Starting from mental illness to dominate the heavens

Chapter 187 Civilization Wheel Chapter War Will Begin

Another day passed.

With much anticipation, the civilized reincarnation war is finally about to begin.

Finally, five people have been identified.

Blue Star Civilization: Ye Qing (Level D+), Chutian (Level D+), Chu Linger (Level D).

Dark Demon Civilization: Xilin (D+ level).

Gray Horse Star Civilization: Gray Moon (D+ level).

That's right, both the Black Demon Civilization and the Gray Horse Star Civilization finally decided to join in the fun.

Because many of the reincarnations of their civilization were killed by people from the East Star civilization, including the two strongest reincarnations before, there was a fire in their stomachs.

Of course, it was the reincarnation of Dongxing civilization who killed them, or the people of Tianwu civilization.

This matter is still uncertain.

But now that Tianwu Civilization has signed a one-year peace contract, they have no reason to bark their teeth at a Tianwu Civilization who is far stronger than themselves and still puts on a peaceful posture.

So, when they saw the Blue Star Civilization declared war on the Eastern Star Civilization, they immediately decided to participate.

The leaders of Blue Star Civilization are not fools, no one will do things that have no chance of winning at all!

Well, now that Blue Star Civilization is making such great fanfare that it is going to fight a civilized reincarnation war, it must be certain.

——With this in mind, Gray Horse Star and the Dark Demon Civilization joined the battle.

To get a share of the post-war spoils.

Also in order to express the bad breath in my chest, by the way, just like playing a military exercise to show force, let Tianwu civilization or other civilizations that are still hidden in the dark know that their civilization can also bite off a piece of silver-level civilization The strength of the meat!

Right now, Ye Qing is lying in the ward, waiting for the leader to send him a notice.

"Hey, didn't I just ask if you have any little loli, do you need to greet me like this?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, he kept deleting the information in the personal information column with his thoughts.

Most of the federal leaders cordially greeted him whether he was healthy or not.

Some said to give him one last chance to choose resources carefully, otherwise there would be no store after passing this village.

Ye Qing smiled disdainfully.

Now he can confidently say that he is completely perfect at the D+ level.

The resources obtained by other reincarnators in a group of F-rank and E-rank worlds, where can he need them?

After looking at the list of resources provided by the leader, he was sure that he didn't need any of them.

Merging those low-level abilities into his personal list will only be a burden, and the improvement effect will be minimal, if any.

The same goes for low-level weapons.

He has already integrated all the weapons he got from the fusion martial arts world into the Qingdi Sword.

Today, Qingdi Knife has been successfully promoted to C-level!
[Name: Qingdi Sword! 】

[Master: Ye Qing. 】

[Grade: Grade C. 】

[Type: Weapon. 】

[Abilities: Corrosion, Soul Eater, Evil Spirit Incarnation, Wishful Scaling. 】

[Note: If you go down with this knife, you will most likely die! 】

Not only has the grade been raised to C-level, but also one more ability——

[Corrosion: All physical creatures hit by the blade will suffer continuous corrosion damage. 】


[Soul Devourer: The souls of all creatures hit by the blade will be devoured by the Qingdi Dao, and the degree of devouring depends on the strength of the opponent. 】


[Evil Spirit Incarnation: The Qingdi Saber in the Evil Spirit Incarnation state will have a low-level combat awareness, and can attack the target designated by the owner Ye Qing. 】


[Wishful expansion and contraction: It can expand more than a hundred times in an instant, and can also shrink to a level thinner than a hair in an instant.The specific part of the expansion and contraction can be specified by the master Ye Qing. In the expansion and contraction state, the various abilities of the Qingdi Saber remain unchanged, and the hardness can still remain the same as when it was not expanded. 】


Now, Ye Qing couldn't think of any opponent in the same level that he couldn't handle!

It doesn't matter if you are a living person or a dead spirit body.

Whether you grow as small as an ant or as tall as a titan—

There is nothing I can't cut!
Of course, after the level of Qingdi Dao was raised, the will that had just been born in the blade also grew rapidly, as if it really wanted to become a consciousness like a sword spirit.


It began to fight against Ye Qing desperately, unwilling to be controlled by Ye Qing.

For this reason, Ye Qing has made a lot of efforts these days, trying to get a good relationship with it...

"Silly son, your little Uncle Chen is here and wants to see you."

He Hua suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"Huh? What are you picking your teeth with?"

She blinked suspiciously, watching Ye Qing keep licking a thin black unknown long stick with his big tongue, and occasionally poked it between his teeth.

"Oh, a new type of toothpick."

Ye Qing silently threw the trembling little black knife back into his personal backpack, and went out.

"Please don't worry, Sister He, you and Brother Ye, the boss Ye Qing said that he just wanted to talk to your two sons, and he will be sent back soon."

Chen Yong pointed out to He Hua again what he came for, and under He Hua's worried gaze, he led Ye Qing downstairs.


Step into a small aircraft.

"Son, be careful, don't risk your life with others, remember that your parents are still here waiting for you to come back!"

He Hua seemed to have guessed something, she shouted at Ye Qing with a trembling voice.

Ye Qing was startled.

Immediately, a rich wry smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough...was it still guessed by you?

No wonder you have been ignoring me for the past few days, and you beat me so hard before.

Hey, say something.

At least let them not be so worried...

Ye Qing chuckled, and responded loudly: "Don't worry, Ma Ma, I will try my best to get you a batch of reincarnation points from Big Brother Ye Qing before Big Brother Ye Qing goes to risk his life!"

He Hua: "?"


Even if I'm so sensational, I still can't let you show your flaws? !
"Lao Ye, you guard the reincarnation space for me!"

She immediately probed into the reincarnation ring with her mind and sent a message to Ye Changjiang, "I will contact my son while watching the live broadcast to see if he is the guy who is about to participate in the civilized reincarnation war. Space to challenge that person to see if he is our stupid son!"

Soon, Ye Changjiang sent a message back——

"no problem!"


Ye Qing took off all his clothes to Chen Yong.

Chen Yong showed an expression of being brave to die, and quickly changed Ye Qing's clothes.

He knew that he was about to perform the most difficult task in his life.

That's pretending to be a psycho.

For this reason, he has sneaked into many mental hospitals to observe hundreds of patients in the past few days.

It's just a pity...

He found that none of them possessed Ye Qing's "inner essence".

Ye Qing is unique.

He is second to none in the heavens and worlds.

His frightening abnormal temperament is difficult for anyone to imitate 100%!

Therefore, even though he racked his brains, he still didn't know how to accomplish such a difficult task!

Fortunately, when he was most desperate, the peak appeared.

With a complicated expression, Gao Feng gave him a thousand-page "Big Brother Ye Qing's Code of Conduct", and then said three truths——

"One: I miss Lori when I'm indecisive."

"Two: I'm in a bad mood and miss Lori."

"Three: Don't love Jiangshan but love Lolita."

Three sentences fell.

Chen Yong realized immediately.

Although he hasn't reached the level of enlightenment yet, he already has the confidence to imitate one percent of Ye Qing's essence.

If you really accept Lori——

His potential will rise infinitely!
"Boss, you go, I believe I will be able to help you complete the task!"

As soon as the aircraft stopped in an inaccessible desert, Chen Yong immediately gritted his teeth and made this promise to Ye Qing with the heart of death.

Afterwards, he re-boarded the aircraft without looking back, and went to another scene he had prepared in advance.

Ye Qing was confused, and chose to enter the reincarnation space——

What the hell!

As soon as he arrived in the reincarnation space, Ye Qing was frightened by the overwhelming applause.

Turning around to see——

At least millions of reincarnations are surrounded in all directions!
Among them are the Gray Horse Star Civilization and the Black Demon Civilization.

More, it belongs to the Blue Star Civilization.

Their eyes were extremely fanatical, and they all looked at him in pairs.

Ye Qing lowered his head in doubt, only to realize that when he left, the place where the "Friendly Talk Meeting" was held had turned into a stage.

Besides him, Xilin, Huiyue, Chutian and Chu Linger were all standing in a straight line beside him.

"It's Big Boss Ye Qing, let us welcome him!!!"

There is also a host who uses his ability to fly in the air and introduces loudly.

Clap clap clap!

Deafening applause and cheers sounded again in an instant.

"Haha! I believe there is no need to say more about Ye Qing's information, everyone should have read it on the official website."

The host said in a deep voice: "However, I believe there are some things that everyone doesn't know or don't know—"

"It's March 2202, 3 in the Blue Star Federal Calendar. It's a great honor for us to meet a special person on this day."

"That's right, he is Ye Qing."

"A man of honor and infamy, who has as many admirers as many haters."

"However, he still deserves the title of big boss!"

"On March 2202th, 3 in the Blue Star Federation calendar, Big Brother Ye Qing opened up the world of "Resident Evil". Afterwards, he resolutely donated the strategy, so that reincarnations of the Blue Star Civilization can no longer fear this world. Ways to obtain resources and abilities!"

"In April 2202 of the Blue Star Federation calendar, Ye Qing entered the world of civilized reincarnation warfare for the first time to fight for the Blue Star civilization. In this battle, he single-handedly killed six members of the enemy's civilization, forcing the enemy's civilization Raise your hand and surrender, without the heart of resistance, and in one fell swoop, I will become the overlord of the Blue Star civilization among the three major civilizations at this moment!"

"In May 2202 of the Blue Star Federation Calendar, Ye Qing was undergoing reincarnation training and was attacked by the sons of Dongxing Civilization and Tianwu Civilization. A year of person subdues a large civilization, who can repeat this move?!"

"In June 2202 of the Blue Star Federation Calendar, the Eastern Star Civilization chose to retaliate, and merged the many martial arts worlds of our Blue Star Civilization, raising the world level to D+! Choosing to enter the fusion martial arts world where the probability of failure in this mission is more than 6% may ruin his reputation if he fails, to rescue other reincarnations of the Blue Star civilization!"

"In the end, he succeeded! And what is astonishing is that since he left, the death rate of reincarnated people in this world has plummeted by 90.00%, and they all returned safely at almost the same time at the end!!!"

"July 2202, 7 in the Blue Star Federation Calendar, that is, today, he will take on the important task again, go to the world of civilized reincarnation wars, and fight for our Blue Star civilization."

"We don't know what's on his mind right now."

"However, we can probably guess that his thoughts should be excited and resolute. He should fight to the death without retreating, kill powerful enemies for our Blue Star Civilization, and open up a free sky for our Blue Star Civilization in the reincarnation space sublime idea!!!”

"Please join me in shouting—"

"Blue Star will win!!!"

"Boss Ye Qing will win!!!"


After the voice fell, all the people on the outside went crazy, screaming and roaring in the most hysterical and sincere voice——

"Blue Star will win!!!"

"Boss Ye Qing will win!!!"

on the stage.

Ye Qing's expression was extremely bewildered.

That's me?
I have so great?

However, it looks pretty cool, hehehe.

Ye Qing immediately grabbed the black knife that had returned to its original size, with an extremely solemn expression, raised the knife and shouted: "Our Blue Star will win this battle!"




The voices one after another immediately sounded continuously.

The muscles on the faces of Chutian and the others next to him could not stop twitching.

What about bluffing?
When the host compliments you a few words, do you really feel that you are great?

When did you not get paid for doing something, and cheated the Federation once?

Next, a leader of the Blue Star Federation came to the stage to deliver a speech.

He didn't have a long speech.

The speech was very brief——

"Since the establishment of the Blue Star Federation, after more than two hundred years in 2000, we have encountered countless challenges and encountered countless powerful enemies, but—"

"My Blue Star Federation has never surrendered."

After speaking, he stepped down.

The scene was quiet for a while.

However, it only lasted for a while.

"well said!!!"

The next moment, someone shouted out immediately.

"Fuck the East Star Civilization! You will eventually fall and become one of the countless roadblocks that my Blue Star Civilization has crossed!!!"

"Boss Ye Qing, come on! Boss Chutian, come on! Kill those bastards!!!"

"What about a silver-level civilization? The example of the weak overcoming the strong has appeared countless times in our history!!!"


"That's it!"

After a long time, the host spoke again and said loudly: "Now, the live broadcast [Expedition Ceremony] conducted by our Blue Star Federal Capital News Station has ended, and we will close the live broadcast next, so as to give some civilized heroes some discussion tactics and plans. time."

"This time will not be very long."

"After 10 minutes, please turn on any display devices in your home or around you, or look up at the sky—"

"At that time, you will witness a war with your own eyes."

"A civilizational war that represents the unyielding will of our Blue Star civilization!"

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