The teacher's surname is Liu, and he is also a supernatural being.

【Pioneer Level 3】

[Ability: Detection]

[Sequence: 167]

[Grade: A Grade]

The sequence rank of 167 is not high.The detectable ability allows him to perceive its level the moment he touches [Suzuwei Suit]!

The rest of the students heard Teacher Liu muttering to himself, and their expressions were also very exciting.

Although I don't understand how Ling Lu got such a piece of armor from the attic.But SS, or even SSS-level quality equipment, is enough to make everyone crazy about it!

Even the top powers of [Marshal level] [Lord level] may not have a piece of SS or SSS level equipment in their hands!
The sound of countless gasps directly made the air around the attic thinner.

"Uh, teacher, may I ask you to bind the equipment for me?"

Ling Lu smacked his lips and shrugged helplessly.

Unexpectedly, in Canglan University, the teachers who are only used to guide the students to receive the equipment of supernatural beings have such sharp eyes.

"This, of course, is no problem!"

"Once the SSS-level equipment is bound, you will become its owner forever. No one can take it away from you. Unless you die. But at that time, this ultimate artifact will also lose all its abilities !"

Teacher Liu nodded immediately.

Since he is a teacher here, he will naturally know how to bind equipment.

"Then... there is another piece of equipment that needs your help to bind. However, it is not from Canglan University. Can you?"

Hearing that the teacher didn't deny it, Ling Lu looked happy, and immediately took out the [Eternal Suppressing Heaven Claw] from his bag.

Such SSS-level equipment may not be noticeable to ordinary people.It just feels a little more gorgeous.

But in the eyes of powerful or sensitive supernatural beings, SSS-level equipment is enough to drive anyone crazy!
Without binding, Ling Lu naturally couldn't keep it in his hand at any time to attract the attention of others.

"This... yes, let me see!"

According to the regulations, it was not allowed.But now the armor in Ling Lu's hands that is likely to reach the SSS level has completely mobilized Mr. Liu's strong interest in Ling Lu!

I couldn't help but want to see it for a while.This guy, what level will his second piece of equipment reach!

Ling Lu put [Eternal Suppressing Heaven Claw] in Mr. Liu's hands against everyone's greedy eyes.

On the left hand is the SSS-level armor [Suza Weisuit].And the right hand is the weapon of the supernatural being that Ling Lu took out just now.

Putting the two weapons in his hands, the teacher immediately noticed that the two equipment contained powerful fluctuations that were equal in size!

In any case, Teacher Liu couldn't think of it.Ling Lu, who seems to be an F-level talent, [Swift Cheetah] of Sequence 290, actually possesses two ultimate artifacts of SSS quality in his hands!
At this time, even the teacher felt that his body was going to be overwhelmed because of the contact with two SSS-level artifacts.

Quickly put [Eternal Town Sky Claw] on the ground.

Generally speaking, the restrictions imposed by the ability equipment on the ability user will only be revealed at the moment of wearing it.

And if you just hold it in your hand and do nothing, you won't feel anything.

However, this kind of rule obviously doesn't apply to equipment of SSS quality!

The shock on Teacher Liu's face was reflected in the eyes of the students.At this moment, Ling Lu's figure became extremely tall in front of them.

Two pieces of SSS level equipment.What's even more frightening is... one of the golden claws has obviously been used by Ling Lu!

However, there was nothing unusual about Ling Lu's appearance.

This is enough to show... Ling Lu's real ability level is by no means F-level!

Only SS-level abilities can withstand the increase brought by SSS-level quality equipment!

With a four-fold increase, the leapfrog challenge is no longer an unattainable dream!

When Mr. Liu and Ling Lu were talking closely about something.Instead, the eyes of countless people flickered back and forth on the armor in the teacher's hand and the gleaming golden claws on the ground.

These two weapons, even these students feel how extraordinary they are.

Each of them, after entering the [Ability Equipment Library], basically got their own ability user equipment.Moreover, the levels are basically A-level, and very few even get S-level quality equipment!

However, even the top S-level weapon [Ice Muscle Exquisite Staff], compared with the gleaming golden claws on the ground and the lavender-patterned armor in Mr. Liu's hand, it is almost nothing left. up!

What a concept!
You must know that A-level weapons are already considered high-end supernatural weapons in the entire Xia Kingdom and even the world.The S-level quality is even more rare.

But the strong fluctuations coming from the golden claws and the armor made even them feel a little jittery!

This is enough to show that the quality level of the two pieces of equipment in Ling Lu's hands is definitely beyond the S level!
"Using your ability as a guide, pass it on to these two pieces of equipment."

"I will bind these two pieces of equipment for you immediately! At that time, these two pieces of equipment will be with you for life!"

Speaking of this, Teacher Liu's expression became serious and excited.

In the past, as a teacher of Canglan University, most of the students were bound with A-level and S-level quality equipment.

Using such equipment as lifelong equipment is already quite luxurious.

After all, when SS and SSS grades are extremely rare, A and S are basically the pinnacle of superhuman equipment!
However, what he holds now is not an A or S, but a top-notch artifact that is very likely to reach the SSS level!There may not be three things in the whole world!
And today he was lucky enough to witness two of them, and he was even able to personally bind the masters of these two weapons!

What an honor, what an honor!

"Uh... Teacher, can you please stop looking at me so excitedly?"

He scratched his head in embarrassment.The appearance of Mr. Liu in front of him looks no different from that of an old woman who has never seen anything in the world.

Although the SSS-level equipment is worth it... But this performance is too embarrassing for the teachers of Canglan University, right?
"Hehe... Hurry up and release your abilities!" After Ling Lu said this, Teacher Liu quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Ling Lu's eyes froze, and then an extremely bright field of light was released unscrupulously with his body as the origin!

A field of light, as bright as the sun, spread unscrupulously around the entire attic like a wave!

Feeling this strong and extremely pure fluctuation of the power of the light element, Teacher Liu's whole complexion changed instantly!

As for the other students, because of Teacher Liu's gaffe, they were extremely curious about Ling Lu.

In addition, the way the teacher asked Ling Lu to show his abilities made him stare at him intently.

However, when the storm of light enveloped them in an unstoppable manner, even these students were aware of it!

Ling Lu, this guy's talent and potential are by no means as simple as the list says!
His ability... is by no means a low-ranking [Swift Cheetah]!
And it's even more impossible for talent to be as simple as an F-level!

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