After a ten-day return voyage, the research ship finally returned to Balkimoa.

For Joestar's departure, these colleagues who stayed at the scientific research base did not show any regrets.

Even they are a little bit happy.

Made!The king of rolls is finally gone, and he has a chance to win the best employee in the future!

Only those who have experienced the voyage with Joestar are still immersed in reluctance.

Colleagues at the base handed Tru a package, saying it had just arrived.

The package was unsigned, but Tru knew it was from Joestar.

The package was heavy, and what seemed to be inside was a large iron block.

Trud also didn't know why Joestar sent it to him.

However, he still found time, avoiding people's eyes and ears, and quietly delivered the things to the place designated by Joestar.

On the mountainside, Joestar's scientific research robot found Tru, and immediately connected to Joestar.

In the sea of ​​the new world, Joestar, who was nestled in the small cabin, connected to the video function of the phone bug. Through the camera, he saw Tru who was wearing a white mist.

And his image also appeared on the robot's display screen.

Tru hurriedly leaned in front of the screen and asked anxiously, "Why don't you come back? No one knows you did it."

Joestar said regretfully, "Maybe I will go back later, who knows."

Tru was stupid and didn't know what to say, so he raised the hard drive of the new system in front of him, "I've sent your things over."

"Thank you Tru." Joestar thanked him sincerely. Without Tru's help, it would be difficult for him to start the live broadcast in the future.

The robot reached out the clip and took the hard drive, put it in the storage box, and Toru glanced into the box.

Good guy, it's full of various experimental reports.

Did this guy, Jojo, build this robot just to mess with us?

"This robot will be here tomorrow, you can come again, there is a devil fruit that is very suitable for you."

Tru shook his head and said, "I don't want it, I don't get paid for nothing."

Joestar said: "At that time, I will put it here. If the snow rabbit or snow fox eats it, I will not care about the damage to the ecology."

In the end, he finally persuaded Tru to accept it.

After Tru left, Joestar remotely ordered the robot to send the devil fruit back to the signal base station.

The hard disk is installed.

The Internet of Phone Bugs has finally ushered in another upgrade.


Many users who were watching the video received the update notification immediately.

After they updated, they found that the phone bug Internet had undergone major changes.

For example, there is an additional list called the hot list, and Bellamy's video defending Doflamingo is impressively listed.

What's even more surprising is that you can now comment on videos.

What are you waiting for?Spray!
In addition to this kind of old-fashioned video that has been watched for a long time, there are also some content that have just been released for a few days on the hot list.

Two of them were taken in Chambord Islands.

The one with the highest ranking is: "The Sun Pirates sounded the war horn to Doflamingo"

The content is the picture of Aladdin leading people to dismantle Mingo's slave auction house in No. 1 GR.

The other reads: "The Chambord Islands Reappear Mysterious Identity Supernova"

This was photographed when Joestar took down the robbery gang with a knife.

Many of the remaining videos are all kinds of big understandings predicting the Battle of Dressrosa, and various guesses about which strong players will appear.

There is also a video of the Don Quixote family rectifying the soldiers and horses shot by the locals of Dressrosa.

In short, the world is already full of expectations for this battle that is ready to go.

Joestar was very satisfied when he saw this.


The Sun Pirates have finally arrived in the sea near Dressrosa.

Just when they were about to surface, they suddenly heard a loud noise from the bottom of the boat.

"What's going on? Shouldn't it hit the rocks here?" Aladdin wondered as the ship shook violently.

Jinbe frowned: "It's not hitting the rocks, it's man-made damage."

At this time, the inside of their hull was broken, and they continued to sink. If it was not repaired, it would be difficult to move forward.

Aladdin picked up the trident and went downstream of the boat: "I'll go and deal with the youngsters who are wreaking havoc at the bottom of the boat."

Through the transmission of iron cables, the vibration was also transmitted to Joestar's boat.

He immediately stepped out of the cabin to check.

I saw that the ship of the Sun Pirates was bubbling and sinking.

A thin figure with horns quickly emerged from the bottom of the boat and swam towards him.

It is Delinger, the cadre of the Square Army of the Don Quixote family, with half of the murloc blood.

Joestar quickly cut the iron chain, opened the wind blower at the stern, and drove the boat to the sea.

If the bubble membrane on his boat is destroyed by the other party underwater, it will be over. If nothing else, his phone bug will be drowned and he will not be able to start the live broadcast.

Delinger was in hot pursuit, and Aladdin was already chasing after him.

But Delinger's bloodline is extremely fast, and Aladdin couldn't catch up with him for a while.

Seeing Delinger getting closer and closer to the boat.

Joestar couldn't sit still.

Lift the knife to drill out the bubble membrane and swim into the sea.

Delinger babbled strangely, he was extremely excited, this human being was looking for death, dare to fight him in the water.

"One knife style - 36 trouble winds!"

Joestar muttered in his heart, drew his sword and waved it in front of him, a waterspout went straight to Delinger.

The 1000-enhanced Frost Moon swordsmanship has been turned upside down, and this time the medium is water instead of air, and the power of the sword energy flying out has not lost much.

Even though Delinger dodged the sword energy in the center with his agility, he was still cut by the edge of the waterspout, and there were several bleeding wounds on his body.

This completely angered the irritable little brother Delinger, he broke out at a speed of [-]%, and continued to rush towards Joestar screaming strangely.

Coincidentally, Joestar is not in vain for the speed.

"Moon step, shave!"

His feet hit the water, and there was a bang, and his whole body flew towards Delinger like a cannonball.

At the same time, his armed hands were concentrated, and the eight punches were ready to go.

Delinger, who was above the battle, flew directly at Joestar.


The two collide.

Delinger's leg was broken and he flew upside down.

Joestar's fist also hurt like hell.

Ma Dan!Forget that this kid is a big guy in women's clothing, and he wears high heels!
Delinger was grabbed by the neck by Aladdin who came after him. He was no match for Aladdin, even with a broken leg, he was powerless to resist.

Joestar was exercising vigorously underwater and was seriously depleted of oxygen. He was almost suffocating now, so he quickly turned around and swam to the coated boat.

However, under the push of the gust shell, the boat has almost sailed out of the sea.

He walked for several months, jumping out of the sea like a jumping monkey.

He took a big breath, and then ran wildly on the sea to chase the boat.

Just before hitting the shore, he finally stopped the boat.

Huh... Fortunately, there was no ship crash or phone bug death.

At this time, the Sun Pirates also surfaced, and Delinger, who was seriously injured and unconscious, had been tied to the bottom of the sea by them.

Jinbe's face was bluish blue.

The Don Quixote family dispatched a little boy to cause them so much trouble.

He had to leave a few crew members to make up the ship.

Simply shameful.

Jinbe led the crew ashore without saying a word, and Joestar also jumped ashore.

After many days, I finally felt down-to-earth again.

Everyone climbed up the ringed stone mountain on the edge of Dressrosa to overlook the whole picture.

The entire island of Dressrosa is circular in shape, surrounded by rocks on the edge, isolating the coast.

The palace is in the center, on a high raised stone platform.

A straight bridge extends from both sides of the stone platform, leading to the edge of the island, dividing the island into two halves.

After carefully looking at the whole layout, Joestar was startled.

When I watched "One Piece" before, I didn't notice that the layout of Dressrosa was like a microcosm of the whole pirate world.

That bridge is like a red earth continent that divides the world into two, so that the palace in the middle is aligned with the holy land of Mary Gioia.

It just so happens that Doflamingo, who lives in it, is also from Tianlong.

If Brother Ming built the bridge, then he has turned this place into a small world, and he is the undisputed king of the world in this world.

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