Survival game, I can see hidden treasure chests

Chapter 432 It's Better Here

"Me too. At that time, the world was chaotic and there were battles everywhere. There was no safe place at all. After I knew that Shenmu City was safer, I brought my family here without hesitation. There is also a relative doing business here."

"That meeting is actually not so dangerous on the road, but for ordinary people like us, it is equivalent to crossing a single-plank bridge. If you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss, and you can't die anymore. My wife still has My family didn’t agree to come here, but fortunately I insisted on my own ideas, they are now obediently listening to me, and dare not say a word, after all, if it weren’t for me, they might not be able to survive now.”

"After coming here, the relative who was in the business also helped introduce the job, and it was considered stable. You don't have to worry about being attacked, and you can live a stable life. Even in the past, you couldn't enjoy this kind of life. "

"Me too, but my luck is not as good as yours. At that time, my village was attacked by a dark magician. Many villagers died, and many relatives of my family also died. At the end, there was a The legendary warrior passing by killed the dark magician, so he survived, and in the end, only me, my mother, and a few brothers and sisters were left."

"At that time, we wanted to take refuge in a big city, but after we went to that city, we found that people had set up guards at the door. If we wanted to go in, we had to pay five gold coins. We didn't have any money, so we left again. In a hurry, with only a few silver coins on us, we begged bitterly, knelt there, and said that as long as we go in, we can work to pay back, but we were rejected."

"Do you know that feeling, that is at the gate of the city, the other side of the city wall is obviously safe, but this city wall is like an insurmountable gap, blocking us, we can't get in at all, the guards are very ruthless , but we also know that people are also acting according to the order, and it can only be blamed on the city lord in the city for issuing such an order."

That person took a big mouthful of noodles, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

"We were under the city wall at the time. Besides us, there were many people who had experienced the same situation as us. The guards didn't drive us away. They just let us be there. At that time, we thought it was fine. If you don’t go, you can’t get in, at least you can be safer here.”

"However, I later found out why they did this."

"Why?" A person asked curiously.

"Because of using us!" the man said fiercely.

"What do you mean?"

"We stayed there for more than a day. We were both hungry and thirsty. Fortunately, my mother took precautions and brought us some food and water on the way. At that time, an old man begged us and said: Just give him some water, my mother is kind and gave him some water, after all we don’t have much.”

"The old man said a word, let us leave here quickly, don't stay any longer, or we will die miserably. After finishing speaking, the old man left. We still thought it was strange at the time, but my mother felt that the old man's words It should be reasonable, not to say that it will deceive us, just thinking about leaving."

"However, several of my brothers and sisters are unwilling to leave. They feel that they are safe here, and they may be able to enter the city in the future. No matter how much they persuade them, they just refuse to leave. There is no other way. My mother had no choice but to take me with her. Sister, took some food and water and left."

"Just two hours after we left, we heard news from passers-by. It turned out that not long after they left, a huge number of monsters attacked the city. The guards entered the city and locked the gate firmly. Shut it down and don't let those people in."

"They want those ordinary people to be bait there. When the monsters attack those people, they take the opportunity to attack the monsters. In this way, the frequency of monsters attacking the city walls can be reduced, and the defense can be longer. Because of this, they didn't drive us away, and they even thought that the more people who came here, the better."

"If we have money, we can enter the city. If we don't have money, we can only be used. Only now do we know why the old man said that, and we dare not go back, because under the frenzy of Warcraft, even soldiers Neither a magician nor a magician can survive, let alone an ordinary person."

"After finally surviving from the dark magician, we were the only ones left. After this time, there were only three of us. To be honest, at that time, I was in despair. It’s better to die than to be afraid all day long, but my mother is a strong woman, she said that we are the only ones in the family, and we must survive.”

"It was at that time that we learned about Shenmu City from other fugitives, saying that it was safer here, but no one knew what it was like, but at that time we were really desperate, so we resolutely I resolutely chose to go to Shenmu City."

"When I came here, I was really shocked. There were guards, but they didn't collect the money. Instead, they gave us the basic package. I believe you have it too."

"Yes, of course there is."

"I have it too. When I got the basic package, I was shocked. I really didn't expect this thing."

"That's right, there are some food and clothes in the basic package, and there are twenty silver coins, so that you can survive in Shenmu City, one or two is enough, there are all people who come to Shenmu City to take refuge, add up That's not a small amount, and it's a huge difference compared to the cities that take advantage of us."

"At that time, I only had one thought in my heart, that was the right place, this place is the place I should come to. It turns out that this is indeed the case. We don't expect to live in those buildings here, but there are also people who live in them. The place can still work and make money, and there is no shortage of food and clothing. The prices here have not changed, and there has not been a crazy rise. What a life, like you said, even better than the previous life."

"We really regret it in our hearts. Why didn't we come to this place in the first place? In this way, my brothers and sisters will not die."

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