Starting from mental illness to dominate the heavens

Chapter 411 Classification of the Marvel World

"The strong in this world can actually be classified in a way that you can understand."

Gu Yi was neither sad nor happy, he pointed to the empty seat in front of him and signaled Ye Qing to come and sit down.

Immediately, he took a sip of tea.

"Simple point division, can be divided into: surface level, star level, heavenly father level, single universe level."

"Surface level means that it can only flop on the surface, and with all its strength, it can only cause damage to surface objects such as mountains, cities, and canyons, and cannot harm the existence inside the planet."

"Planet level refers to the existence that can destroy a large city at will, and with all its strength and given time, it can destroy a planet."

"The word [Heavenly Father] in the Heavenly Father class is actually a title for the king of every god in the mythology, but it can also be understood that anyone who is called by this title has unimaginable power. For example, it can easily destroy a planet; for example, it can empower other creatures and become the source of power... Odin, you should know that even if he is about to die, he is also the existence of the peak of the heavenly father. Slapped to death as easily as a mosquito."

"There is not much difference between the single universe level and the more powerful heavenly father level, because their normal strength performance is to easily destroy the planet, but the upper limit of the strength of the single universe level is much higher than that of the heavenly father level. The powerful single universe level , is an existence that can affect a universe.”

Gu Yi explained a few words, Ye Qing immediately understood.

Like the M team Steve in Marvel, Falcon, Iron Man, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Widow Sister, Hawkeye, Hulk in normal state, etc., all belong to the surface level.

In terms of the reincarnation level, it should be equivalent to the weakest but not the peak of F+, such as Widow Sister, Falcon, the captain who has not activated the [-]-[-] ability, and the Winter Soldier.

It is also stronger than ordinary people.

The strongest can reach the peak of C+ level, such as Iron Man who wears nano armor and has home court advantage, Hulk who is rampant but not completely rampant, and Thor who just debuted.

The one in the middle is like Spider-Man, Venom, Normal Hulk, Anti-Hulk Armored Iron Man.

——All those who can't destroy a planet with all their strength are collectively referred to as the surface level.

Storm Ax Thor, Captain Marvel, Wanda who ran away but not blackened, Hela, the goddess of death, and Doctor Strange who is a master of magic, these belong to the star class.

Changed to the level of reincarnation, it is equivalent to B-level reincarnation.

Odin belongs to the Heavenly Father class, or the peak Heavenly Father class.Although he didn't dare to use his full strength because he was so old that he was going to burp soon, but if someone really made him pissed, he should be able to see the strength of the heavenly father.

Changed to the level of reincarnation, it is equivalent to A-level reincarnation.

Then in the future, Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension, should be between the heavenly father level and the single universe level, or even the single universe level.

With the help of the almost unlimited dark power in the dark dimension, among the characters Ye Qing knows and has appeared in the movie, probably only Odin who is wearing the Destroyer armor and is in peak condition can fight against it.

Changed to the level of reincarnation, it may be equivalent to achieving S-level reincarnation.

"Well, what level are you, Sister Guyi?"

Ye Qing showed a shy smile, and asked a question with malicious intent.

Gu Yi glanced at Ye Qing, and said calmly: "It's considered a quasi-heavenly father. With the Eye of Agamotto equipped with the time gem, a hundred of you are not enough for me to fight."

"Hey, you misunderstood. I respect you very much, so it is impossible for me to think of fighting you... Well, if there is no Eye of Agamotto, how many times can I beat you?"

"You give me a strange feeling. On the surface, you don't meet the star-level standards in every item, but when combined, you are not too weak among the star-level powerhouses."

Gu Yi said lightly: "If there is no Eye of Agamotto, I can probably only hit ten of you at the same time."


Ye Qing scratched his chin.

Gu Yi without the Eye of Agamotto is equal to ten him, so Thanos without gems, who is similar to Gu Yi, should only be equal to eight to nine him.

Then Thanos is replaced by the reincarnation level, which is equal to the peak of B+ level.

I am now at the pinnacle of C+ level.

Then when he broke through to B level, he might be able to rub Thanos on the ground.

"Hey hey, I suddenly have the idea of ​​wandering in the universe."

Ye Qing's expression gradually changed, and he couldn't help wiping away his saliva.

As long as you can beat Thanos, you have a great chance to get ahead of Thanos, and even snatch a few gems and the infinite gem glove directly from Thanos.

At that time, not to mention that only a thousand people came this time, Saint Cloud Civilization.

He can make others become annihilated by attacking the whole army! ! !

"Don't think about that dangerous thing."

Gu Yi took a sip of tea calmly, "If you were to beat that snapping finger, all of you who came this time, regardless of enemy or friend, will all die here."

She seemed to have directly detected Ye Qing's thoughts.

Ye Qing: "..."

Can't you make me happy for a while first?


Ye Qing became angry, "It doesn't matter who hits you the same? Is your world's consciousness discriminating against mental patients? Believe it or not, I'll sue it!"

"The simple reason is that you, who have that opportunity, will never let go of turning this universe into a loli universe."

Gu Yi picked up the teapot and filled his cup with water, "The deep-rooted reason is that when you go to someone else's house as a guest, the hospitable and kind master allows you to play around on his territory, but he won't allow you to He's messing around on his turf. It's a bottom-line issue—"

She pushed a steaming teacup towards Ye Qing.

The aroma of tea is overflowing.

"Just like me, who knows the secret, I can't help you kill people, otherwise, the world consciousness behind you will regard it as an existence that affects the rules of fairness and justice-this is the bottom line of the world consciousness behind you.

Of course, people who don't know the secret can be recruited and tempted by you to help you.

And the bottom line of my world consciousness is that you people who come to this world as guests should not go too far.

For example, turning all the creatures in the universe into lolita and creating a loli universe; for example, using super contagious spiritual energy to cancerize the universe and lure all creatures in the universe to degenerate; for example, using the six infinite gems as different flavors The lollipop was licked... Don't think about it, these things are likely to be done by you, a psychopath. "

Gu Yi sighed, "But there is good news that you should like."

"Huh? What is it?!"

Ye Qing was shocked immediately.

"Although, I can't help you kill someone."

Gu gently put a teacup on the table.

"But the earth is guarded by me, and I can let them leave the home guarded by me, away from here."

Invisible fluctuations spread.

Everything that is on earth.

The people of the Holy Cloud civilization, and even the spectators with a little consciousness who were sheltered by the gate of the heavens and entered from the perspective of watching the battle.

All were thrown out of the earth.

【Um? !How is this going? ? ? 】

[Is this planet called Earth awakened by the planet's spirit?How did the people of the Saint Cloud civilization and us all be driven into outer space? 】

[Tsk tsk, this is fun, these people from the Holy Cloud civilization may not all have the ability to survive in space for a long time. 】

【What do you want?Perhaps not only people from Shengyun civilization, but also people from Blue Star Alliance and Tianwu civilization were kicked out. 】

【Did you see it? 】

[Is this still necessary to see?Leaving aside the fact that the people from the Blue Star Alliance and Tianwu Civilization hid very deeply, they blocked all the images as soon as they entered, let’s talk about this planet—what reason does it have to help the people of the Blue Star Alliance and Tianwu Civilization alone? 】

[Hehe, the man who spoke earlier probably thought that the people from the Blue Star Alliance and Tianwu Civilization would have dealt with this planet as soon as they came. 】


In the heavens forum.

Because it was discovered that they appeared on the earth, the people of the Saint Cloud civilization and the audience in the live broadcast room were thrown out of the planet by invisible forces, and they couldn't help talking about it.

And in the live broadcast room of the Blue Star Alliance composed of the Blue Star Civilization, the Black Demon Civilization, and the Gray Horse Star Civilization.

Because they couldn't enter Zhutian Forum to watch the live broadcast, most of the discussions were about where Ye Qing and Chu Tian were hiding.

Of course, some people speculated that the reason for being thrown out was because Ye Qing was on Earth.

"Don't be too quick to laugh."

Gu Yi raised his teacup again and took a sip, "I feel that among the people you came this time, there are a few guys who are not weaker than me. Just now I threw their companions into outer space, which will only cause Those few people pay attention, and then they may come to the earth together to find the reason in a certain earth crisis."

"Hey hey, it's fine if you can delay for a while, I'm very satisfied!"

Ye Qing smiled strangely, not taking it seriously.

He knew what Gu Yi was referring to by "a certain earth crisis".

Isn't it Loki leading the alien army to Earth to pretend to be aggressive?

But there is still a long time before that time, so hurry up!
"Sister Guyi, I think you treat me so well, or—"

Ye Qing scratched his head, and suddenly tentatively said: "Why don't I marry you."

Gu Yi's hand trembled.

From the fact that she raised her head and looked at the light in Ye Qing's eyes, it can be seen that she seems to give Ye Qing a trick at any time.

"...I'm helping you because you're the only one among the bastards who treats Earthlings as their own kind, even though you're crazy enough to kill them. Besides, you should be happy later."

Gu Yi took out two things.

A small box that looks like it's made of metal.

There is one more page.

"This box has the power of time, which can help you send some things to the past time and space. The things sent in the past cannot affect any past, and can only reappear in the present time and space...It sounds difficult to understand, but you should be able to understand and should Will love this thing."

"What about this piece of paper full of words?"

"The way to enter the dark dimension. I hope you can be more cautious and concealed. Dormammu is not as easy to talk to as I am. If you are discovered by it, you will be chewed by it as a snack after I die."

"Hey? Are you afraid of dying even though I'm here?"

"I know a lot of secrets, and I have done some things for you. This made me rejected by both sides. I can't die... Don't try to save me with a method that you think is clever, or you will be rejected and hostile."


Gu Yi slapped out, and Ye Qing flew backwards in an instant.

His head hit the ground heavily.

Looking up again, he found that he had returned to New York without knowing it, on a bustling street full of traffic.

"Before the next supreme mage is elected, don't come here to make trouble and make your crazy remarks, otherwise I guarantee that I will sew your mouth up bit by bit, so that you can no longer infect others with words. "

The last sentence of Gu Yi fell.

Nothing more.

"You want me to shut up?"

Ye Qing smiled disdainfully, "Unless I die!"

"As far as I know, you should have died 70 years ago."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in Ye Qing's ear.

Ye Qing turned his head to take a look——

Well, it's a blonde woman.

Looking at it, the charm is still there, and it looks a little familiar, but I just can't remember it for a while.

do not care!
"Hey hey, beauty, do you want a husband or not? As long as you open your mouth—"

The blond woman lifted her foot and kicked Ye Qing's mouth, making him swallow all the words that followed.

"You forgot about me, damn you!"

She looked very angry, after kicking, she greeted Ye Qing with a combo.

"Huh? This familiar feeling of being shocked... Lisa! Are you Lisa?!"

Ye Qing suddenly remembered who this blonde woman was.

Isn't this the mature version of Lisa? !

Then he got scared.

Damn! 70 years ago, in order to let Lisa remember him, he played a "suicide escape" in front of Lisa!
"If you know who I am, then obediently let me be branded for seven days and seven nights, and let me vent the anger that I have accumulated for 70 years!!!"

Lisa looked like a ghost, she pulled out her stick.

"No, I'm not an orangutan, do you still recognize me?!"

Ye Qing was dumbfounded.

Now he is back to his original appearance!

"You can recognize you even if you turned into a Cinderella!!!"

Lisa chased and killed Ye Qing with a ferocious face, running wildly all the way.

"And you forgot, before you became an orangutan, you were afraid of the ancient master who would hurt you, who would you hold as a hostage?!"

"Fuck! Didn't I hurt you later?!"

Ye Qing felt extremely wronged.

"Fart! The psychological damage you gave me has given me nightmares for 70 years!"

"...Could it be that you like me?"

"Shut your stinky mouth, I'm just talking about the hurt you've done to me!"

The two fled and chased each other.

After a long time, it was Lisa who was defeated first, holding on to an electric light for a rest, out of breath.

"Damn it, you can't run without the wildest dog my mother has ever met."

Lisa cursed.

She just had a shot of super soldier serum.

And after so many years, the physical function has still declined.

He's no match for Ye Qing who has the Ancient Holy Physique.

"Well, actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question."

Ye Qingmao was fine, stood vigilantly seven or eight meters away, scratched his head again, and asked: "Well, you said you had a male ticket, and your sister said you didn't, who is really telling the truth?"

"I fell in love with a lieutenant in the army. He didn't agree to me at that time. Do you understand?"

Lisa turned black, recalling the unbearable time back then.

"What then?"

Ye Qing was suddenly excited.


A black-haired little boy in his early ten years suddenly appeared at the end of the street, after confirming that it was Lisa, he immediately ran towards Lisa and looked at Ye Qing warily.

This little guy has a thick head and a thick head, and he has a tendency to evolve into thick eyebrows and big eyes at a young age.

Moreover, to Ye Qing's surprise, he actually felt a little familiar smell from this little guy.

"Who are you? Why are you bullying my mommy?!"

The little guy asked Ye Qing angrily.

"I am your father!"

Ye Qing smiled disdainfully.

"He is your father."

Lisa replied at the same time.

Ye Qing: "?"

little boy:"???"

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