The reappearance of Tiga Altman

Chapter 90 The Silver Giant

Staff Nanyuan looked at Captain Jujianhui: "The order to destroy the monster has been issued."

Said this sentence, Namhara staff is also a bit heavy, the members of the Jeep [-] have become monsters, so for them, destroying the monsters is undoubtedly destroying the astronauts of the Jeep [-].

Xincheng is also a little unbelievable. Now everyone knows that Lijiadron is the Jeep No. [-]. This order is for them to attack their own people: "Consultant, is our victory team going to fight them?"

Staff Nanyuan forced himself to remain calm: "The target of our battle is the terrifying space monster that threatens the peace of the earth."

The team members don't have much fighting spirit, because this is killing each other!

Zong Fang looked at the appearance of the team members and shouted: "The victorious team is going!"

Two Victory Swallows flew to the Tsurusaki Power Station, and their goal was to eliminate the Ligadron who was making trouble.

"The Tsuruzaki Power Station is responsible for supplying 60% of the electricity in the entire Kanto region. Once it is destroyed, the entire city will be paralyzed. Listen, we must destroy the monsters!" Zongfang solemnly said on the plane, regarding the elimination of Lijiadron , he also resisted a little, but, this is the task!
Lina, Digjing, Dagu, and Xincheng nodded and said, "Understood."

Dagu turned his head to look at Xincheng: "Xincheng team members..."

Dagu comforted this partner who was performing the mission with him, hoping that he would not feel so uncomfortable.

Xincheng interrupted Dagu: "Stop talking, as a victorious player, I must complete my mission."

Li Jiadron looked at the Tsurumaki Power Station ten kilometers away, and his eyes were full of covetousness. This energy was enough to sustain his life for a long time.

With a scythe, the square building in front of Jiadron was instantly split open, and at this time, a figure was running fast in the woods.

The green laser hit Lijiadron, Lijiadron was unmoved, and continued to walk towards the Tsuruzaki Power Station. Seeing this, Dagu directly fired two destructive missiles in the past, and Lijiadron was blown up. It was also a pain.

Turning around and merging two sickle-shaped arms, Li Jiadron also shot a blue lightning. Because he did not lose his memory, Dagu also went smoothly, avoiding the first ray of light, and within a few seconds, the second The luminous line directly hit the engine of Shengli Feiyan No. [-], and the two of them also crashed directly. They are indeed the crash duo!
The plane started an emergency landing, wiped a long groove on the ground, and hit a nearby tree before stopping. Dagu supported Xincheng to get off the plane, and Xincheng had fainted. At the moment, Dagu held up his divine light Great, only heard the sound of a silver bell, Di Jia flipped and landed in front of Li Jiadron, and seeing Di Jia, the man in the woods also stopped:

"Is this the new Ultra warrior?"

Looking at the silver-purple-red figure, the man was also stunned. Besides him, there were other Ultra fighters.

Looking at Li Jiadron in front of him, Dagu also crossed his hands, and a red light flashed, turning into a state of silver and red:
Dagu happy type!
Ligadron has strong strength and high defense, and the composite type is not an opponent at all. In addition, Ligadron has good speed. If you use the air type, once you get close to him, you will only be more passive.

He blocked Lijiadron's slap with a punch, and Dagu also kicked him up. He didn't expect to fight Lijiadron this time, and beat him back with one kick. It seems that his strength is not far behind.

In the command room, Director Sawai walked in with Arisa: "Consultant Hailan."

Seeing Director Sawai, Jujianhui and Hailan hurriedly got up: "Director!"

Director Sawai: "Consultant Hailan, I have already understood the matter, but there is something that I need your help with."

Several question marks appeared on Hailan's head: "Eh?"

Sawai smiled, looking very kind, like a father looking at his son...

Director Sawai: "Before finding a way to send Arisa back, he will be handed over to you. Let me declare first that he only needs to obey the orders of you and Captain Junjianhui. Others have no right to transfer him. Therefore, You are responsible."

Arisa went up and bowed: "Consultant Hailan, please give me your advice."

Arisa was blushing, she hadn't had much contact with this guy, and now she was arranged to work together.

Hailan looked at Arisa's face, and she blushed: "Um, please advise me." What kind of thing is this? Why should I be responsible for bringing it back by myself!
On the battlefield, Dagu and Lijiadron fought back and forth, but no matter how hard Dagu tried, he couldn't break Lijiadron's defense.

Hailan looked at the big screen and said with relief, "Da Gu is finally smarter, he is not so reckless anymore."

With her mind sinking into her mind, Hailan also asked the system: "System, is there any way to restore the body of the astronaut on Jeepta III?"

System: "When the astronauts of the Jeep No. [-] regain consciousness, they can restore their physical bodies by blowing the knight's sword flute."

Hai Lan looked at the battle scene: "It seems that I have to go to the toilet later, otherwise I have no excuse."

On the battlefield, Lijiadron merged his hands and attacked Tiga with a burst of light!
Di Jia couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit on the body. After two consecutive attacks, Di Jia also flashed a red light.

Seeing this, Xincheng also contacted the headquarters: "Ye Rui, send all the information and photos of the Jeepta-[-] astronauts, their family members, and photos to the Jeepta-[-] computer."

Yerui operated the computer and sent all the information, and Lijiadron's attack was even more ferocious now, directly clamping Di Jia's body and lifting him up high.

A silvery light flashed across the woods, and a silver-white kick kicked Lijiadron on the head. After being hit hard, Lijiadron was also sent flying.

Xincheng looked at the silver-white figure: "That's it?"

Di Jia, who fell to the ground, also looked at the figure in front of him: "Are you?"

In the command room, Ju Jianhui also expressed doubts, and Hai Lan directly took the stage and stood up: "Nexus?"

When the silver light dissipated, Nexus turned around and pulled up Tiga, and then the red light flashed, turning into a red youth form, rushing up to punch and kick Ligadron, and facing Ligadron's tough shell , Nexus also felt a headache, such a hard turtle shell.

One paw slapped Nexus back, and Lijiadron also merged his claws, trying to launch a light attack, but at this moment, Lijiadron's hands suddenly dropped, and electric sparks continued to appear on his body , screaming in pain.

Seeing this in the command room, Hai Lan said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Turn around and leave, now, it's my turn to play.

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