The Pirate Bliss Emperor: Opening to Expose Brother Ming's Secret

Chapter 107 Devil Fruit Belt, Historical Rubbings

Three smelly scientists, top a Vegapunk.

As the mystery of the devil fruit was revealed step by step, Joestar finally got what he wanted in the first place, a measure to overcome the evils of the devil fruit.

People with fruit abilities will be weakened by sea water, sea tower stones, etc. This weakness can sometimes be fatal, so Joestar still cannot accept it.

Now, with the efforts of Joestar, Gage, and Caesar, a solution has finally been found.

Joestar contributed the least technically, and he only provided inspiration, that is, to make the power of the devil be like a battle suit, which is only released when it is used, and is usually restrained.

Gage and Caesar really did their best to realize it.

They designed a belt that stores the power of the devil in it. When it needs to be used, it is like opening a battle suit, and the power of the devil inside will be poured into the user's body.

However, at the same time, some medicine will be injected into the user's body. This medicine is mainly composed of substance P, which can prevent the power of the devil from completely merging with the user.

When there is no need to use the power of the devil, the medicine can be injected into the body again through the belt, and the power of the devil can be recovered into the belt with the help of the rejection reaction between the body and the power of the devil.

This is currently the first generation, and the flaw is that it will reduce the strength of the demonic power to a certain extent, and after withdrawing the demonic power, if the substance P in the body is not metabolized below a certain concentration, the demonic power cannot be used again.

Caesar is still trying to improve the potion.

Joestar heard the detailed introduction of this belt by Gage and Caesar, and he felt a strong sense of sight no matter how he heard it.

How to make it look like Kamen Rider's belt, Gaji's design still has a strong middle school atmosphere as always.

But it's practical.

Joestar took out the Odin-shaped human fruit that he had treasured for a long time, stored the power of the devil in a small sea stone jar, and assembled it on his belt.

He tried the fruit's ability and was disappointed.

Odin is the king of gods, in charge of war, healing, kingship, magic, prophecy, etc...

The main ability of Odin's human fruit is to heal injuries in a large area, and it is a war-level nurse.

Fortunately, it also has the power of foresight, which can enhance the color of knowledge and knowledge, and the majesty of the king can enhance the color of overlord.

In addition, it can also perform some magic attacks, the effect is like releasing a shock wave, but it is not as powerful as Joestar's direct fists.

After thinking about it, Joestar put the dark fruit's devil power on his belt and carried it with him to prevent the dark fruit from running away.

Caesar warned him: "A set of genes can only accommodate one kind of demon power, otherwise you will explode and die!"

Joestar understood.

Blackbeard has three sets of genes, so his body can bear three devil fruits.

But Blackbeard's situation is very special. Under normal circumstances, even if three people are synthesized by the ability of swallowing fruit, it is just a simple stitching, and it will not become a person like Blackbeard.

This is probably due to the fact that Blackbeard and his two younger sisters are triplets, so such a freak as Blackbeard was born by accident.

Blackbeard's delusional plan to use Wapole to create a large number of heterogeneous people like him was impossible, so he didn't think about Wapole anymore after he became the Four Emperors.

But Joestar has a way to incorporate other genes!

He asked about the system, bloodlines can also be obtained from lottery.

Now he only has his own human blood. There are so many races in Pirate World, as long as he draws enough times, he can always draw the blood of other races.

This fusion bloodline is not the same as mixed blood, but in addition to his innate genes, another set of genes is added, so he will be able to fuse multiple fruits at the same time like Blackbeard.

Joestar has a strong ability to act, so he directly used his remaining seven lottery coins for seven consecutive draws.

As expected, there were no items related to bloodlines. He had used more than ten or twenty lucky draw coins before, but he had never seen them before.

However, there was an item that made Joestar very excited-a rubbing copy of the random history text.

Other than that, there really wasn't anything that Joestar felt he had to do.

Ever since the lucky draw that won the transfer of Bacala, Joestar felt like he was rummaging through the trash when he drew the lottery afterwards.

This time is no exception.

In fact, there are some very valuable things, such as the treasure tree Adam, but Joestar is no longer short of money, and he doesn't need it.

There are also some weird physical skills, such as shemale boxing, ramen boxing, etc. Joestar doesn't want to learn, his physical skills are enough, like Jeet Kune Do of the fur tribe and mermaid jujitsu. used it.

There is also a big sharp knife among the optional items. He couldn't draw it when he was short of a knife, but now he doesn't lack it.

He asked Yixiao if he wanted to change to a big sharp knife, and shook his head decisively with a smile. After all, his knife was about to grow into a supreme big fast knife. Isn't it sick to switch to a big fast knife?
Joestar was faced with such a situation where there were not many items that could be used.

So when he smoked Hailou Stones in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, he failed the first four times. He simply chose the milk from Moda's family and the senbei from the Warring States Period in two of them, so he could taste the taste.

There is one thing to say, the senbei of the Warring States Period is really good, but it is a pity that it could not be opened this time.

This time Joestar basically chose very special items, including Hachi’s takoyaki, Sanji’s seafood fried rice for Ah Jin, Hawkeye’s organic radish, etc...

There is only one item that is not a one-time consumable, and it is the rubbing copy of the historical text.

He prayed that the history text must be the intelligence history text!It is also one of the steles collected by O'Hara, the country of archeology, and now hidden by the world government.

Of the total 30 yuan of historical texts, only nine yuan recorded the historical truth.

Therefore Joestar has a [-] out of [-] chance of getting it.

With a flash of white light, Joestar took out the item.

The rubbings of the historical text appeared in his hand.

While eating seafood fried rice and takoyaki, Joestar deciphered the content of the text.

He finally got lucky once, and the rubbings of the main text of history were exactly one of the nine he wanted.

But it is not so lucky, because there is not much content recorded above, and part of it has been shown in the original work.

Before his death, Dr. Croba of O'Hara once said that "there was a huge kingdom in the blank 100 years", and he was wiped out by CP5 before he could say the reason for the demise of the huge kingdom.

This rubbing is the historical text that records this information.

"The relationship between Joey Boi and the Kingdom of Gods is on the verge of breaking down, and his decision has not received the support of any gods, only Im secretly encouraging him.

Joyboy asked Im to help him cover, and he came to Wano to get the hidden Hades without telling the gods.But just the day before, Wano Kingdom was flooded by the elephant master's spray, and Joey Boi failed to take out Hades.

The plan to blow up the hub city failed, and Joey Boye sentenced the elephant owner to live forever to make atonement. He also asked us to carve a stone tablet for him to record the failure of the huge kingdom plan, hoping that future generations can restart this plan. "

Although there are not many words in this passage, it contains a lot of information, and it also mentions Im. Joestar carefully read it many times before starting to analyze it.

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