There are quite a few vendors reading books in Sanwei Bookstore, reading with relish, and indulging in them. Many customers who want to buy things at their stalls find that the boss is not there, so naturally they look around.

After looking for it like this, I saw that the vendors were all in the bookstore. Out of curiosity, I went to have a look. Anyway, the three hours are free time, so I don’t want to look at it for nothing.

In addition to curiosity, it is the psychology of taking advantage.

These three hours are free. If I don't go in and use up the time, I always feel a bit at a loss.

With double psychology, they successfully became the guests of Sanwei Bookstore.

Unknowingly, a vendor who was seeing the critical moment suddenly found that the books closed automatically and flew to the top of the bookshelf.

"What's going on, who is messing with me here, let's fight if we have the ability."

Like him seeing the most passionate moment being destroyed, this kind of special feeling, now he can't wait to hit someone.

Ye Tian said: "Three hours have passed, there is no free time today, if you want to continue watching, you need to pay."

"What, time flies so fast." The vendor hesitated when he saw that the free time had passed. After thinking about it, his mind was already shrouded in those plots. If he was not allowed to continue watching, he would definitely be thinking about it .

"Pay, one hour first." He paid.

Anyway, there are only two copper coins in an hour, and reading books by yourself is relatively fast, and you should be able to read a lot in an hour.

Thinking this way, he took out the book again and continued to read.

Next, it was time for the other vendors, and they all chose to continue watching, because the current plot was so good that they didn't want to end it like this.

An hour passed quickly. When the secretary returned to the bookshelf again, the vendor was stunned. He didn't expect the time to pass so quickly. Although he had finished watching the plot, he saw another plot. When I arrived at Little Doctor Fairy, I don't know what will happen next.

But I still have to do business, so I can't waste time on it all the time.

Vendors have been hesitating, constantly struggling between continuing to read books and doing business.

"Boss, come back for another two hours." At this moment, a person next to him said.

The vendor quickly said, "Brother, if you need two hours at a time, you don't have to worry about business."

"Why do I worry about that? I used to do business every day, from morning to night, from morning to night, and there was no time to rest. Now I take it as a day off for myself, to rest, to live, and to earn so much money. What is it for? , don’t you just want to give yourself a better life.”

After listening to it, he thought about it carefully, and it really made sense.

"I'll come for another two hours!"

If there is one, there are two. This is the driving effect. Some vendors originally wanted to leave, but found that they did not leave, so they simply stayed.

Time passed gradually, one hour, two hours, and before you knew it, it was already night.

The center of the Sanwei Bookstore was lit up, as bright as day, which did not affect reading at all.

Ye Tian is no longer here. Instead, he uses card creatures to replace it. Anyway, it has been set to remind when the time comes.

He came to the commercial street. The street at night is still two different scenes from the daytime. There are various lighting tools on the side of the road.

Although Shenmu City provides lighting street lights, the brightness is too low, so the street vendors have to get it themselves.

At this time, it can be seen that those street vendors have money and which ones have no money. As long as the front of their stalls is bright, then they are rich.

And other street vendors are not saying that they don't want to buy lighting tools, and use other people's brightness. This is a kind of comparison, and it can be regarded as a kind of self-esteem.

As for those shops, it is even more different, there are many people in them.

Ye Tian also found a restaurant to go in, the decoration here is quite gorgeous, it is simply magnificent, it feels like a palace.

The food is expensive, but it looks expensive for a reason. The ingredients used are dragon blood, dragon meat, etc. These are all dishes made by creatures with real dragon blood.

Ye Tian clicked a lot, and looked at the chat channel while waiting.

The content inside is relatively the same, that is, they are all trying to survive.

Compared with Ye Tian, ​​they are in two different situations.

Those survivors are now fighting monsters to upgrade, collecting resources, and then using them to upgrade houses, trying their best to upgrade themselves, so as to prevent themselves from dying in monster attacks.

But Ye Tian has crossed that stage, and now he has come to a big city in this world, and is carrying out the first step of planning, cultural invasion of the magic world.

From the current point of view, the initial implementation of this plan is relatively smooth, and it depends on the next progress.

According to Ye Tian's thinking, Sanwei Bookstore is very popular in Shenmu City, and a large number of creatures will come to read books, and with a certain reputation, he can take the opportunity to publish more novels.

After all, many creatures come here just to buy things. It is impossible to say that they have been staying in Sanwei Bookstore all the time, and they will definitely buy a lot of books and leave.

As long as they take the books to other places, they will indirectly expand the influence of Sanwei Bookstore and let more people know about these novels.

For those who lack culture, they will inevitably absorb the plot and content of the novel eagerly, and change their thoughts unconsciously.

This kind of thinking is subtle and undetectable, and the original outlook on life and values ​​are also slowly changing.

It seems that they used to believe in gods, but in the novel, the way of heaven is wrong, and heaven is the root cause of their suffering in life.

The principle that man will conquer nature will affect them, and people will reduce their belief in gods, even if they still believe in it, it's just not so firm.

Don't underestimate the power of culture. It may not have much effect in a short period of time, but once it has an impact, it will have a far-reaching impact. If it is not eradicated in time within this period, it will be like It is a single spark that can start a prairie fire, and it is out of control.

"Have you heard that there is a Sanwei Bookstore in front of you, which sells books, and many people read them there."

"I heard that I just passed by. It's not that I'm hungry, so I'll come over and have a look before I finish my meal."

"I saw it. There are many people reading there. It's really strange. I don't know what kind of book it is. It's so attractive."

"We'll find out when we finish eating and have a look. Let's go together then."

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