The reappearance of Tiga Altman

Chapter 35 The Angel's True Face

The wilderness, withered grassland, dry and cracked ancient trees, and sandy bones declared the ruins of this place. On the huge throne, the god of Kyrierod rested his right fist on his head, and looked calm with his eyes closed.

God of Kyriairod: "High Priest, how is the situation?"

The high priest walked forward and bowed down: "Return to my God, only a small number of humans believe that we are angels, but the base of the Victory Team has already started to make noise."

The high priest reported the military situation. After the god of Kirielod came to the earth in the past two days, he released the angel phantom directly, but there was no action after that. He just released some thoughts when the victory team came to investigate, which affected them. The brain waves gave them headaches, but they were not life-threatening, otherwise, they would be exposed if they spread the word.

The God of Kyriairod: "Go down, don't act rashly these two days, pay attention to the movement of the moon, I can feel that there are still two Ultramans there, and you are not their opponents when they fight."

High Priest: "Yes."

The victory team base, the command room, all the victory team members have gathered here, and even Xincheng and Lina were healed by Hailan secretly with the power of ultra power.

Ju Jianhui: "In the past two days, we have received more and more reports about angels. Now even the media are asking us. Do you have any comments?"

This time when the angel came, Hailan couldn't tell which monster was playing tricks, so now that the outside pressure came, Ju Jianhui also called the team members to hold a meeting.

Lina: "Is it possible that they are Kirielod people? They have created the illusion of an angel before."

Lina's proposal was approved by Dujing: "I think it's also possible. In our current experience, the only ones related to angels are Kirielod people."

Dagu: "But now every time we go to investigate, we can't find anything, even the satellite monitoring can't investigate any effective information."

Ju Jianhui: "Now we must find out quickly, otherwise it will cause unnecessary panic among the masses."

Zongfang looked at Masaki Keigo and Hailan: "Masaki's team member, Hailan's consultant, do you have any opinions on the investigation of the past two days?"

Masaki Keigo joined the Victory Team after purifying Beria, and now he is only a reserve member, because he has to spend some time to manage the Sadie Technology Company, so he, like Hai Lan, does not need to go to the scene at all, as long as necessary Just start fighting.

And this time Kirierod was possessed, Director Sawai, Director Yoshigo, Dr. Yao, and Staff Gonto also lost the memory of Masaki Keigo and Daiko's ability to restore transformation. It's as if nothing happened, but this also makes it easier for them to keep their identities secret, otherwise it would be cool if they were arrested for research?

Masaki Keigo looked at the conductor: "I have made no progress. I have used all the means of CCID Technology, and there is not even any useful information. The only thing I found is that there is a particularly serious magnetic field interference near the angel."

Ju Jianhui: "Magnetic field? Be more specific."

Masaki Keigo: "I asked someone to bring some physical testing equipment to check. As long as you get close to the angel, all the equipment will fail, and the magnetic objects will also fail. All electronic products will not work."

Junjianhui: "The magnetic field interference is so serious, we can't get too close when we fly the Victory Feiyan fighter plane, if there is a monster this time, don't wait for my order, Lina and Xincheng drive the car to set off, Dagu, dig a well, and command , you set off on the Victory Feiyan, Zhengmu team member, you and me, and Hailan consultant, the three of us are in charge of ground operations."

Everyone in the victory team: "Understood."

Wheaton paused in the middle: "Now, the well-digging team, you make an anti-magnetic field interference device, Dagu, and you drive the Victory Feiyan No. [-] to investigate the angel again. Remember, you can't get too close, it's very dangerous."

Dagu: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Digging: "Leave it to me."

After everyone got busy, Hailan also planned to leave the base. This time, he planned to use the power of the monster to attack directly. If the angel image didn't respond, then it was just a projection, but if she would fight back, Hailan would not If you mind using him as an opponent, let's see how much combat power you can explode with these newly acquired props after you become a high-level fighter.

Ju Jianhui: "Consultant Hailan, do you have any ideas?"

Hailan left behind a cool figure: "Simple, direct attack."

Attack directly!

Ju Jianhui imagined the phenomenon of angels descending in her mind. She is not like a phantom. Whether it is the crowd or their victory team, they have all looked at her. That kind of look is not fake at all, but has a feeling , making people very kind, but also very weird.

She hovers and flies there from time to time during the day, and just meditates and rests there at night. She has not hurt anyone since she appeared, but she did not help the humans near her when they were in danger, so most of the people would Question this so-called angel instead of blindly worshiping her and believing in her. Part of the reason is that the victory team did not give a reply. The Patronus, Tiga, was wiped out.

Ding Jing invited Masaki Keigo to make an anti-magnetic field interference device. Masaki Keigo himself is a world-renowned physicist.

Coming to the scene, Hailan looked at the so-called angel, and that angel was also looking at him.

Angel image: "You are here, Ultraman!"

Hailan heard a voice in her mind, and it was still in that contemptuous tone, like a nobleman looking at a poor man.

Hailan: "Are you a so-called angel?"

Angel image: "I used to kill many Ultraman, almost whoever stops me will die in my hands."

Hailan: "What, are you trying to scare me?"

Hailan talked to this angel in a nonchalant manner. He was here to find fault. Is it necessary to be polite when talking to her, not to mention that this guy is very weird!

Angel image: "Surrender or destroy, before this world is ruled by me, either surrender to our Kirierod clan, or die by my hands!"

Hai Lan directly yelled back: "Why, you hiding mice, do you finally want to show up?"

Angel image: "Mouse, what is that? Although I don't know what you mean, I can hear that you are very arrogant. Over the years, you are the first one who dares to talk to God like this. Good, good, good!"

Hailan was startled when he heard that, the god of Kirialod finally came. When he first traveled to this world, his first task was to defeat the god of Kirialod, although there was an interspersed The puppet beast Gorzan and Melba, and the matter of Belial, but he still remembered that the god of Kirialod would come to the earth in person. He did not expect that the angel this time was the god of Kirialod !The strongest Kyrierod in the setting!

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