Survival for the whole people: build mechas at the beginning, open Gundam

Chapter 201 Lord Lord is definitely not an evil god

Among the elemental dragons, in addition to the five-color dragons, there are also bright dragons, wind dragons, earth dragons, and very rare space dragons, time dragons, and destiny dragons, etc.
The number of elemental dragons is the largest among dragons,

Followed by metal dragon, gem dragon and so on.

Metal dragons are divided into gold dragons, silver dragons, bronze dragons, red copper dragons, black iron dragons and so on.

Although metal dragons cannot release elemental dragon language magic, they can also breathe dragon breath, and their physical defense is extremely terrifying, far surpassing other series of dragons.

Gem dragons are divided into diamond dragons, emerald dragons, sapphire dragons, ruby ​​dragons, etc.
In addition to the extremely powerful defense of gem dragons, there is even more powerful dragon language magic, because most of their bodies are made of magic crystals, which look like gems, so they are called gem dragons.

In short, the Dragon Clan is a very large race.

The strength is also extremely terrifying.

In the age of God Wars in ancient times, the dragon clan, like the natural elves, Titans, and human races, were the main force against the invasion of the demon continent by dimensional demons.

However, with the evolution of the times, as well as problems such as difficulty in reproduction.

Some dragon species are already difficult to meet,

For example, dragon races such as Space Dragon, Time Dragon, and Destiny Dragon are almost extinct.

However, the number of elemental dragons is increasing,

The elemental dragon has almost occupied the dominant position of the entire dragon clan in the Gods and Demons Continent.

The flaming dragon that invaded the black technology castle this time is the big family of elemental dragons.

Inside the dragon's lair in the forest.

There are hundreds of flame dragons,
The reason why only 29 came,

The reason is very simple, the dragon Rael brought all his playmates,
If there are benefits, of course you have to think of your little friends.

In the end, he was caught by Tang Xiaofan!
Tang Xiaofan pointed to the fire dragon egg in the dark gold treasure chest,

Said to Abra, the flame dragon:
"This dragon egg is handed over to you. You and the other flaming dragons are responsible for hatching it as soon as possible!"

"Obey, almighty lord!"

The flame dragon Abra nodded respectfully.

Then he carefully took the Fire Dragon King egg out of the treasure chest and returned to its clansmen.

Soon, six huge flaming dragons formed a circle,

Surround the Fire Dragon King egg in the middle,
Breathing fiery dragon breath at the egg of the Fire Dragon King,

That scene is almost like baking eggs.

Tang Xiaofan wasn't worried that they cooked the Fire Dragon King's Egg, after all, they were giant dragons of the same attribute, and the dragon breath of the Flaming Dragons did not harm the Fire Dragon King's Egg, on the contrary, it was an incomparably suitable nourishment.

After handling the dragon eggs,
Tang Xiaofan checked his personal information,

After the soldiers killed the fire dragon Leyle, who had entered level 21, he was promoted to level eleven.

【The Lord of the Castle: Tang Xiaofan】

[Strength: Early Level [-]]

【Castle Level: Intermediate Town】

[Castle arms: farmer, angel, flaming dragon, bloodthirsty wolf, nature elf, goblin, light]

[Castle Buildings: Farmer's Factory, Elven Mother Tree, Temple, Walls, Residential Houses, Noble Houses, Watchtower, Blacksmith Shop, Primary School, Middle School, Library, Barbershop...]

[Items: Ring of Cyclops, Ring of Radiance (Sacrifice), Heart of Dynasty Artifact, Castle in the Sky]

【Soul Stone: 20472】

"That's right, it can be said to be a battle to get rich!"

Tang Xiaofan smiled all over his face,
In fact, in this battle, the harvest of soul stones is second.

Even his own level improvement is not the key,

The most important thing is the level of the little angels and elves,

In this battle, a total of 23 flaming dragons were killed, and all the little angels and elves who participated in the battle were promoted.

Although these weak little angels and elves did not directly participate in the attack like warriors,

However, when they were below, they all blessed the great elf Monica,
Because of this, they can share the experience of this battle.

Because their level was not high before, after gaining a huge amount of "experience", it is logical for them to be promoted.

"so far,"

"Most of the little angels under my command have advanced."

"And the overall strength of the little angel team has exploded directly."

This is excellent news!
Tang Xiaofan looked at the big elf Monica not far away, standing under the elf mother tree.

Her aura is also much stronger.

I guess I should have been promoted.
After all, she is the main force in the battle, and she has gained the most energy.
After the battle, the great elf Monica was also promoted from the late stage of level 21 to the peak level of level 21, reaching the limit of her current growth potential.


At this time, Tang Xiaofan was suddenly puzzled,

The great elf Monica seemed a little afraid of him seeing him, and immediately lowered her head.

"why is that?"

Tang Xiaofan was a little confused,
He checked Monica's information and found that her loyalty had not decreased, but increased a lot, and it was almost ninety points.

Loyalty is high, but you are afraid of him?
Tang Xiaofan couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he came to the vicinity of the farmer's factory, and planned to upgrade the farmer's factory to level five...

The blueprint for upgrading the castle building was used by Tang Xiaofan to upgrade the metal laboratory.

Naturally, the upgrade of the farmer's factory has to consume materials.

Fortunately, his soul stone has met the upgrade conditions of the farmer's factory.

[Do you want to upgrade the only unit building? 】



Tang Xiaofan responded,
In the next second, the bright golden light enveloped the factory,

The upgrade has started.

Under the elf mother tree.

The girl Olivia is communicating with the great elf Monica with spiritual consciousness.

Olivia looked at Monica and sighed slightly, and said,

"There is no need to resist, let alone fear, that is the power of faith!"


Monica said:
"Can the power of faith forcefully transform a living being into a believer?"

She saw with her own eyes that after Zhan Er's words fell, the six royal-level flaming dragons were shrouded in a burst of light, and within a short while, the six dragons became followers of the lord.

You know they are arrogant dragons,
One of the only three advanced intelligent races in the Gods and Demons Continent.

His bloodline is noble and he disdains everything.

The results of it?
In the blink of an eye, the dragons prostrated themselves in front of the lord, shouting 'Master Almighty'. Even after returning to the castle, the dragons prayed with other believers.

The scene made her feel horrified.
Monica has lived for hundreds of years, and this is the first time she has seen such a horrible thing.

made her instinctively terrified,
So when Tang Xiaofan looked at her, she had a conditioned reflex of fright, lowered her head and dared not meet Tang Xiaofan's gaze.

Olivia said,

Monica shuddered.

Is the lord an evil god?
Olivia saw what was going on in her heart and shook her head.

Monica said:
"Mother, why are you so determined?"

Olivia searched for the inheritance memory in the depths of her soul, and responded: "The evil gods are generally ugly!"


Monica opened her mouth wide,

He looked at Tang Xiaofan who was shrouded in holy light in the distance.

After a while, she nodded and said: "In this case, the lord must not be an evil god!"

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