parts of the Mechanical Kingdom, and he needed to create multiple mechanical factories.

With such a great harvest, Ye Tian no longer had the idea of ​​staying in the burrow, so he used the forest portal to leave here.

Back on the surface again, I really feel the fresh air.

However, there is also a sense of storm coming along with it.

Ye Tian looked into the distance, the sky there was already dark, and the boundless yellow sand spread towards here.

This is what he saw without even using his eagle eyes. A large amount of yellow sand is rolling towards this side. It seems to be slow, but in fact, it will not take long to come here.

Don't forget, there will be sandstorms in spring, which is one of the spring events.

Ye Tian knew it would come, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, and sandstorms only occur in desert areas, with a lot of sand wrapped around them and wreaking havoc.

On his side, the surroundings are either grasslands or rivers, and even surrounded by mountains, so how could there be a sandstorm.

Ye Tian opened the map, looked at it, and made a comparison.

He found that the place where the sandstorm came happened to be a big mountain, which logically should be able to block the sand.

Ye Tian looked for it and took out a card with a telescope on it. This is not a random telescope, but it can see farther away.

With the help of a telescope, he looked at the location where the sandstorm came from. The outermost area was already covered with yellow sand, but he couldn't see clearly inside.

But when he saw it, Ye Tian felt the danger, there were dangerous creatures there.

As for the mountain, Ye Tian saw it, and it was already in half. The sandstorms kept gathering there, and the upper half of the mountain gradually decreased, as if it had been eroded by the sandstorm, but it also seemed that there were some creatures inside that were constantly gnawing on it. Like eating a mountain.

The reason why the sandstorm has not come now is because the mountains have played a certain buffer role.

When the lower half of the mountain range is also eaten up, I believe the power of the sandstorm will be even greater.

Ye Tian frowned.

The power of this sandstorm is a bit too much. Is this what you want to sweep away everything in your path?

Although the route of the sandstorm is not necessarily here, Ye Tian can be sure that as long as he is here, it will eventually come.

After all, with so many disasters, I have experienced them all.

Ye Tian looked at the Forest of Hope. It would take half a day before it was made into a card. He had no choice but to wait here.

I just don't know when this sandstorm will come.

Almost thinking this way, Ye Tian's heart was awe-inspiring, and he looked up, the sandstorm in the distance quickly swallowed up the lower half of the mountain, and moved towards this side.

But all the trees that stood in the way were swallowed up, and where the sandstorm passed, only yellow sand remained.

Countless creatures are scrambling to escape, but anyone who is a step slower will be swallowed, enter the sandstorm, and lose their lives.

Even some relatively high-level creatures will run away when encountering sandstorms.

A roar sounded.

Ye Tian saw a mountain giant more than ten meters tall who was awakened by the sandstorm, stood up, and roared angrily.

But then, it started to run, and the sound changed, becoming quite miserable.

The sandstorm entangled the mountain giant, and countless fine sand formed mouths one after another, gnawing at the mountain giant.

The originally extremely powerful mountain giant was seriously injured. Even if it used its skills, it was completely useless in the face of so many sandstorms.

In just one minute, the mountain giant was devoured, and there was nothing left.

Ye Tian witnessed this whole process, and was horrified in his heart.

The power of this sandstorm is a bit outrageous.

However, the route of this sandstorm did not come here, but went to the other side.

However, there will be a lot of yellow sand left along the way.

Ye Tian opened the defense of the house and asked Linglu to mobilize the protective power of the Forest of Hope.

He still firmly believes in his own thoughts, this sandstorm will definitely come towards him.

Just watching the sandstorm, Ye Tian turned a corner and went elsewhere.

Then, the dust storm turned again.

"Damn it!" Ye Tian swears directly.

The purpose of this sandstorm is indeed Ye Tian's side. The reason why he turned so many turns is to surround him and prevent him from escaping completely.

Ye Tian was really speechless, or he would come here directly, and he insisted on fixing so many things.

If it weren't for the forest of hope that could be made into a terrain card, he would definitely leave here.

But through this, we can know that this place is already a place of right and wrong, and we must not stay for a long time, otherwise there will be great trouble.

The sandstorm turned again, this time coming directly to this side.

Ye Tian entered the house. After 2 minutes, a large amount of yellow sand fell, and the whole sky became dim. When the yellow sand became more and more, it completely became night.

Countless yellow sands were raging, but the houses were protected by defenses and were not damaged.

Moreover, the defense on the Forest of Hope has been strengthened compared to before, and it will not be easily broken.

The Forest of Hope is now at the moment when it is about to form a card. It is weak like never before. It must not suffer any damage, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Now let's see how long Linglu's defense can last.

Ye Tian walked out of the house, looking at the yellow sand outside the barrier, it was crackling non-stop, like rain hitting the window.

He opened the map, and he could see that the area he was in was completely covered by yellow sand, forming a yellow sand zone.

At this moment, countless sands formed countless mouths, and began to bite the barrier.

The power consumed by the barrier is intensifying. Ye Tian tried to shoot arrows and bombarded a few mouths, but it didn't have much effect at all. There was too much sand, no matter how you attacked, there was no way to destroy it.

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