"This kid is really lucky. I don't know where he got the blueprints, and he built such a magnificent shelter!"

There was both envy and jealousy in the strong man's tone.

"It's okay, boss!"

"In a few hours, these will all be yours!"

The thin man next to the strong man saw what the strong man meant, and quickly said flatteringly.

The strong man took the thin man's words very well, with a dark smile on his face.

"One look at this kid's shelter and I know he must be very comfortable when the acid rain disaster hits."

"However, his good luck will end here!"

"Brothers, let's end his life today and occupy his sanctuary!"

Hearing what the strong man said, the thin man and the fat man raised their daggers and axes at the same time.

He looked like he was in a hurry.

And beneath their feet, in the refuge.

For a long time, he was looking at the three red dots on the map that coincided with him, frowning and thinking.

"It is detected that there is an enemy near the host's shelter. Do you want to start the live broadcast?"

"When you choose to start the live broadcast, rewards will be given according to your popularity in the live broadcast room after successfully defending against the enemy."

"Please choose as soon as possible, do you want to start the live broadcast?"

The prompt of the system appeared suddenly, and Lin Tian couldn't help being taken aback.

What the hell, I can still start the live broadcast while defending against the enemy in refuge?
Lin Tian was cautious, and did not choose to start the live broadcast, but clicked the question mark next to it.

In an instant, an introduction about the live broadcast popped up.

For example, during the live broadcast, the perspective is to look down from the air, and only the vicinity of the shelter will be broadcast live, and the location of the shelter will not be revealed.

Moreover, the live broadcast does not require a camera. After choosing to start the live broadcast, the host can set up a virtual camera according to his own wishes.

The virtual camera can be placed in any position, even out of thin air.

After studying the introduction of the live broadcast for a while, Lin Tian clicked to start the live broadcast, and placed the camera outside the shelter.

Facing three scavengers.

This is not only for the purpose of broadcasting the three scavengers to their own detriment.

Lin Tian's more intention is to be able to observe the every move of the three people in the refuge through the live broadcast.

It is best to take preventive measures in time.

Just as Lin Tian clicked the start live broadcast button and filled in the live broadcast information casually.

At the top of the chat interface, on the live broadcast ranking.

A live broadcast room airborne to the number one position.

Everyone knows what this means!
The ranking of the live broadcast room is arranged according to the rating of the refuge.

No one knew what the shelter's scoring system was like and how it was scored.

However, they agree with the system's ranking of shelters very much.

Because, from the top-ranked live broadcast room to the bottom-ranked live broadcast room, you can really feel the gap in the shelter.

The top-ranked shelters are better than the bottom-ranked shelters!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this!
However, at this moment, another new live broadcast room has airborne to the first position.

The curiosity of these survivors was all aroused.

They want to see what kind of shelter it is, which can be even more powerful than the number one shelter!

After all, it was built by more than a dozen people controlling more than [-] slaves day and night!

In their eyes, it is already perfect!
At this time, many people from the top-ranked shelters also saw the live broadcast room that was parachuted to the first place.

They also clicked in out of curiosity.

Especially, the refuge that was originally ranked first.

The name of this sanctuary is Gods, and the boss is a strong man with yellow hair, and his name is Zeus.

Seeing that his shelter fell from the first place to the second place, Zeus's eyes flashed a bit of hostility.

He looked towards the number one live broadcast room.

On the cover of the live broadcast room are four dragons and phoenixes in big characters, the dragon is on the world!
The big golden characters are majestic and majestic. When many survivors saw this word, they felt solemn in their hearts.

But Zeus didn't.

Because he is illiterate and does not know Chinese characters.

Although the system has a translation system, it can translate different texts into texts that the host understands.

However, the cover of Lin Tian's live broadcast room is a picture, and the system does not translate the picture.

However, although Zeus did not understand the words on the cover of the live broadcast room, he understood the title of the live broadcast room.

"Just kill a few people."

The translation of this sentence is very good, and Zeus was slightly taken aback when he saw this sentence.

Although, there are more than 20 slaves in the shelter he controls.

He really made these slaves work day and night, and did not treat these black slaves as human beings.

However, he didn't kill anyone.

The owner of this shelter must be a powerful oriental man!
With a heavy heart in his heart, Zeus clicked into this live broadcast room.

Then he froze.

Not only Zeus, but all the survivors who clicked into Lin Tian's live broadcast room were stunned after seeing the picture in the live broadcast room clearly.

What appears in the picture is not a majestic refuge, not even a building.

There were only three people who looked like clowns in the circus, wielding stone shovels and digging hard.

What's the situation?

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