The reappearance of Tiga Altman

Chapter 79 Raybertus' Ace

Lei Botus looked at Hai Lan who stood up, and couldn't help lowering his head:

"I have to say, I remembered the kick just now. If I didn't have the power of resentment, I really wouldn't be able to take it."

Hailan was also supported by Uub. Although he didn't hurt his bones this time, he has also suffered a huge backlash, and half of his body is paralyzed:

"I have to say that you are stronger than the god Kirielod. My kick, even if he catches it, he will suffer a lot of damage."

Lei Botus nodded and said: "Okay, it's time to end, it's time to end this battle."

Masaki Keigo looked at Lei Botus whose breath began to fluctuate and said mockingly: "Why, are you going to surrender?"

Lei Botus looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Surrender, it's ridiculous."

Holding hands to the sky, countless gray souls gather here, including those from the universe, monsters, and earthlings like Takumo.

On the surface of Mars, behind Hailan and the others, countless soils were pushed away by giant beasts, and the broken soil and dust were scattered all over the ground. They swung their huge tails, arms with crab claws, and a face like a praying mantis, full of Surrounded by the gray gas of undead breath, another undead monster.

Uub looked at the monster behind him, and his eyes were fixed. From his body, he felt a huge energy of another dimension:
"This is?"

Hailan grabbed Keigo Masaki with one hand, preventing him from releasing light attacks:

"Don't attack with light. This is Saigon who is known as the God of Space-Time Destroyer. After its light is fused with other light, it can open the channel of another dimension, and it will be over if it is sucked in."

Saigon, the God of Space-Time Destroyer, was the secret weapon that Raybots brought to this universe. It was because of Saigon that Raybots was able to open the tunnel of another dimension, and Beria was resurrected.

Masaki Keigo was also stunned: "Is this his trump card? In this way, we will not be able to use light to attack him."

Lei Botus's soul, which condensed the souls of all monsters and undead, is also accompanied by thunder and lightning, and countless black mist surrounds him:
"This move gathers the souls of all the monsters and cosmic people in this universe. I hope you will like it!"

Sai Gang instantly emitted a dark blue light from his chest:
Time and space light!

Lei Botus also opened his hands, and lightning burst out with countless black mist:

Raybertus Lightning!

In addition to the two, there is also a lightning-like light blasting straight down in the sky:
Naga Lightning!
The fleeing Naga also used their big moves at this moment, and they were attacked from three directions at the same time. The three of Uub also quickly rolled to the side to avoid the frontal attack of these lights.

Just as Hai Lan dodged, her face sank immediately:
"not good!"

The three rays of light fused together in an instant to form a tornado-shaped energy column, and above the energy column, a dark tunnel of another dimension has been opened!

This was the move that Ged and the Xades used to deal with the evil Belial, but it was unexpectedly used by Leibotus against him today.

Lei Botus swung his palm, and the power of resentment instantly separated Sai Gang's power, and Sai Gang also stopped moving due to excessive energy consumption, and his eyes became dim.

Hailan looked at the sky. This time, the hole was more than double the size of the one opened by Ged and the others. This is already a long-term access.

Uub looked at the light around him:
"Something is wrong, this channel is absorbing my energy."

The red light flashed, and Uub also discovered the clues. The solar energy of this universe can provide him with energy, but the black hole above his head is constantly absorbing his power.

Gai Ying also flashed a red light at this time, and his figure began to dissipate a little.

Lei Botus stood up and rushed towards the three of them in an instant, while the emerald green lasers kept hitting him at this time.

"Consultant Hailan, I'm here with a missile that suppresses his regenerative ability."

As the plane flew down, the sound of digging a well also reached Hailan's ears.

"I love you so much, Digging Well, it's so timely."

Hailan looked at the Victory Flying Swallow flying beside her, and she was extremely excited at the moment. As long as she could suppress Leibotus' regenerative ability, then this channel of another dimension opened to defeat them would in turn become the key to defeating Leibotus. The essential!
Digging the well fired lasers and continuously attacked Lei Botus: "You put it that way, my future girlfriend will probably ask me to kneel on the washboard when she hears it."

Flying over and attacking Lei Botus continuously, Digging took advantage of his unpreparedness and fired a missile with a special drill bit. The missile did not explode when it hit Lei Botus, but went straight into it. Lei Botus' body, at the moment, Lei Botus' wound also stopped healing, and blood continued to flow out.

Lei Botus was furious: "Damn it, Naga people, kill them for me."

Uub and the others just wanted to push open the Ultra Barrier, but the Naga's lightning attack did not land for a long time, and there was no response at the scene except for the whistling sound of the different-dimensional channel, and the scene was once embarrassing.

Lei Botus looked at the sky, behind the different-dimensional passageway, there was a fire, and the spaceship of the Naga exploded!

And within a few seconds, several white rays of light instantly hit the undead monsters present.

"Sorry, I used too much force!" The compound Tijia flew down from the sky, and Dagu also put on a posture.

Hailan was also relieved when she saw this: "No wonder I only saw the well digging, but I didn't see Dagu. So this guy went to beat the Naga."

Dagu looked at Hailan: "Consultant Hailan, let's end the battle together."

Hailan sent a little energy to Dagu and Uub, and couldn't help knocking on Dagu: "I didn't ask you to tell Dijing my identity."

Dagu chuckled: "When you were dealing with Beria, you went to the toilet once and came back from the outside, so you have exposed yourself a long time ago, okay?"

Hailan listened with black lines on her face:
Details determine success or failure, and I was careless. No wonder they didn't look at Jun Jianhui's face when I ordered them. It turned out that they already knew.

Lei Botus saw that the injuries on his body were no longer repaired, and he also felt that his own strength was constantly being lost.

After exchanging pleasantries, the four of them also looked at Lei Botus, the time to end you is here!

Hailan: "Dig the well, you enter my monster paradise first."

Hailan tore open the space tunnel, and Dujing and Jugula also entered this space at the moment, and now they have no way to escape the strong gravity of the different-dimensional channel.

Lei Botus was accumulating power with both hands, and the strange black mark was also condensed in his hands. At the moment, he also released a light similar to the black mist attack. It is a power that can only be released after possessing the power of resentment:
Lebrondo Magic Fog!

Gathering the power of Raybots and Raybrando, it was the strongest attack.

Uub transformed into a triple form, and the circular saw gestured in front of him, and in the next second, a colorful light flashed:

Triple Rays!

And the three of Hailan also sacrificed their special moves at the same time, and even the monsters sacrificed their strongest blow.

The attacks of the Four Austrians and the Three Beasts swept across in an instant, and the light of Raybots' black mist was also swallowed in an instant, and returned in an instant, and the explosion resounded loudly.

Uub: "Did it work?"

Hailan sent out the power of ultra-special thoughts, checked the situation of Lei Botus, and frowned at the moment, the explosion dissipated, Lei Botus was also displayed in front of everyone, the horny armor on his body was completely cracked, blood continued to flow, half kneeling on the ground.

Good guy, none of this is dead.

Lei Botus: "Do you think this can beat me?"

Seeing that his aura was extremely weak, Hailan walked over immediately: "It's not enough to beat your mother, but it's still possible to beat you!"

Grabbing Lei Botus' shoulder, he swung it up instantly, and Hai Lan also kicked Leo Fei from a short distance.

Lei Botus was kicked into the air and entered the gravitational range of the different-dimensional passage, his body was constantly drifting towards the different-dimensional passage, and was fatally injured. Lei Botus also had no strength to escape from here at the moment, he did not even think of it, Incorporating the resentment power of the Lebrando Stars, in the end he was defeated by an ordinary earth human like Dijing, his reluctance can be imagined.

At the place close to the entrance of the different-dimensional passage, Lei Botus also gritted his teeth and launched the final attack, but instead of attacking Hailan and the others, he used his remaining resentment power to forcefully bombard the different-dimensional passage, and was hit by this As soon as he attacked the different-dimensional channel, he also began to become unstable, and his attractiveness soared instantly, swallowing Lei Botus' body in the blink of an eye.

After Leibotus disappeared, Hailan also discovered that the interdimensional channel was unstable.

Hailan instantly tore open the space tunnel leading to the Monster Paradise: "Everyone, come in quickly."

All the four Ao and three beasts entered the Monster Paradise, and the outer space of another dimension also changed. Outside the Mars, another Mars appeared, and the two Mars were slowly approaching and merging together.
In the outer space of the earth, several earths have also appeared, and they are actually merging with each other!
Time and space are chaotic...

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