Starting from mental illness to dominate the heavens

Chapter 436 Saint Cloud Civilization Maple Night

In a desert.

This is the largest desert on earth, which is the heart of the Sahara Desert.

In all directions, except for a few things that are particularly drought-tolerant.

No ghost can see one.

And now, there are two people here.

One is Ye Qing.

The other one was pulling open the collar on his chest, Ye Le, who already had a strong tendon at a young age, had a grin on his face, and kept punching.

The grin on Ye Le's face quickly disappeared and turned into confusion.

He looked around, and then at Ye Qing beside him.

Then, with a sad expression on his face, he sighed.

"Dad, do you know that I could have got the money to buy you bananas and peaches in no time?"

"Heh, do you know what it means to be helped by others, but not to be helped by others?"

Ye Qing smiled disdainfully.

Back then, when he was Ye Le's age, he was always thinking about how to borrow money from his classmates.

Later it was not like that.

Because he found that some things need to borrow money many times to buy them, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so it is better to borrow things directly.

And because once, he was blocked by a classmate who borrowed money and called several senior brothers.

That battle—

Ye Tiandi almost fell into that dark turmoil.

"The meaning of this sentence is very simple."

Ye Le blinked doubtful eyes, "He said that if you stand on the side of justice and benevolence, you will get the support and help of the majority; if you violate morality and benevolence, you will inevitably be isolated."

"No, what it means is that if you find the right way, you will feel as if there are many things helping you in everything you do; otherwise, no one will help you pick up soap after you go to jail, and you have to pick it up yourself."

Ye Qing tried to educate Ye Le for the last time before he left.

"Well, so Dad, does this have something to do with my just wanting to make money to buy bananas for you?"

"For the collection of protection fees, if you hit someone and he sues the teacher, and the teacher tells your mommy, your mommy will beat you to death, and you will lose all hope. At that time, you will feel that no one who can help you will be able to help you." No. But—”

"However, if I subdue a few younger brothers and let my younger brothers go to me to collect protection fees, they will be the ones who will be beaten to death at that time, and because I find the right way, not only can I make a lot of money, but I can also stay out of it. Other younger brothers will help me cover up because they are afraid of me... well, I have learned again."

Stars lit up in Ye Le's eyes.

He felt that the saying that there is no end to learning was true.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing slammed onto the top of his head.

"Are you retarded?!"

Ye Qing cursed loudly, "Did I ask you to do such an unconscionable thing as collecting protection fees? Once this matter is discovered, you can settle it by throwing a few younger brothers out?!"

"Then what does Dad mean by comparing you?"

Ye Le covered his head in pain.

"It seems that the brooms and trash cans in your class need to be replaced? Dad remembers that your mommy's convenience store sells these things."

"Huh? Dad, when have you been to my school... Well, it seems that this is purchased by the school, but I found that the things they purchased are not very good, and they will be broken tomorrow. And it's not just brooms, mops, trash cans These, sporting goods also have a lot to change, as well as sneakers, school uniforms... Tomorrow I will bring my caring classmates who are dissatisfied with the school leaders to protest together. Students are governed by students, and we firmly oppose the school to use them for our own good. In the name of the school, all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy products are allowed to enter the school, harming our physical and mental health..."

"Well, you've already got your father's three-point pass."

"... What are the seven points?"

"Do you know how many people want to kill your daddy?"

"Uh, can you go from here to the end of the universe?"

"Then do you know why your dad is living better than now?"


"Because your dad is not only handsome, but also very strong. Well, the point is handsome."

"...I remember that the mirror at home is not broken...Huh? Who is it?"

Ye Le turned his head sharply.

He saw a man in a black trench coat not far away.

It looks like an earthling.

However, it always made him feel that something was wrong.

After careful perception, he found that no matter how many times he used [Spiritual Consciousness] to scan the place where the man in black was, it was always empty.

It was as if the man in black was just a projection.

There is no entity.


He clearly saw that the man in black stepped on the soft sand with two shallow footprints.

This proves that the man in black has an entity.

"Well, without considering the rules, about [-]% of the things in this world can be solved by clever brains; the remaining [-]% must be solved by force."

Ye Qing smiled and rubbed Ye Le's little head, continuing his education.

It was as if he didn't see the man in black who appeared strangely.

"...Daddy, are you sure nine plus three equals ten?" Ye Le suspected that he had learned fake mathematics.

"I met a wild loli in the forest but found that I forgot to bring the sack, what should I do at this time?"

"Tear off the nearby grass leaves or vines at the speed of a senior strange manger, and quickly weave a sack or rattan basket... Well, it seems that if the force value is enough, you can also take it away directly."

Ye Le understood.

Thirty percent of the things that can be solved by clever brains, many of them can actually be solved by force.

For example, drilling wood to make fire is a clever brain's solution to the cold and cooked food.

With sufficient strength, it is not impossible to hit a volcano with magma eruption.

"So, who is this guy?"

Ye Le looked at the man in black again.

"Shengyun Civilization Fengye, you can call me that."

The man in black said these words to Ye Qing, then looked at Ye Le and said, "As for you, you need to call me Lord Saint. Otherwise, although I disdain to crush those bugs who dare to disrespect me, it's not certain that I won't." Give you the honor of dying at my hands for having such a leisurely heart.”

"Daddy, he dares to call you baby, beat him to death for me."

Ye Le instantly knew that the person who came was not kind.

Immediately retreated behind Ye Qing, shouting loudly.

"You know how to bully others. You are worthy of being Daddy's good son. Well, in fact, your daddy brought you here just to explain to you a great truth about how to live a nourishing life."

Ye Qing chuckled——

"Just do it if you can do it, give up if you can't do it, and go around in circles if you don't know if you can do it.

Flaws are something that can only be found by insanity, and it can't be found after countless circles.

So when you meet good people, pretend to be bad, when you meet ordinary people, you pretend to be good, and when you meet bad people, you pretend to be crazy.

Only in this way can we take advantage of it.

Three points depend on intelligence, seven points rely on force, and ninety points depend on calmness.

It's just like wanting not to be seen through.

And when you are fighting monsters, the guy who is evenly matched or stronger than you will beep beep until he is upset and his combat power will be greatly reduced; if you know that you have done it, just take off your pants and get on it. If you want to know the answer to any question , You can wait until he is pressed under you and call Ya Die Die before asking.

The saying that lateness leads to change is applicable to both the enemy and the enemy. If you want the enemy to be confused while you are not confused, the only way is to let others enter the rhythm you set. "

"Ask you something."

After a long discussion, Ye Qing suddenly paused and looked at the man in black, "Did you arrange that little loli before?"

"Little loli? What little loli?"

The man in black frowned.

"Damn it, it'd be kind of fucked up if it wasn't."

boom! ! !
Ye Qing rushed out violently.

His movements seemed to be heavy, with a huge body, but in fact he struck out like a thunderbolt, swift and fierce, and rushed towards Fengye like a beast preying on it.

Feng Ye's pupils shrank, and he stepped on miraculous steps, dodging left and right.

He knew that in terms of physical strength, Ye Qing was not weaker than even a B-level saint. There were already many information records on this point, and many people who did not believe this were slapped to death by Ye Qing like mosquitoes.

Suddenly, another Ye Qing appeared, blocking the end of his dodging route.

Ye Le watched the battle from a distance.

He felt that this guy named Feng Ye could only change direction again and dodge to the other side.

However, what surprised him was that Feng Ye directly attacked Ye Qing on this side.

Feng Ye shook his arm, allowing people to see that a few copper coins were connected in series by a red string on his wrist, and there was a crisp sound of tinkling, the invisible sound wave immediately shattered the ground in front of his arm, sending at least ten thousand catties of sand and soil rushing towards Ye Qing go.

"It's a trap."

Ye Le's eyes shone brightly.

He could see that the one being attacked by Feng Ye at this time was only a clone of his father Ye Qing.

But before, if Feng Ye didn't choose to attack this clone and turned around, then he would face the combined attack of several Ye Qing clones who had been ambushing on the other side.

However, choosing to attack is also not a good practice.

Because it will consume time, enough for his father, Ye Qing, to organize a new round of offensive.

Ye Qing's avatar exploded like a punctured balloon.

at the same time.

More Ye Qing's avatars were as Ye Le expected, covering the sky and covering the sky, appearing strangely in all directions of Feng Ye, attacking Feng Ye.

"Ancestor sound—shock."

Feng Ye spat out the three words lightly.

The palm of the hand wearing the copper coin bracelet pressed down on the body.

With him at the center, the loud noise was deafening, let alone a million catties of yellow sand rose into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and large cracks spread to all directions, as if the surface of the earth was shattered!

Explosions appeared one after another, Ye Qing's avatars exploded one by one in the tyrannical energy storm, and the overflowing avatar energy merged into the storm, making this storm even more terrifying.

A black knife was quietly revealed.

It seemed to split the sky and the earth, and at this moment it became the standard dividing line between the sky and the land, cut through the hurricane, and cut a vacuum channel in the yellow sand all over the sky, which became more and more dazzling in Feng Ye's eyes.

In an emergency, a seven-colored feather fan, like a spiritual guardian, automatically drilled out from Feng Ye's waist, suspended in front of Feng Ye's forehead, and blocked this terrifying knife for Feng Ye.

An even more frightening movement appeared, the airflow violently impacted, and an orange-yellow mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky.

Ye Le, who retreated nearly a thousand meters away to watch the play, was clearly prepared to prevent the impact, but still felt pain on his exposed skin, like a steel knife scraping his face, and was almost thrown away.

"Are all of Daddy's enemies this terrifying?"

Ye Le couldn't help swallowing, his eyes trembled slightly.

Through his Kryptonian bloodline, which he had been developing for a long time, and the super vision he had obtained, he saw Feng Ye holding a colorful feather fan in the center of the mushroom cloud, and was still in a stalemate with Ye Qing who was holding a black knife.

At first glance, this terrifying attack failed to hurt even a hair of his head!

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