The Pirate Bliss Emperor: Opening to Expose Brother Ming's Secret

Chapter 151 Reconstruction of World Order and Territory

After recovering, Joestar announced the result of the war with a phone bug.

"We won."

The whole world knew that the Revolutionary Army launched a general attack on Mary Joa today, and knew that Joestar would participate.

Joestar didn't go live, so people are anxiously awaiting the final word.

After learning that the revolutionary army really overthrew the world government, deafening cheers erupted from all over the world, resounding through the sky.

Although most people don't understand what this victory means, they at least know that the Revolutionary Army will not collect money from the sky, nor will it allow slave trade.

While the news spread all over the world.

Joestar and Vegapunk came to Murloc Island under Marie Gioia.

Fishman Island is experiencing its darkest moment at this time, and a large number of pirates gather here.

Because of Whitebeard's death, the fat meat of Murloc Island was targeted.

King Neptune claimed that Murloc Island was protected by Jostar, King of Bliss, but he was empty-handed. Many daring pirates didn't take it seriously, and still planned to rob mermaids and sell them in the slave market.

Fortunately, the Sun Pirates have returned to Murloc Island to defend against these little bastards.

After Joestar arrived, he wiped out all the invading pirates and successfully recovered many devil fruits.

King Neptune greeted him warmly, and Joestar told him that he was here to help Joeyboy fulfill the agreement.

Neptune was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and then he was overjoyed.

That means, the Fishman Island can finally be relocated?Can you finally bask in the sunshine in an aboveboard manner?
Soon Neptune gathered all the artisans of Murloc Island.

Follow Joestar and Vegapunk to fix Noah's Ark.

Noah's Ark was not seriously damaged, and it was repaired within a few days thanks to Vegapunk's miraculous skills.

This boat built by the ancestors of the Murloc Island was huge enough to move all the buildings on the Murloc Island.

The relocation address of Fishman Island is Chambord Islands.

The Chambord Islands were originally islands built by the murlocs for relocation, but the murlocs failed to relocate. Later, they were occupied by pirates and became a paradise for pirates, and some pirates settled here.

Joestar contacted the Navy in advance to let them clean up the pirates in the Chambord Islands.

Help the relocation of Murloc Island go smoothly.

After that, Joestar bid farewell to the murlocs and drove Pluto to bomb the Red Earth Continent.

Pluto drove to the ruins of Marie Gioia and launched divine punishment.

Sixteen thunderstorms fell, blowing up the Red Earth Continent.

A rift appeared in the red earth continent circling the world, and this rift happened to be on the great waterway.

The sea water from all over the world merges into the center and connects into one piece.

The sea breeze also had a channel to blow across the red earth continent, the windless belt began to disintegrate, and the waves rolled up, creating a spectacular scene.

The next work of rebuilding the new world will have to rely on the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army organizes referendums in countries around the world, allowing the people to decide the future of the country.

They can choose to keep their country as it is, and continue to be a spring island or a summer, autumn, and winter island, or they can choose to connect the islands as a continent and live in a place with four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and even choose various climates.

The data of this referendum is huge and it takes a long time to count.

Before the statistical results came out, Joestar stripped the Odin fruit, then injected the torn fruit into his body, and spent enhancement points to fully develop the torn fruit.

He used the shaking fruit ability and the awakening ability of the split fruit to start demolishing the red dirt road.

After he dismantled the red earth continent into pieces the size of islands, the referendum data came out.

Through the revolutionary army, Joestar invited the consuls of all countries to participate in the discussion, and finally established the map pattern of the new world based on the results of the referendum.

The island can be moved.

Neptune Baixing ordered the Neptunes to help, and Vegapunk also sent all the mechanical Neptunes he made.

The islands continued to gather under the transport of giant beasts, moving towards the planned location.

During this period, Barrett and the injured Golden Lion came together to challenge Joestar.

Facing Joestar, they felt that two against one was not ashamed.

Then they were cleaned up by Joestar.

Barrett used his traditional artistic skills, joined in if he couldn't beat him, and said he wanted to be Joestar's subordinate, and threatened that sooner or later he would challenge again and defeat Joestar dignifiedly.

Yixiao felt a sense of crisis, why is there still someone robbing me of my position?

The Golden Lion is not as shameless as Barrett. He told Joestar to wait. In a few years, the Golden Lion will make a comeback, and it will not be certain who will win or lose.

Joestar was very speechless. In a few years, the golden lion might be demented to the point of incontinence.

He originally wanted to recover the fruit ability of the two and hand them over to the navy to lock them up, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to give them a chance.

It just so happened that the old and the young, the two fighting madmen, had nowhere to use their energy.

Joestar promised to accept their challenge in the future, but they also need to join the island moving project.

Both agreed.

Since then, the golden lion has moved islands all over the world.

Barrett is in charge of activating his fusion fruit awakening ability, merging many islands together to form a continent.

This huge project is carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan.

At the same time, the revolutionary army and countries around the world are also discussing new international politics.

The revolutionary army will be reorganized into an international trade union, which is included in all countries and independent of the internal affairs of all countries. It does not have any real power and only plays a supervisory role.

The navy has been reorganized into a peacekeeping force, which no longer has the right to issue the Demon Slaying Order, and cannot enter any country at will without permission, and can only be responsible for quelling terrorist attacks against civilians.

A detailed system is put on the agenda one by one.

People of all countries can also contribute their opinions and suggestions in policy formulation.

Ordinary people have never imagined that one day their will can affect the country's decision. They are busy and happy.

As for the disposal plan for pirates, people's attitudes are very divided.

Some people's relatives and friends died in the hands of pirates, so they naturally hated pirates, wishing that all pirates would die.

And some people's relatives and friends are pirates, and many of them go to sea out of helplessness. They hope that pirates can also get a chance to return to society.

The two sides quarreled wildly.

In the end, a plan was made.

The group of pirates is very complicated. If the navy is black and white, then pirates are black and white.

The power of the navy needs to be limited, and the pirates need to be even more limited.

For the pirates who are willing to wash their hands and return to the shore, there is a special small continent to house them. This is also not a place outside the law. They need to return to their status as civilians. If they commit another crime, they will be severely punished. If it is a violent crime, they will be directly sentenced to death. .

These pirates will be established with special files, and they can apply for nationality from various countries, but even if a country is willing to accept them, they will spend the rest of their lives with special identity information and be strictly supervised and managed.

As for those who are unwilling to wash their hands in the golden basin, they will all be paid.

The framework of the new world order has been preliminarily established, and it needs to be continuously improved by everyone in the future.

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