Starting from mental illness to dominate the heavens

Chapter 377 It would be great if you were here

In the spotlight.

The [gap] opened by the pioneers to release the Kaiju beast disappeared.

Disappeared together with it are all kinds of monsters that had been rampant in human civilization.

Such as Godzilla, King Kong, Kraken, Alien, Snow Monster, Alien Plant Pandora...

And Ye Qing.

For ordinary people in the earth world, they don't know what Ye Qing's disappearance means.

I don't even care about it.

They only know that in a short while, all the monsters that once invaded the human civilization world disappeared.

As quickly as they were projected.

And now, the machines that projected them are turned off, and they disappear.

Another three years passed.

Human civilized society has broken free from the suffering of war and is rapidly rebuilding, and the world situation has become peaceful and very stable.

All have tasted the pain of war.

Although the object of the battle is a monster.

However, it still allows them to learn from it that war is terrible.

Everyone spontaneously fell in love with peace, and used the method of "Monster Disappearance Day" as a peace festival to continuously promote peace.

Let's hope the next war never comes.

With the purpose of "protecting little loli (protecting beautiful things)", and there are rumors that the disappearance of monsters is due to the credit of the loli lord, the [loli support group] has rapidly expanded.

In just three years, it has become a household name and a huge religion with nearly one billion followers.

What is puzzling is that the loli support group has never had a Pope or Pope.

possesses supreme power.

It is Ms. Martha who calls herself "Holy Maiden".

No one knows why Martha has been refusing to "take the throne" and stubbornly uses the word "Saint" to refer to herself.

No one knows why the [Monster Disappearance Day] did not come.

Martha would walk into a [clean room] very bleakly.

A stay is a whole day.


Several believers passed by the [clean room] on that day.

They whispered to people that they heard Martha crying inside.


this day.

At a school in a remote part of New York State.

A guy with big arms and round waist and wise eyes shining in his eyes was climbing on the wall beside the school, looking at the little loli who was running around in the school with a strange expression.

Wipe your saliva from time to time.

"You said today is my graduation ceremony, can't you be normal?!"

At this time, a little blonde loli suddenly appeared beside the man.

She waved her small fist angrily and kept hitting the man's thigh.

"Come in with me, the teacher said let us bring our parents, you won't let the teacher think that I don't have parents?"

"Well, didn't I say I was going to call me Oni-chan outside?"

"That's considered a parent! Why are you so afraid of meeting other people?"

"Hey, that's a very long story...Okay, okay, don't fight, it's because your sister-in-law is chasing and killing me. I'm afraid that there will be too many people, and people will tell me after they find out that I have a clone in this world. After it's over, your sister-in-law will 100% immediately bring someone over to kill me."

"Just know how to brag! Come with me, my teacher just said that he wanted to see you."

The little blonde loli went to pull the man's clothes.

As a result, I didn't pull it several times.

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and looked down to see if there was any stone on the side of the road, so that she could smash this bastard to death.

Her name is Yesha, and she is 15 years old this year.

One of a dozen orphans funded by a guy named "Ye Qing".

In the eyes of her and other sponsored friends, this sorghum named "Ye Qing" is definitely a big hei tai.

The kind with brain problems.

"Teacher? Men and women? Men, I won't go"

Ye Qing's interest suddenly rose.

"Girl, she is fair and beautiful with long legs. She is 26 this year, she looks so pretty!" Ye Sha gritted her teeth and said this.

"Well, it's been expired for a long time? Then I still don't go, you go."

"She's married!"

"Huh? Hehehe, wife, hehehe..."

Ye Qing wiped his saliva, and said seriously: "For the sake of your study, why don't I go over now and get in touch with your teacher?"


Ye Sha kicked Ye Qing hard, and then went into the school without looking back.

Ye Qing thought that three years had passed, and with the world being so big, no one might recognize him.

He also walked in.

Many parents came.

At this moment, the school is very lively.

According to the information given by Ye Sha, Ye Qing found the auditorium where the graduation ceremony will be held.

At this time.

A black man and someone who was probably his son came from outside at the same time, preparing to enter the hall.

They seem to be quite famous.

"My God! It's Scott! A great warrior of our race!"

"It was he and a few other human heroes who blew up the wormhole gap with a nuclear bomb, so we can have peace today!"

"Mr. Scott, can you sign for me?"

Many people surrounded two black people, one big and one small, with fanatical expressions on their faces.

"Oh, you've become a big celebrity."

Ye Qing smacked his lips, turned around and wanted to leave.

He really didn't expect that the world was so big, and it was such a coincidence that he really met an acquaintance.

"Don't you say hello to old friends?"

Only two steps away, a dull voice sounded behind him.

Ye Qing pretended not to hear anything.

"Martha is ill, and the doctor says she has only half a year to live."

Scott's voice continued.

Ye Qing once again pretended that he didn't understand English, and walked faster.

How about funny daddy?

Although Martha didn't improve the strength of any baby, as long as she uses the necklace I gave her from time to time, it will be safe from all diseases!
Suddenly, Yesha appeared out of nowhere.

After stuffing a medical record into Ye Qing's hand, he rushed towards Scott and hugged Scott's hand.

"Uncle Scott!"

Yesha shouted happily.

Seeing this action, Ye Qing was very heartbroken.

God, Yesha has never been so close to him.

Obviously he is the one who sponsored Yesha...

He opened the medical record and looked at it, and found Martha's name impressively written on it.

【motor neuron disease】

Behind a large string of numbers and letters was written the name of an illness he couldn't understand.

It feels pretty powerful.

"I spent a full three years looking for you. I gave up checking all kinds of video surveillance and used the most stupid paper data analysis method to check the information about suspicious targets one by one and analyze whose behavior is most similar to yours. of."

Scott said slowly: "In the end, I found a little girl named 'Yesha'. After knowing her name was taken by you, I am [-] to [-]% sure that the person who sponsored her is you, and then let She took a chance to call you out."

"Well, why are you looking for me if you have nothing to do? Want to catch me as an experimental product?"

Ye Qing scratched his head curiously, and tentatively said: "I think I can at least last until you use the beauty trick, do you believe it?"

"Don't talk to my Uncle Scott like that!"

Ye Sha angrily picked up Ye Qing.

Ye Qing: "..."

This baby can't be had anymore.

I really want to destroy her body.

"... There are many reasons for looking for you, at least in the past. But after three years, there are only two left."

"Which two?"

"One is that Martha is dying. Me and Rory and everyone else who knows your story think you should go and see Martha for the last time. The other one is that the world may need you."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, you know, those alien bastards can open the second wormhole if they can open the first time. Without your help, it will be difficult for us to defeat them again."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a great prophet."

Ye Qing naturally knew that the pioneers would open the passage again.

In the second part of Pacific Rim, it is said that Dr. Newton became a traitor because of his synaesthesia and opening the chrysanthemum beast too many times. He manipulated the mech fighters of the Shaw Group to launch energy waves and open the channel.

Then, a new generation of mecha fighters came out and successfully beat the Kaiju Beast into a flying bird under Mount Fuji in the Japanese country by flying a crow with one hand.

However, that is the original plot.

At this moment, according to the information sent back by the ontology, the pioneer world is almost eaten up by the ontology.

What are you afraid of?

Do you have hair?
"I don't know if you have feelings for Martha."

Scott spoke again, "But, I think even as a friend, you should go see her, instead of playing missing for three years and three years, and making everyone think you left out of this world.”

"Well, in fact, if you don't find Dad, Dad will really leave in a few days."

"Let's go later, at least, spend some time with Martha."

"Not interested in."

"Hehe, you named this little girl 'Yesha', and after you came back, you supported a dozen children, taught them some of the skills you possessed, and kept instigating them to join the loli support group... Go a little further, Luo Leigh and Bill Cage are also your training objects. You once told them to help you protect Martha, otherwise you will pick off their heads and use them as flowerpots... Ye Qing, you have never been good at hiding your feelings. "

"Hey? As soon as you mentioned Raleigh, I remembered. Where is this guy now? Did he make a pair with Asako Mori? Did you listen to my instructions to have a loli daughter?"

"...The world summit will be held in Sydney, and he is in Sydney right now, preparing to have a meeting with Asako Sen. Do you have any idea of ​​having fun in the past?"

Scott found himself unable to persuade Ye Qing.

It can be seen from Ye Qing's clumsy way of changing the subject just now.

So, he wondered if he could get Raleigh and Asako Mori to help persuade him.

"Is the public expense reimbursed?"

Ye Qing chuckled.

"For the sake of the Lord of Lolita...Huh? You agree now?" Scott was taken aback.

"Hey, what do you mean you've prepared loli and waited for me to ask for it?"

"...I didn't mean that! What I meant was that I never thought that you would suddenly become so talkative... Forget it, you'd better go straight away, and we'll talk about some things when you get there."

"Huh? You mean you prepared a loli for me over there?"

"...I suddenly don't want you to go over."

"Anla Anla, don't worry, I'm not interested in dark-skinned ones."

"Fack! You're racist!"

"Shet! That's not what I meant... well, I'm telling the majority of people that I don't discriminate against any kind of skin color. I also thought about taking in a black loli..."


Scott felt very tired.

Ye Qing chuckled, opened a portal leading to Sydney and wanted to go there.

Ding Dong!

Suddenly, he found his cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from a person he noted as [Saint Lady Violent Maniac Overdue Lolita].

The information is not very long.

【Today, I was pushed by the nurse to the park to bask in the sun. When I crossed the road, the wind was so strong that I was a little scared.I think it would be nice if you were here, so that I can use your disobedient words to grab you and let you take me there. 】

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