Boom! !

Amidst the earth-shattering sound, Luffy and Doflamingo, who were still competing for power, seemed to have been hit by a heavy punch. Suddenly their breath stagnated, and then they flew backwards.



While flying backwards, Luffy and Doflamingo even spit out a mouthful of blood because of the impact of Xia Feng's domineering aura.

"Overlord-colored arrogance that can cause substantial damage!?"

Luffy was surprised at the terrifying overbearing arrogance for the first time, while Doflamingo on the other side was surprised by the comer.

Looking at the handsome man who was slowly falling to the ground with his beautiful woman in his arms not far away, Doflamingo, who was still in high spirits, suddenly shrank his pupils into the shape of needle eyes.

"Master Xia Feng, why are you here!?"

Because of the comer, Doflamingo's attention was even diverted from Luffy and Luo on the ground.

Now Doflamingo's attention is all on the handsome man in front of him.

For Xia Feng's arrival, Doflamingo could never have imagined it.

Facing Doflamingo's question, Xia Feng just glanced at Doflamingo lightly, and did not answer the question.

"We'll talk about your matter later, and now let me help you, this waste, get rid of these wastes."

"I now declare that Dressrosa has officially become the place of my Beasts Pirates, so Dressrosa must not be missed!"

While speaking, Xia Feng moved his eyes to Luo who was seriously injured on the ground.

Glancing at Luo, Xia Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, holding Robin in his arms, and reappeared above Luo.

Step out!
The domineering feet covered in armed colors were filled with terrifying force and stepped on Luo blatantly.

This kick was even faster than Doflamingo's kick just now.

Xia Feng wanted to kill Luo directly!

Seeing this, Lu Fei opened his eyes, roared and turned on the second gear, and quickly came to Luo's side, forcibly resisting Xia Feng's kick that was about to end Luo's life.

"Don't even think about hurting my companions!!"

boom! !

There was a dull sound, and Luffy, who had turned on the second gear, successfully blocked Xia Feng's kick at the very moment.

However, Xia Feng's remaining strength kicked him far away and hit the ground heavily.


He spat out another mouthful of blood, but Luffy got up from the ground without any hesitation and struggled.

The current situation and circumstances did not allow him to stop any longer. If he stayed for a while longer, he was afraid that the man in front of him would make another blow and kill Luo Rong on the spot.

But the moment he got up from the ground and was about to launch an offensive against the man in front of him, Luffy froze in place as if uncontrollably.

"Robin, why are you with him?"

Lu Fei's face was a little dull. Isn't the beautiful woman who is embracing Xia Feng intimately now the partner he identified two years ago?

Facing Luffy's extremely astonished expression, Robin's eyes in Xia Feng's arms were very complicated at first, but Robin's eyes were only complicated for a moment, and then suddenly turned into firmness.

Everything before has become a foregone conclusion, and now she is Xia Feng's woman, and her whole mind and body are tied to Xia Feng.

For Luffy, in Robin's eyes, he is just a slightly familiar stranger!
After reading this, Robin replied calmly.

"He's my man, why am I not with him?"

After saying this sentence to Lu Fei, Robin leaned close to Xia Feng's ear again, exhaling like blue: "Are you right? Master"

Feeling the itching coming from his ears, Xia Feng couldn't help but slapped Robin's pout.


The crisp sound spread along with Xia Feng's magnetic and warm voice.

"My little maid, you are not good again."

"You", looking at the intimate behavior of Xia Feng and Robin in front of him, Lu Fei's face changed, and finally changed to decisive, "If this is the case, then get ready to be knocked down by my fist!"

"Second gear. Open!"

"Rubber Jet machine gun!"

Luffy was shocked, and immediately entered the second gear state again, and his speed and strength increased sharply in a short period of time.

Luffy's palms extended and crossed each other, and the dense fist shadows immediately wrapped Xia Feng and Robin's figures.

Looking at the dense fist shadows not far away, Doflamingo on the side had a playful expression on his face.

"This straw hat kid really doesn't have a brain. Facing Young Master Xia Feng, he still uses these low-level attack methods. Isn't he asking for trouble?"

This idea had just risen from Doflamingo's mind, and Xia Feng on the court shot instantly.

Looking at the shadows of fists attacking densely, Xia Feng only had a strong look of disdain on his face.

Attack him with a mere second gear attack.

Xia Feng said that he was really offended again!
"The long road is long, only the sword is my companion!"

A soft chant echoed on the top floor of the palace, and Xia Feng, who was holding Robin in his arms, had already disappeared in place.

When Xia Feng's figure reappeared, Xia Feng had already come to the back of Lu Fei's body.

The speed was so fast that even Luo and Doflamingo who were present did not catch Xia Feng's trajectory.

At the same time, Xia Feng's right hand, which was originally empty, had already grown a dazzling long sword with cold light.

It is the sheathless blade that is not inferior to the Supreme Sword!
Pfft! !
Just half a second later, Luffy, who was still standing there and punching wildly, froze for a moment.

A large pool of blood suddenly spurted out of his chest for no reason.

Amidst the blood splattering, Xia Feng's figure standing behind looked extremely chic.

"This is the legendary hug sister, double the damage!"

Feeling the warmth and softness in his arms, the smile on Xia Feng's handsome face grew even wider.


Not paying any attention to the bloodstains on his chest, Luffy's face was full of anger.

Without any lingering, he immediately turned around, his arm-colored arrogance covered his arms, and his knowledge-colored arrogance was pushed to the extreme.

"Third gear. Open!"

"Xia Feng, you have picked it up. The rubber giant pistol!"

Luffy jumped into the sky, and at the same time, his arms suddenly swelled to tens of meters in size.

It was instantly covered with black armed domineering, and then attacked Xia Feng below fiercely.

Looking at the giant rubber pistol approaching in front of him, Xia Feng's face was still calm, with a calm and breezy appearance.


"It's too weak!"

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