"Right, the economy is so difficult now, if we sell this to scientific research institutions, maybe we can research something!" Someone said whimsically.

Fatty Wang said: "I advise you not to take it out, the Lu country does not know how much harm it will bring these things."

Some players laughed and said, "Poke, the technology is different now. Can our current technology be the same as that of Lu State?"

These players now feel that the game is close to the end, and with the strength of Zhang Qiling and Chu Yang, some monsters are not a problem.

It is precisely because of this that these players are not afraid of possible dangers. They think that the things are here anyway, and they don't take them for nothing.

"Everyone try not to move, it will be dangerous if there is a trap." Wu Xie said.

"Hey, I won't touch anything else, just play with a fruit." Several players showed disdainful smiles.

After one of the men touched the fruit, the iron gates around the tomb suddenly closed tightly, and the entire space was sealed off for a while, airtight!

"It's over, we have encountered a mechanism!"

"I blame you, who told you to get the fruit!"

"Can this thing be blamed on me? Didn't you instigate it?"

"Fuck, it's over now, let's all die together!"

An atmosphere of uneasiness and anxiety gradually permeated the crowd. Chu Yang walked over, glanced at the walls, and tried to bombard them with his fists, but the game system issued a prompt:
"The area ahead, let's explore later!"

Chu Yang: "?"

Ajie was stunned, and said, "Can't even break you?"

"It's not that it can't be broken, it's that it can't be beaten." Chu Yang smiled lightly, "No matter how good you are, the rules of the game itself cannot be broken."

At this moment, all the coffins were suddenly opened, and the coffins were covered with purple fruits, like corpses covered with tumors. The fruits on these corpses burst rapidly, emitting countless purple gas.

The purple gas permeated the air. Chu Yang took a breath, but the passive skill [Poison Immunity] was not triggered, so he could be sure that the gas in front of him was not a highly poisonous gas.

The purple gas spread in the air, and a thin boy suddenly lay on the ground, shouting: "Ah! Poisonous gas! I'm going to die!"

Ajie walked over and patted him, and said, "Brother, be sober, this thing is not poisonous gas."

"Hey, it's really not poisonous gas." The boy suddenly became happy, "Then the coffin is not poisonous gas, what could it be?"

Chu Yang looked around, everything was normal.This mysterious gas does not seem to be as scary as imagined.

A female player said: "So, what shall we do now?"

"Find the exit." Chu Yang said calmly, "The surrounding walls have been included in the forbidden rules of the game. We have to find other exits."

"Then why are you still standing there? Look for it." The female player immediately mobilized other players around to search around the tomb.

Although the tomb does not occupy a large area, it is more difficult to search because the surrounding walls are covered with vines.

"I have a coffin opened here!" the female player shouted.

But she was horrified to find that everyone, including Chu Yang and Zhang Qiling, was motionless!
"I said, what are you doing?" the woman shouted, but no one looked back.


The lid of the coffin was completely opened!
The woman panicked, she clenched the saber in her hand, and stepped back cautiously.

A round object suddenly fell out of the coffin, and the woman trembled with fright while holding the knife. She didn't see the object clearly until the object rolled down not far away.

This thing is actually a human head!
"Go away!"

The woman was so frightened that she flew over and kicked the man's head to the corner. Even if General Fan came, she would definitely have nothing to say.

However, this rotten human head hit the wall and rolled a few times. Many octopus-like tentacles suddenly emerged from the incision on the neck, and the eyes of the human head opened suddenly, which made people jump.

This thing quickly approached the female player, which startled her, and the female player immediately swung the saber in her hand and chopped down.

At this time, Ajie heard the screams from behind. He looked back and found that the female player was shouting and bumped into a player beside him back to back.

As soon as the male player turned his head, he saw a female ghost with black hair. This female ghost's hair blocked her face, just like Sadako.

Suddenly, the female ghost's hair was blown away, her lips were split to the base of her ears, revealing a row of extremely sharp fangs.

Numerous maggots surged from the female ghost's mouth. Her eyes were blood red with white pupils in the middle. Just one glance is enough to leave a psychological shadow.

"Don't come here!"

The male player picked up the ax in his hand and slashed, and the ax hit the female ghost's shoulder!
However, countless white fat maggots spewed out from the female ghost's shoulders, and these maggots sprayed onto the male player's face. The male player became even more excited, swung his ax vigorously, and kept shouting:

"Back! Back! Back!"

Hearing the shouts of killing, Chu Yang hurriedly looked back, but saw such a shocking scene——

The female player and the male player are hacking each other, but they are just hacking each other, there are no female ghosts and human heads at all!
The scene was horrible for a while, both of them yelled "help" and "don't" in their mouths, obviously they both regarded each other as ghosts!
"Illusions." Chu Yang suddenly understood, "This kind of fruit will not kill people, but just give people hallucinations."

Suddenly, Wu Xie rushed towards Chu Yang, piercing his heart with the sharp dagger in his hand.

"What is it?" Zhang Qiling asked after controlling Wu Xie.

"Illusion." Chu Yang said, "The gas ejected from the inside of this fruit can be understood as something with the same chemical composition as hallucinogenic drugs."

At this time, more players saw hallucinations. They slashed and killed each other, stabbing weapons into each other's bodies involuntarily, or shooting at living people. The scene was once very bloody.

Since these people have completely regarded each other as evil spirits in their hearts, they are merciless and fierce in their attacks:

Chu Yang and Zhang Qiling looked at each other, they knew they couldn't let it go, so they split into two groups to stop these crazy people.

At this moment, Chu Yang looked at those people who were fighting each other, and he couldn't help thinking to himself: "It seems that the 'syndrome of rage' recorded on the Lu State Stele is not because people are bloodthirsty, but because they saw the most terrifying thing in their hearts. "

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