Starting from mental illness to dominate the heavens

Chapter 278 Your Emperor Was Killed by Our Ye Qing

"Brother Ye Qing, if you do this again, I will ignore you!"

4276 shouted at Ye Qing angrily.

That's right.

She is the 4276 that Ye Qing spent a long time in the world of "Spiritual Cage", but was unable to bring back because he had no money!

And because Ye Qing and Gao Feng went to that world together.

Not long ago, Gao Feng used the designated world card to re-enter that world and brought 4276 out!

"Hey, what a crime..."

With a helpless expression, Ye Qing casually found a sofa and sat down.

There is still a loli and a young girl in his cellar that haven't been revived yet.

At this moment, another one came.

4276 ran over with a grin, sat down next to Ye Qing, didn't care what Ye Qing said just now.

She knew Ye Qing was like this.

Many times, you are obviously happy to death, but on the surface, you always behave like a neuropathy.

It's like he obviously doesn't like to force others, but he always puts on a weird look.

"Ye Qing, since you said that you are not on the side of those ambitious people, can you tell us your real identity?"

A famous leader spoke up.

"We considered your possible concerns, so we are the only ones here this time, and our itinerary has been perfectly concealed. In many people's eyes, we are meeting in the conference room at the moment."

After a pause, he took out a contract and said sincerely: "The confidentiality contract is also ready. If we reveal your true identity to others in the future, you don't need to collect debts. The moment you haven't said it, the reincarnation space We will be punished directly by sudden death."

"Of course, if you still don't think it works, then you can use another more cumbersome method, so that we can dispel some concerns."

Another leader spoke.

At the same time, put an A4 paper and another contract in front of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing picked it up and took a look, and found that there were many problems printed on the A4 paper, which were related to many aspects.

The contract is also a confidentiality contract.

Said that they would not disclose Ye Qing's answer to anyone.

At the same time, it also indicated that Ye Qing must fill in the real answer.

"No, my identity fascinates you so much?!"

Ye Qing was very annoyed, "Knowing my real identity will make you eat two more bowls when you eat, or something?"

"Well, if you can tell us, it will indeed improve our appetite when we eat in the future."

"Damn it! Let me check your memory one by one, let me see all the secrets of your life, and then I will tell you the secret of my identity!"


"Oh, no way... wait, what are you talking about?"

Ye Qing was dumbfounded.

After going through so many reincarnation experiences and living two lifetimes, there are not many times that can make him confused.

But this time, he was completely dumbfounded.

These guys...

Playing so hard? !

"If you hadn't become the real No.1 of our Blue Star Civilization, even someone who could rival the peak combat power of a silver-level civilization, we wouldn't be so willing; if it weren't for the complicated situation in the Blue Star Civilization, we wouldn't would be so desperate to know your true identity."

A leader gave the answer, and then patted his white-haired head with a smile, "Come on, come and see what I have done in my life, maybe you will be moved by it."

Several other leaders made the same action.

Hearing this, Ye Qing used his abilities without saying a word, flipping through the memories of all of them.

Cut, do you really think I'm joking with you? !

Ye Qing sneered in his heart.

It's just that, smiling and laughing, as time went by, and he read more and more memories, he gradually became silent.

He saw some funny memory pictures.

For example, a leader with a youthful face angrily confronted sand sculptures on the Internet.

The typing on the keyboard was the same as using the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

I also saw a lot of ridiculous scenes.

For example, there was a flood one year, and several places in the technologically advanced Blue Star Federation were hit by disasters.

Several leaders rushed to the disaster relief site, and the first thing they did was to hang up the local foreman who was building the flood control dam and beat them up, and it was the kind that started the live broadcast.

He also saw countless pictures that made him fall silent.

For example, whenever there is an emergency, all these leaders appear on the front line as if they could teleport.

The day the situation didn't improve, the day they didn't leave.

Also do a lot of work on solving problems.


Ye Qing sighed.

He was sure that no one sitting here was a bad person.

All moral qualities are so noble that if they were placed in ancient times, they could be instantly sanctified.

"Okay, let me tell you my real identity."

Ye Qing sighed: "I am—"

All the leaders raised their ears, waiting for Ye Qing to give the real answer.

"That's right, I'm an alien from Earth!" Ye Qing smiled charmingly.

Several leaders: "..."

Ye Qing, you think we can't kill you, right?
Which planet is the earth?
We haven't even heard of it!

"'s frustrating that no one applauds, I'll be honest."

Ye Qing gazed sadly, and sighed again, "Well, I still don't want to tell you my real identity. But I can fill out this questionnaire for you... You can add a few more questions to it, I'll take care of you It’s for the sake of saving a few little loli during a flood fight.”

His tone softened for the first time.

This is the first time.

Of course, the main reason for this was because he knew from Gao Feng that these leaders were the same people as him.

Can speak human words and do human affairs.

And he has just discovered through probing his memory that if there is a spirit in the way of heaven, what these leaders do will be counted as merit, which can make them become holy immediately.

Ye Qing feels that he is not a good person, and he is not willing to be a good person who harms himself and benefits others.

But he admires good people.

Now, the reason why he still refuses to reveal his identity to these people is that he doesn't want to be a hero, and wants to be a quiet salty fish that won't be disturbed by sudden visits.

"That's okay, you just need to finish answering the above questions."

Hearing this, several leaders laughed.

Ye Qing wrote down his name on the contract twice, and then began to read the question seriously——

[One: Have you ever joined a certain organization? 】

【If not, please write no and go to the second question; if yes, please write yes and go to the seventh question. 】


[Two: Do ​​you have any opinion on the federation? 】

【If not, please write No and go to Question [-]; If yes, please state the reason and go to Question [-]. 】


Ye Qing answered each question.

This is the second time he has done such a questionnaire for some time.

In the past, a boss who specialized in drawing books asked him to give advice, but he never took it so seriously.

After a long time, he finally answered all of them.

Several leaders immediately looked through his answer sheet one by one.

The corners of their mouths twitched when they saw the answer [I have an opinion, the law that you can't raise loli is too inhumane].

When they saw Ye Qing say that he didn't join any anti-civilization and anti-federal organization in the future, they smiled again.

Seeing Ye Qing say that sometimes his head does not work well, only Luoli can help to heal.

They couldn't help raising their heads hesitantly, looking at Ye Qing.

"Um, so your brain..."

"...If you look at me like that again, your little girl will disappear mysteriously, do you believe me?"

"Understood, but there are indeed some little girls in our families... Dress up a bit like a loli."

"Heh, it seems to be a felony in the federal government to take out food that has expired and sell it as a normal commodity?"


"Okay, I've finished writing all the questionnaires honestly, bring me a thousand and eight million reincarnation points, and when you're done, go where you feel cool."

Ye Qing began to chase people away impatiently.

Just kidding, if it weren't for the fact that you are so annoying, the people sent out have already found the hospital, and it is really not a good idea to fight hard with you...

Will I honestly hand over this questionnaire?
"Well, we're telling you something, you won't be angry, will you?"

"Don't tell me that you have no money, I know exactly how much you have earned in this civilized reincarnation war!"

"...Well, haven't you read the latest announcement on the Federation's official website?"

"The free loli?"

"...It's the Federal currency exchange reincarnation point."

"...I'll lower the standard, just give me my original 50."

"That's 40, and...can you make a small sacrifice and don't talk about it until the federal economy is stable."

"...I heard that there are reincarnation people who open online classes and seem to make a lot of money. Is there such a thing?"

"It seems that there is...?"


Ye Qing finally held back his killing intent and sent these people away.

He agreed to let them help him to promote himself, and he planned to return to the real world after the online class with ticket fee opened in a few days.

4276 is temporarily staying in the mansion.

After he clears up the relationship with his mother, let 4276 go to the real world.

4276 appears somewhat silent.

After Ye Qing returned to the reincarnation space, the flow rate between her world and this world became normal, one to one.

However, she also didn't see Ye Qing for almost half a year.

Before parting, she stood at the door of the mansion and looked at Ye Qing silently.

Say nothing.

Just look at it.

"Hey...well, actually, there are still two lolis in my cellar who haven't woken up yet. You came here suddenly...I don't want you to come, but you, Erni-chan, I'm a scumbag, you know what a scumbag means. Is it? It’s full of graininess, the kind that many girls like... Bah, I didn’t mean that.”

Facing 4276 like this, Ye Qing found himself a little panicked.

It's not that he doesn't like 4276.

In the world of "Soul Cage", he can see 4276's meticulous care of him. Although 4276 is a little older, he thought for a long time that he treated 4276 as a younger sister.

4276's eye sockets gradually became moist.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, just say what you have to say. You should know something about me from Gao Feng. I don't understand girls' thoughts, and I can't figure it out. So if you want something , For example, what do you want to eat, what do you want to play, I will definitely do it for you, if anyone dares to bully you, I will hack him to death... If it is me who bullies you, forget it, I like to bully people, you know... "

4276 rushed over suddenly, put his head on Ye Qing's chest, and hugged Ye Qing tightly with both hands.


4276's voice was crying, and tears fell on Ye Qing's chest, "I know...Brother Ye Qing, I miss you so much and like you very much, so if you want to bully me, bully me. That's... if you also If you like me a little bit, can you not leave me here alone? I have always been very scared. I was afraid that that person was sent by you to pick me up, and then I was afraid that you would not like me and don’t want me. I'm not familiar with this place at all, if you don't want me, I don't know where to go."


It turned out that she was unfamiliar with the place and wanted me to take her back with her.

Ye Qing was a little anxious.

He will appear directly in the bedroom of the ward when he returns.

His mom is 100% still around.

If his mommy was given a whole set of magic tricks to turn him into a living person, it was uncertain whether his mommy would beat him, but he would definitely be frightened.

Seeing Ye Qing's tangled expression, 4276 immediately cried even more sadly.

Crying and crying, a toy puppy made of wood and cardboard that started barking after being hit fell out of her pocket.

Ye Qing picked up the puppy curiously, and found that there were actually a few lines written underneath——

[Today is No. 70 two days after Brother Ye Qing left. I have been stealing lessons from some masters for a long time before I finally learned how to make it scream. Sister Bai Yuekui and their aesthetics are not right, and they all say that I am ugly.snort!Brother Ye Qing will definitely like it! 】

Looking at these few lines, Ye Qing couldn't help but remain silent.

He is really a single dog who has never been in love in two lifetimes, and he doesn't understand anything about relationships.

He doesn't even know how to please girls.

But now 4276 is crying very sadly, and seeing this ugly toy dog ​​like Peppa the boar, he knows how much 4276 really likes him.

He couldn't say anything more indifferent.

"Don't cry, your dog is very good-looking, and Ernie-chan likes it very much. So because I have a saying that I want to return the gift, Ernie-chan will also give you a baby, okay?"

Ye Qing searched in his personal backpack for a long time.

In the end, he took out a reincarnation ring, smoothed it with a black knife, until the original appearance of the reincarnation ring was no longer visible, and carved a graffiti-like puppy pattern on it, and handed it to 4276.

"This... Brother Ye Qing, do you really want to give it to me?"

4276's eyes lit up like stars, making Ye Qing feel very strange.

He didn't have any other thoughts, he just thought about the short videos he had watched in his previous life. Girls like rings.

It just so happens that I have slaughtered a lot of reincarnations, and there are not many other things, but there are many rings.

Of course, he mainly wanted 4276 to stop crying.

"Yes, I gave it to you." Ye Qing replied like this.

4276 immediately snatched the ring, put it on his finger, and looked left and right with the light of the room, as if he got a very precious treasure, he liked it to death.

"Don't be like this, you are crying and laughing, people will look like you are sick." Ye Qing couldn't help but sighed.

"Hee hee, brother Ye Qing, do you like it?"

"I don't like it very much, mainly because you are not as good-looking as you were before."

"Hee hee, I like to hear that."

"I like to say that too."

"It seems that brother Ye Qing often tells people?"

"It seems that sister 4276, you often listen to people talking about it?"

"I only heard from you, brother Ye Qing."

"I only told you, sister 4276."


4276 laughed immediately.

Smiling, she hugged Ye Qing again, put her head on Ye Qing's chest, and whispered: "I really like brother Ye Qing... so brother Ye Qing, can you also like me a little more, and pay more attention to me?" ...I only have you..."

"Ah, ah, I know, so can I go back first? I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Ye Qing sighed, "I'm a puppy if I lie."

"Okay! But brother Ye Qing, I don't understand a lot of things here, you have to teach me first."

4276 readily agreed this time, took out a small notebook from somewhere, and asked Ye Qing to teach her how to do some things in it, and then she wrote it down.

Ye Qing knew that it was impossible for her not to understand, not to mention that all the electrical appliances were controlled by the Red Queen.

But after thinking about it, I realized that I was going to sleep when I went back, so I agreed directly.

he does not know.

While he was still chatting with 4276, several leaders who had talked with him before had already sat down at a negotiating table.

Opposite is Dongxing Civilization, all of them look like demons.

"Have you figured it out?"

The Negotiator of Dongxing Civilization showed a sneer, "The so-called strongest [eight-level gale] was renamed [Motherlander], and he knew at a glance that he did not support your Federation, so you still have the courage to unite with Tianwu Civilization, Fight against our Eastern Star Civilization together? Compensate my Eastern Star Civilization for 100 billion, and we won't take action against you!"

"Tsk tsk."

Hearing this, several leaders leisurely raised their teacups in front of them and took a sip.

"Your Emperor was killed by our Ye Qing."

After a while, a leader quietly said such a sentence.

"...I am discussing compensation with you now! The alliance contract cannot be changed, but if you don't pay compensation, we will kill you under the pressure of Tianwu civilization!"

"Your Emperor was killed by our Ye Qing."

"Ye Qing is not with you! You are all stupid, don't you know the meaning of his code name change? If he is not with you, our Eastern Star Civilization will kill your Blue Star Civilization as easily as killing chickens and dogs!"

"Your Emperor was killed by our Ye Qing."

"Bastard! Can't you stop talking about God?!"

"Your Rosa, Deke, Rijian, and Yanxin were all killed by our Ye Qing."

"It's just people who died in a civilized reincarnation war, and there are more powerful people in our Dongxing civilization!!!"

"Your family's D-level holy son Mengshi was also killed by our family Ye Qing."

"...Can you stop talking about who was killed by whom? Ye Qing is amazing, but he doesn't have the same heart with you."

"Our Ye Qing has changed its code name."


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