The power of God was finally revealed without reservation.

He is too strong.

Ye Qing, who is so powerful that he can already make countless C-rank reincarnation tremble, still has nothing to do but be hanged and beaten in front of him.

The sky is torn apart.

The earth is crumbling.

Ye Qing counterattacked repeatedly, causing the emperor to step back, and blood gushed out from his nose and mouth on the front of the armor.

Every move of the emperor is full of danger, his physical body is so tyrannical that it makes people desperate, flowing with explosive power, every move that hits Ye Qing can make him spurt blood!

If Ye Qing hadn't come to the outside world in time, where there is sunlight.

If he hadn't been able to communicate with the avatar that stored the vitality, energy, and soul of countless people in this world, he would have been exhausted and beaten to death by God! ! !

"Your growth rate amazes me. If you are given another three years, you may have the power to kill me—if I don't improve during these three years."

The emperor kept colliding with Ye Qing in the sky, making loud noises, like thunder rolling.

At their level, most of their abilities are useless.

They only have C-level, and it is difficult to obtain abilities beyond C-level from the reincarnation world.

However, C-level abilities have little effect on their physical bodies, which are almost comparable to C+-level powerhouses.

"Now, if you still choose to reject my invitation, I will not give you a chance to grow!"

The emperor let out a deep sigh, and the three-color divine light flowed around his armor, and the divine light was shining all over his body, just like a war god from the upper world.

With one punch, the space distorts and breaks the ribs in Ye Qing's chest, making him recede into a stream of light.

In mid-air, scarlet blood continued to splatter.

Ye Qing's face was ferocious, his body writhed like a twist, his joints crackled, like fried beans, he forcibly healed the broken bones and recovered from his injuries.

The gossip map made up of seeking Tao jade stood in front of him, trying to block the emperor's pursuit.

"What's the use of this?!"

The whole body of the emperor seemed to be burning with fire from the sky, and he shuttled through countless magma gushing into the sky, tearing and tearing the eight trigrams diagram.

"You probably want to delay the time, you want to wait until your teammates finish Rosa and Deco, and then try to work with them to deal with me."

boom! ! !
The three-color divine light filled the sky, like mountains across the sky, pressing straight towards Ye Qing, suppressing Ye Qing from a height of hundreds of feet to a hundred kilometers underground!

"I have a battle armor that I can take out. This is a piece of equipment made with the power of the entire civilization using materials from various reincarnation worlds. It perfectly circumvents the rules of this civilized reincarnation war. Do you think Rosa and Deco have no descendants?" hands?!"

God looked down coldly.

The huge mountain cracked suddenly, and there was a pair of hands with terrifying energy fluctuations on the arms, tearing apart the mountain, causing the mountain to explode instantly, and countless broken stones splashed to both sides.

The magma was raging, and quickly filled the hole created by the explosion of the mountain.

And a figure flew out of it.

It was Ye Qing!

His eyes were dim, blood was dripping, his whole body was shaking, and there were countless wounds on his body that looked like a baby's mouth, and he was on the verge of collapse.

"Then... do you think those bastards in my Blue Star Civilization are fools?"

He raised his head with great effort, showing a pale smile, "If what they gave us was really a nuclear bomb before coming here, why would they need to divide a big mushroom into five parts?"

Hearing this, the emperor's eyes gradually turned cold.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was startled.


Blue Star Civilization or the three major civilizations, there is no reason to divide a nuclear bomb between five people when they are full and have nothing to do!
Moreover, things that are not items in the reincarnation world cannot be brought into the world of this civilized reincarnation war. This rule is still strived for by the Blue Star Civilization.

How could they be so stupid and forget this rule afterwards.

Give Ye Qing and the others a big mushroom that is impossible to get out? !

"That is to do another test to see if there are any traitors who have defected to your East Star civilization among the high-level personnel."

Ye Qing grinned, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he smiled happily.

"Now, are you sure my teammates can't kill Rosa and Deco?"

boom! ! !
The emperor punched out, but it was not aimed at Ye Qing, but at the space beside him!

A big black hole was punched out by him in the space.

It was as if he had used some kind of ability.

The next moment, he rushed in.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room soon saw the appearance of God from Chutian and his pictures.

【Boss Ye Qing, what are you doing here? ! 】

Countless people were in an uproar.

They couldn't understand Ye Qing, why did he drive Dishang, whom he couldn't beat, to Chutian and the others.

Even if you can't beat them, Chutian and the others can't even beat them!
And you'll kill them if you do! ! !

"Are you planning to let Chu Tian and the others sacrifice in exchange for him being able to recover from his injuries and continue to grow?"

Discussion group.

The seats were silent.

They guessed an answer that didn't end well.

If Ye Qing really intends to do this, then even if Ye Qing wins in the end, only Ye Qing can survive.

mirror space.

Deco, who was panting like a cow, and Rosa, who was covered in blood, joined together long ago.

They have to.

Deco looks away from the station.

People reincarnated from the dirty soil, the soul armor can be broken under Deke's full strength.

People kept being beaten out of their wits by Deco and couldn't recover.

However, there are some people who are too powerful to be annihilated by him. After their bodies are melted, they are restored to new bodies by Chu Linger, who is constantly hiding in secret.

Deco gradually showed signs of decline.

He is a living being, and sometimes he is tired.

But his opponent didn't!
So, he finally chose to join forces with Rosa to fight against the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the situation on Rosa's side was no better than his side.

Facing the siege of Chutian, Xilin and Huiyue, Rosa is still undefeated.

The strength possessed by the saint-level reincarnation is fully displayed in her body.

She can constantly find out the weaknesses of the three of them and inflict damage on them.

The three of them couldn't do anything to her who was perfect in all aspects, causing any serious injuries to her!

Their combat prowess may be comparable.

However, after all, the three of Chutian came to this world, and they achieved C rank with Ye Qing's help not long ago!
So the three have been at a disadvantage.

However, not long after, when the three little ones and Da Naruto and Da Zuo who came to help from the future time and space freed them up, they came to help.

Rosa began to be in danger.

After all, she and Deco are not gods, and they don't have the perverted combat power and fighting awareness of gods.

A wooden stick in the hands of the emperor can hunt tigers, but in their hands it can only beat wild dogs.

"We can't hide any more, kill some of them in one go, and deal with the rest slowly!"

Deco took a deep breath, and took out a white stone sculpture no bigger than a palm from his personal space.

The stone sculpture looks like a dog or a cat, with a pair of eyes full of confusion and chill, like a neurotic disguise.

"Devil of Wishes - Arise!"

Deco bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the stone carving.

boom! ! !
The stone sculpture came out of his hand and landed on the ground. In the blink of an eye, it swelled tens of millions of times. Its body was flowing with black light, which seemed to reveal some kind of mysterious rules. It erupted with an ominous aura, covering most of the mirror image space in an instant!

In a trance, all the colors became dim.

"Worm, state your wishes."

A desolate voice mixed with madness sounded in every ear.

"My wish is that no matter how strong they wish to become, Rosa and I will always be twice as strong as them!"

Deco was the first to say the wish.

"My wish is that they cannot get out of this cage in any way until you dissipate!"

Rosa followed closely and expressed her wish.

The dog-like cat made a deep voice, "Worm, I will help you realize your wishes."

As the voice fell, two seemingly imaginary knives suddenly appeared from nothingness and landed on Rosa and Deco.


The two groaned at the same time.

Chutian, Xilin and Huiyue watched vigilantly, and found that a part was cut off from Rosa and Deco, and then absorbed by the demon.

not much.

But the wound of the soul is an unsolvable wound for most people.

"We should make a wish, too."

Chu Tian's expression became solemn, and he recalled the treasures that the leaders of the Blue Star Civilization sent over, and the reincarnation of the Eastern Star Civilization might carry.

Among them is this thing called [Wishing Demon]——

32: The duration of the existence of demon spirits is one hour and [-] minutes of the Blue Star civilization.

Two: During the existence of the demon spirit, the wish to the demon spirit will be fulfilled. The bigger the wish, the more things the demon spirit will take away from you, including but not limited to lifespan, soul, spiritual power, organs, intelligence ...

Three: If no one makes a wish after the demon spirit asks three times, the demon spirit will swallow those who do not make a wish—a suspected rule ability, which cannot be resisted.

"I make a wish!"

Chu Tian was still recalling the information about "Devil of Wishes", when Xilin beside him yelled.

He also read the information.

Xilin chuckled and said, "My first wish is that I can get two chances to make another wish, and these three wishes come true together."

Ok? !

What kind of ghost wish is this?

Everyone was startled.

The Wishing Demon looked at Xilin silently, but did not speak.

Because Xilin said that he wanted the three wishes to be fulfilled together, it can't estimate the price yet to see what it takes from Xilin.

"The second wish: I hope that my third wish can be multiplied by ten times and come true."

"Third wish: I wish to disregard all my previous wishes and have nothing come true."

The voice fell.

Everyone looked at each other.


They all felt like their brains went off the rails.

Need to eat some brain gold, use the energy of brain gold to stroke well.

boom! ! !
The wish demon suddenly exploded.

Everyone returned to the mirror space with familiar scenes.


Now, everyone opened their mouths wide, their eyes stared like fish bubbles, unable to speak for a long time.

Deco and Rosa also looked blankly at the familiar mirror space scene around them, and froze in place.

So what wronged the demon spirit.


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