"What? Not here? Didn't he just come back?" When Bu Lin and Bu Lei arrived at the entrance of the Navy branch, they were stopped by the guards, but after Bu Lei showed Ye Luo's token, he was told that Ye Luo was no longer in the branch.

"Forgive me, you two. It's the time of the World Conference. My lord, as an admiral, has to stay in Jomaria, so I rushed over there after I got back, and didn't stop. Now, Miss Baby-5 handles all the affairs of the branch!" Seeing Ye Luo's token, the guard naturally had endless words.

"So that's the case, brother!" Bu Lei nodded and said with a smile.

Hearing the guard's explanation, Brin's face looked better. Just now, she thought that Ye Luo didn't intend to see the two of them, so she deliberately told the guard to say so.

"Brin, Ye Luo has something to do right now. Anyway, didn't you plan to stay here for a while? We might as well wait for Ye Luo to come back and we'll look for him! Otherwise, it's too dangerous for you to go to the East China Sea as a girl!" Seeing this, Breen said, pulling her.

"Okay, then listen to my sister's arrangement!" Brin nodded and said.

When she escaped from Wan Guo, she brought Nitro Jelly and Rabian Blanket with her, but she came to look for Ye Luo just now, so she let the two of them rest at home and did not follow.

After deciding to stay, the two sisters began to walk back slowly, not as anxious as when they first came.

"Sister Bu Lei, look, what is that for sale? Why are there so many people queuing up there?" When passing by the town, Brin, who was young and had never been out of the world, was quickly attracted by the prosperity of the town.

"Anyway, it's okay, let's go shopping! We just moved here, so you can accompany your sister to buy some daily necessities!" Bu Lei said with a smile, putting on a bamboo hat to cover her face.

Although she is older, she also lives in the Forest of Temptation all year round. Except for those Homiz, she rarely contacts people. If it weren't for Smoothie's presence these past few years, her character might be even more withdrawn.

"Okay, then let's go there and have a look first!" Brin nodded with a smile, pointed at the stall with many people queuing up, and said.

The two chatted and laughed as they came to the small stall and found that an old woman was spreading a round pancake. The people who came to buy it were very consciously queuing up. The old woman made a piece, and the people in line took a piece, and then threw some Baileys into a small bamboo building.

"Sister, what is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" Brin asked curiously.

But Bu Lei couldn't answer this kind of question, but an uncle in the line next to him said with a smile: "Are you two here for tourism or for a visit? This stall owner is called Wu Granny, and she is a must in our town! Her pancakes are unforgettable once you eat them, that's why it's so overcrowded!"

"Pancakes? Are they really so delicious?" Brin said, planning to go and buy one.

"Little girl, you have to line up to buy things!" Seeing Brin rushing forward, the middle-aged uncle immediately said with a steadfast expression.

"Line up?" Brin was taken aback, slightly surprised.

At least she never queued up in Wanguo, and no one asked her to queue up.

"Brin!" Bree tugged on Rablin's sleeve. This is not Wan Guo, and they are no longer the daughters of BIGMOM, so naturally they cannot enjoy the privilege.

"Sorry, we are new here and don't know the rules here, how offending!" Bree said apologetically to the middle-aged man while pulling Breen to queue at the back of the line.

"How about this, uncle, I'll pay double the price, and when you buy it, buy me and my sister, too, how about it?" Hearing Bu Lei's words, the middle-aged uncle's complexion just improved, and then he heard Brin coquettishly say again.

"Hahaha little girl, I advise you to put away your small thoughts, don't say twice, it's five times, see if anyone here will agree to your conditions! This is not another place." Brin's words made the middle-aged uncle laugh and say.

Brin was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red from being suffocated. It seemed that she didn't believe the middle-aged man's words. She took out a stack of Baileys and shouted loudly, "This is ten times as many Baileys. Can someone buy me a pancake?"

The customers who were queuing up were attracted by Brin's voice. Qi Qi turned his head and looked over. Seeing that it was a little girl, they all laughed and said, "Little girl, this is the nearest town to the Navy's G1 branch. What matters here is fairness. Don't say we won't buy it for you. Even if we agreed, the fifth mother-in-law wouldn't sell it to us!"

The laughter of the customers seemed to stimulate Brin, reminding her of some bad memories, but just when she was about to blacken, Brey took her arm and said, "Brin, if you want to eat, my sister will come over early to line up for you tomorrow, let's help my sister to buy something today!"

After being interrupted by Bree, Breen also put away her emotions. Just as the two were about to leave, they found a team of marines walking towards them.

"What happened?" The leading navy asked with a cold face.

"It's all right, it's just that there are two new girls who want to jump in the queue!" The middle-aged uncle who had talked to Bu Lei before said to the leading navy with a smile.

The leading navy nodded, looked at the two of Bree, and said, "We all pay attention to fairness and justice here. If you jump in the queue, won't the people behind you suffer? Since it's your first offense, you won't be punished, but you should be more careful next time. By the way, where are your ID cards? Show me them?"

"ID card? What is that?" Bu Lei asked in surprise for a moment.

It's just that as soon as her words came out, the navy in front immediately became nervous, especially the leading navy, who squinted his eyes and stared directly at Bu Lei, who was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see his face clearly.

"You don't know the ID card? All residents living here have an ID card, which is a symbol of living here. Anyone who needs to stay here for a short time, including tourism, visits, etc., will have a temporary ID card! If you don't have one, then it can only be said that you have entered the country illegally!" The middle-aged uncle who had talked to them before walked up and said to Bu Lei and the two.

"Lei Zheng, it's my duty period now, don't come over and make trouble!" The leader of the navy shouted directly when he saw the middle-aged uncle.

"Hmph~ I'm also a navy, but it's just a break now. My lord said that when encountering danger, all navies have the responsibility to go forward and protect civilians!" The uncle who was called Lei Zheng by the leading navy snorted coldly, and stood directly in front of the navy, and said, "The people who can bypass our system and come in directly are not easy people. Your strength is not enough, let me do it!"

Seeing the tense navy and the retreating residents, Bu Lei and Bu Lin were also stunned.

"Take off your hat, and then go back to the branch with me for investigation. If your identities are legal, we won't embarrass you, but if you are pirates, especially bounty offenders, then" the leading navy ignored Lei Zheng, raised his weapon, and shouted at the two of them.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have any malicious intentions. I wear a bamboo hat because I was disfigured when I was a child, so I don't want to scare others!" Bu Lei said, taking a step forward, wanting to explain clearly.

But she had just moved her feet, and Uncle Lei Zheng, who was still amiable before, made the first move, intending to capture Bu Lei.

"What do you want to do?" Brin, who was behind Bu Lei, naturally noticed Lei Zheng's movements, shouted loudly, stepped forward, and kicked Lei Zheng.


Brin and Lei Zheng fought each other, Lei Zheng took a step back, but Brin was so shocked that he flew up and fell directly to the ground.

"Not bad strength, but with such strength, you can't escape!" Lei Zheng stared at Bu Lei and said.

From his point of view, no matter how innocent Bree is, she hides her face and never wants to conflict with anyone.

"Bastard, Lei Zheng, I'm the navy on duty!" The leading navy rushed forward when he saw Lei Zheng fighting the enemy.

"Stupid, get back, his subordinates can repel me, you come up to die? You have old parents in your family, and you have a wife and children, and I, Lei Zheng, is a bachelor. It's okay to die!" The navy leader who had just stepped forward was stopped by Lei Zheng, not letting him approach Bu Lei.

"Okay, I've said it before, you guys have misunderstood!" Looking at the navy in front, Bu Lei took off the hat on his head with some helplessness, and said.


Bu Lei's terrifying face surprised everyone, and they all gasped.

"I've said it before, I'm not a pirate, and I don't have any malice. It's just that I don't look good, so I'm wearing it! As for how I got here? It's because of this!" After showing the navy her face, Bu Lei put on her hat again, and took out Ye Luo's token from her pocket, saying.

"Justice Order?" The leading navy and Uncle Lei Zheng asked in surprise when they saw the token in Bu Lei's hand.

"I don't know the name of this token. Ye Luo gave it to me! My sister and I were also taken over by him, and he gave us the two houses on that small hill!" Bree walked towards Breen as she spoke, and helped her up to check if she was injured.

"So that's the case, but even so, I'd like to trouble the two of you to go to the branch with me to confirm it. If it's true, then I'd like to reissue some documents to the two of you to make it easier for you to live in the future!" The leader of the navy nodded and said.

At this time, Lei Zheng was also touching the back of his head, and came to Brin in embarrassment, and said, "Little boy, I'm sorry, I did it without knowing what happened. If you get injured somewhere, just ask about medical expenses!"

"Hmph~ I'm short of your medical expenses?" Brin snorted coldly and said dissatisfied.

In fact, she was not hurt, just a little upset.

"No, my sister wasn't injured, it's just that she was doted on by her family since she was a child, so she was offended by her words, please don't worry about it!" Bu Lei shook her head and said to Lei Zhenghe and the leading navy.

"I'm not an adult, just like this guy, I'm just a navy patrol captain, but I'm resting today, so I'm not wearing navy clothes!" Lei Zheng smiled and waved his hands indifferently, and said.

After everything was explained, Bree and Breen followed the patrolling navy, preparing to go to the branch again to go through some necessary procedures.

"Wait, little girl!" They had just left for a while, and Lei Zheng chased after him with a bag, and said to Brin: "Little girl, I was wrong before, and you didn't want to accompany you for medical expenses. Didn't you want to eat the pancakes from the fifth mother-in-law before? I beg you, and I will treat it as an apology!"

Brin froze for a moment, looked at the smiling uncle in front of him, and suddenly burst out laughing, even his mood didn't seem as bad as before.

"Okay, my name is Brin, and it was my words that offended me before, so I hope Haihan!" Brin took Lei Zheng's bag and said with a smile.

Only then did Lei Zheng nodded, and said to the leading navy: "Hey, after you're on duty, why don't you go to Mr. Bruno's bar for a drink?"

The leader of the navy twitched his mouth, then sighed and said, "You helped me with today's incident. It's okay to buy you a drink tonight, but you also know that Mr. Bruno's bar is not cheap, and those little guys are more powerful than vampires! My family lives on my salary, and my wife repeatedly told me that I can only go there once a month. If I go more times, the two of them will drink the Northwest Wind!"

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