On the deck of the Huaxia, Ye Luo was lying on the deck chair thinking about the "Dog Beating Stick Method". As for the devil fruit, it was in Dressrosa, and Luffy helped him get it, so it doesn't feel bad to give it away.

Moreover, these children's dispositions are not bad, Ye Luo originally planned to train them well.

But now the "Dog Beating Stick Method" can't be implemented, so I have to find other ways to train the children. Although Ye Luo is now looking for domineering generals to test, but Ye Luo knows that the success rate is not high, and even if it succeeds, the children will not be able to use it.

The arrogance of taking care of the world is wonderful, but in terms of subtlety, it cannot be compared with internal strength at all, so Ye Luo does not think that a domineering naval officer can really imitate the essence of "Dog Beating Stick Method".

Two days later, Ye Luo returned to the G1 branch and directly held a group meeting of the generals of the G1 branch. From among the domineering generals, he selected 8 of similar strength for the experiment.

"Senior Zefa, I might trouble you this time! I'm too familiar with this formation, so I'm afraid I won't be able to test it!" On the training ground, Ye Luo said to Zefa apologetically.

"Hahaha, as long as my old bones can help, if I don't move, I'm afraid I won't be able to move!" Zefa said with a smile.

Ye Luo could see the loneliness from his smile, he was very old, and his strength had declined even more, not to mention the strength of generals, some elite lieutenant generals might be able to defeat him.

"The eight of you attack Teacher Zefa with all your strength first, let Teacher Zefa feel your strength!" Ye Luo has no choice but to use Zefa. Now that Green Bull and Fujitora are away, Lieutenant General Mole and other elite lieutenant generals also have missions to leave. Now besides himself, only Zefa is the strongest in the branch.

"Chief Instructor, I've offended you!" After saluting Zefa, the eight of them wrapped their hands in armed colors, and then launched an attack on Zefa.

Although these eight people are still just colonels, they are still inseparable from Zefa when they join forces, and as time goes by, Zefa's defeat becomes more and more obvious, but Ye Luo did not call it quits, because this time is an experiment, even if it might hurt some of Zefa's reputation, there is no way around it.


In the end, Zefa was defeated after defeating three of the eight.

"I really have to obey! You are all good!" Zefa came out from the ruins not far away, shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Chief Instructor Zefa, are you okay?" Several colonels hurried forward and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, you have to obey the old age, if you can defeat me alone, I will be happier!" Zefa said with a smile.

"Thank you, Senior Zefa! You guys, don't underestimate Senior Zefa just because of today's events. If you are at the age of Senior Zefa, and you can put down your face for the cause of the navy and let the juniors defeat you, then I admire you too!" Ye Luo said seriously.

"My lord, don't worry, we don't have the slightest intention of contempt. The chief instructor has served the navy all his life, and he has taught many masters!" Several people saluted Zefa at the same time, and said sincerely.

Zefa waved his hand. Although he didn't say anything, he was very relieved in his heart.

"Okay, I'll teach you a set of formations next, and after you learn it, you'll compete with Senior Zefa again, and let Senior Zefa see if your strength has improved!" Ye Luo nodded and said directly.

A week later, in the same training hall, Ye Luo came here again with eight colonels.

"How? Are you confident?" Zefa has been waiting here for a long time, and today he can test whether Ye Luo's formation can be passed on to others.

"I can't see it. It's the same as what I thought before. No matter whether they use formations or not, I can defeat them quickly, and I can defeat them faster if I use formations, because I fully understand the flaws in their formations." Ye Luo said helplessly.

"Alright then! Hahaha, let the old man try it! Let's see how amazing your formation is." Zefa said with a big laugh.

"Chief Instructor, I'm offended! Set up the formation!" A colonel at the head waved his hand, moving people around quickly, and surrounded Zefa around the lieutenant general.

"Not bad, not bad!" Just after fighting for a while, Zefa's spirit was shocked. He obviously felt that the strength of the eight people had not increased, but this kind of one-on-one battle was not actually facing eight people all the time. In fact, each battle only needed to face two or three people.

After only a while, Ye Luo could also see it, but it had nothing to do with the color of their weapons, it was all because the eight people had comprehended the moves of the formation and followed the steps.

"Huh~ You can stop, there's no point in fighting anymore!" After a while, Ye Luo stopped fighting and said.

"What's going on? I feel that they have improved. Maybe if I continue to fight, if I can't beat any of them, I will be defeated." Zefa asked puzzled.

"It's meaningless, the core of this formation is not this, if it's just this, then it's a failure!" Although he had thought of this result a long time ago, Ye Luo still said very disappointed.

"Don't worry, you are still young, and it is not bad to have such a harvest now!" Zefa shook his head and said.

"It's not the same, it's because you can't beat any of them quickly, that's why this is the result. As long as their opponent can beat any of them quickly, this formation is a joke!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

Zefa was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said, "That's right, in this case, there is really no need to promote this formation!"

"Forget it, I'll go and bring the children back first. They've been there for so long, so it's time to bring them back, otherwise that person will really call the door!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"Hahaha, are you talking about Bree? Don't worry, I have already told her, but if I wait a few more days, I really can't guarantee it!" Zefa said with a big laugh.

Ye Luo also smiled slightly, saying that she didn't know that the best relationship between the entire G1 branch and old man Zefa was not Ye Luo's secretary Baby-5, but the new director of the orphanage, Bu Lei.

"Okay, you guys go back too! You can pass this formation to your familiar comrades or your subordinates as you like, but it's not necessary, and it's too little for the growth of strength!" Ye Luo said to the eight colonels.

The eight people looked at each other, and then the leader stood up and said, "My lord, maybe this is not an important skill, but the subordinates and others think it's better not to spread it casually, and we will definitely not spread it!"

"It's up to you!" Ye Luo said indifferently because he failed to achieve his goal.

"Well! Just do as you said, this is classified as confidential and must not be spread at will!" But Zefa on the side nodded seriously and said.

"Huh?" Ye Luo was taken aback for a moment, but after a little thought, he understood why Zefa did this.

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