"Who is that?"

"I can't catch the figure, it feels like an energy body without entity!"


"Most likely!"

"how is this possible?"

Ju Jianhui was very surprised.
How could ghosts appear in that place,
Why did Su Mu go to that place?

"Captain, I suspect that Su Mu is possessed by a ghost."


Ju Jianhui opened his mouth wide.

How can this be?

Su Mu behaved very normally,
People who simply don't want to be possessed by ghosts.

"Captain, I found something in the log of Su Na Mountain."

"what's the situation?"

"According to historical records, after Su Nagui was sealed by Jinglong, he built a temple at the heart of Su Nagui, and put his own knife in the temple to suppress Su Nagui and prevent Su Nagui from resurrecting. .”


Ju Jianhui narrowed his eyes,
Could it be that Su Mu went for that knife?

if it is like this,
Then Su Nagui's resurrection is also directly related to him,

This matter must be investigated.
This is related to Su Mu now,
Is it still the Su Mu she knew?
"Ye Rui, let's go to Suna Mountain together!"


Ye Rui was stunned,
Why is the captain obsessed with going out recently?
The former captain rarely went out to perform tasks.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

"Yes, Captain."

Ye Rui has long wanted to go out to perform tasks,
Since there is a lack of people now,

That was just what he wanted.

Yerui excitedly joins Jujian Hui,
Driving the Drum car to Suna Mountain,
Zongfang dialed Junjianhui's communicator and said:

"Captain, we have reached Mount Fuji, but the spaceship is gone."

They piloted the plane to search for a long time,
No trace of the spaceship was found.

Thinking of making a phone call and asking Ye Rui,
Check for the latest instructions.

Jujianhui ordered:

"You guys go back to the base first, and Ye Rui and I went to Suna Mountain to check for some clues."


However, Zong Fang did not return to the base with the Feiyan.

Neither Jujianhui nor Yerui have ever been out on missions.
He was a little worried,

So I went to Suna Mountain together with Xincheng and Hori,
When they are in danger,
It is also good to rescue in time.

less than two hours,

The two came to Suna Mountain,
"Captain, according to the location, the temple is on the mountain, but the road is rough, and our car cannot go up."


Not long after,
The two came to the temple according to their positioning.
Ju Jianhui couldn't help frowning,
This temple is so simple,

If you put the sword here,
Wouldn't it be easy to be stolen?

I don't know what Jing Long thought at the beginning.

The two came to the temple,

Discover the fabled sword,
has disappeared.

Only the butt of the sword remained,
Jujian Hui can be sure,
There used to be a sword here.

Ye Rui glanced around and said in surprise:
"Captain, look around here, there are traces of fighting."


Ju Jianhui was a little confused.

How could there be traces of fighting here?
Can Su Mu still fight ghosts?
After the suna ghost was resurrected,

been here.

"Captain, according to the analysis of the instrument data, there are two fighting weapons here, one is a very sharp light weapon, and the other is a very heavy weapon."

"Very heavy? Estimate how much it weighs."

It seems that Su Mu did fight with others here,
"Impossible, impossible!"

Ye Rui muttered while shaking his head.

"What happened to Yerui?"

"Captain, look, this data analysis is a heavy weapon that exceeds five tons!"

"More than five tons?"

Ju Jianhui was horrified,
What kind of strength is needed for five tons,
Definitely not a normal person,
It's very likely that it's the Suna ghost,

That Su Nagui also had a weapon,

Jujian Hui thought of a situation,
But Dagu was injured,

Su Nagui attacked them,

"Ye Rui, take the sample back and analyze the data, and analyze whether the sample here contains the same energy as the sample in the giant pit over there."

"Yes, Captain!"

Ju Jianhui had a rough guess in his heart,
If the energy at both places is the same,

Su Nagui is undoubtedly the one who uses heavy weapons.
Then the person who took Jinglong's knife,

In all likelihood it is Su Mu,
And can go head-to-head with Su Nagui,

Su Mu must be possessed by a ghost,

He must find a way to get rid of the ghost in his body as soon as possible.
After a long time, it might occupy Su Mu's body.

not long,

Zongfang and Horei Xincheng rushed over,
Hori asked:
"Captain, what are you doing here?"

Jianhui explained;

"We found some special circumstances here, let's take a look, the investigation has been completed, let's go back."

"go back?"

Horei rolled his eyes,
almost fainted,
He has spent a lot of effort,
just climbed up,
don't take a break,
Going back again, isn't this tossing people,
If I had known earlier, I would not have been waiting on the plane.

In order to take care of the big fat Hori, several people,
walking very slowly,

They found a man in the grass,

Xincheng said in surprise:
"Captain, there is someone here."

Several people gathered around,

Seeing this man still breathing,

So he woke up.

The man saw several people around him,
Suddenly shouted:

Zong Fang said coldly:
"Hey, it's broad daylight, where is the ghost!"

The man said tremblingly:
"You are both humans and ghosts!"

Jianhui asked:
"Have you seen a ghost?"

"That ghost is terrible, I will never come here again."

This person was obviously one of the three people who were fainted by Su Mu.

The other two don't know where they went.
Leaving him alone by the side of the road,

"What does he look like?"

"The face is ferocious, the mouth is full of fangs, the fingers are slender, the figure is tall, and the figure is floating."

Horei said angrily:

"What are you talking about?"

Jian Hui asked in a cold voice:
"Are you sure it looks like this?"

The man said uncertainly:

"It was too dark and I couldn't see clearly."

Su Mu suddenly appeared behind them,
Scared them out of their minds,
How can I remember what Su Mu looks like.

"See if it's this person."

In Huizhong's mobile phone,

Bring up Su Mu's photo,
Put it in front of him and ask.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's him, why do you have his photo?"

Jujian Hui frowned,
It seems that Su Mu not only took away Jinglong's knife,

He was also possessed by Jinglong's soul,
Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to fight Su Nagui recklessly.

"Su Mu?"

When several people saw the photos in Jianhui's mobile phone,

Immediately horrified.

Is this guy a liar?
How did Su Mu come to Jinglong's temple?

"Captain, why did Su Mu come here?"

"Only he knows that we must find Su Mu as soon as possible and go to his residence immediately."

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