Sun Yongsheng, who is slick and slick, is a vanguard who follows the leader's lead. After understanding the leader's true intentions, he naturally has to perform well.

No matter what Jiang Mingyang said was true or not, he would not kill Jiang Mingyang until he found out the real situation.

Jiang Mingyang didn't know this, but he saw that Sun Yongsheng was almost pissed off, and he didn't dare to order someone to actually kill him, so he had confidence in his heart.

Jiang Qianyue's life and death are uncertain, he has no time to delay here.

"Let go of me, I still have a mission! I'm going to save the world!"

Jiang Mingyang exploded with all his strength, and the captains could hardly control it.

The captains were also very helpless, the one under them was already a lawless master.

The director's face was swollen, and the director did not dare to order to kill, which shows that the involvement was huge, and they did not dare to kill him.

One after the other, several captains were knocked back, Jiang Mingyang jumped up and rushed towards the Night Palace regardless of his injuries.

Several captains, you look at me, I look at you, and finally all turned their heads to look at Sun Yongsheng.

Sun Yongsheng covered half of his face, grinned his teeth in pain, and shouted in pain: "What are you doing in a daze, chasing, chasing!"

Everyone didn't move, Gao Jin asked coldly: "Alive, dead?"

"Live, live!"

Sun Yongsheng was so angry that his teeth itch, and his face was almost lost.

Just as everyone was about to leap to catch up, a ray of light shot from a high altitude, and the target was Sun Yongsheng in front of them.

Sun Yongsheng hurriedly shouted: "Don't go, the enemy is attacking, protect me!"

The quality of the people was extremely high, and they were holding guns one after another. Several captains put up a defensive formation.

Hua Guang disappeared in a flash, Jiang Mingyang was carried by the white coat, and he landed firmly on the ground.

Seeing clearly who was coming, Sun Yongsheng and several captains stood at attention and saluted at the same time: "Hello, sir!"

Although both internal and external work belong to the Wuan Bureau, the internal work is more similar to the government, and the external work is more similar to the army.

Internal staff and positions and official titles are the main ones, while external staff are based on strength.

When the internal staff sees the external staff, they must follow the rules of warriors and the army, and their strength is respected.

"Hehe, don't be cautious. I was passing by on a mission, and I happened to meet him fleeing, so I brought him back."

The smile in the white coat was refreshing like a spring breeze, but Jiang Mingyang couldn't wait to beat him.

He obviously ran away, but was brought back by the white coat.

It doesn't matter if he was brought back, but he was even asked to confess his guilt and surrender, and reform after a justice trial!
It's unreasonable for a good hero to be turned into a sinner abruptly.

Jiang Mingyang was furious at that time, and almost turned his face against the white coat.

But with a word in the white coat, Jiang Mingyang obediently resigned to his fate.

"Lin Xiling said, if you reform well, Jiang Qianyue will be fine."

Jiang Mingyang was very familiar with Lin Xiling's approach, and he couldn't accept his fate if he wanted to.

Whatever she decides, no matter how Jiang Mingyang struggles, she will eventually do it step by step.

Instead of struggling to the death and struggling, and finally submitting obediently, it is better to accept fate directly.

"The criminal suspect is cunning and hateful, and Chief Xie will help him."

With half of his face swollen, Sun Yongsheng hurried forward to flatter him, his small eyes rolled around, and he immediately took his heart into consideration.

"The criminal suspect has committed many crimes, but he has always said that he is his own. There is no record of this person in the internal affairs department. Is he related to the field department?"

Sun Yongsheng is also an old fox, and Jiang Mingyang's tyranny is absolutely reliable. Only after asking clearly and retrialing can he be safe.

"I don't know. My immediate superior didn't mention him.

However, there are many doubts about him, and it is really thanks to him that he was able to solve the big case of the Night Palace. "

The white coat shook his head indifferently, but he really didn't lie.

His immediate superior was busy, so he didn't know that he was coming to carry out the mission, so he naturally didn't know about Jiang Mingyang.

But Jiang Mingyang complained from the bottom of his heart, "Pfft, lying with staring eyes, the field department is full of bastards!"

"Oh, that's how it is. This subordinate knows what to do."

Sun Yongsheng saluted respectfully, waved his hands and ordered: "Put on the shackles and bring them back to the headquarters for interrogation!"

"Master, who dares to handcuff me!"

Seeing that the shackles were about to be added, Jiang Mingyang struggled violently, and the white coat smiled and said: "Don't make trouble, Lin Xiling is helping you, it's a good thing."

"Go to your uncle's good business. If you don't mention Lin Xiling, I still believe that as long as you have anything to do with her, nothing good will happen."

Jiang Mingyang roared furiously in his heart, struggling more violently.

The white coat shot like lightning, and slapped Jiang Mingyang's neck behind him. Jiang Mingyang rolled his eyes and fainted.

"It's really alive."

The white coat clapped his hands in admiration, and said: "Cuff it back, I still have tasks, so I'm leaving first."

After all, the white coat made a casual move, and the four monsters were wrapped in the light net, and he flew away with the monsters turning into a streamer.

All the members of the internal support team looked enviously at Liu Guang disappearing into the sky, and then moved their eyes to Jiang Mingyang again.

"What the hell, dare to hit me, no matter how arrogant you are."

Seeing Jiang Mingyang, Sun Yongsheng was furious, cursing and raising his foot to kick him, but he raised his foot in the air and then retracted.

"Hmph, I'll take advantage of you first, let's talk about it later! Handcuff him and take him back for interrogation!"

Sun Yongsheng is a fine person, before he found out Jiang Mingyang's identity, he really didn't dare to mess around.

Jiang Mingyang was escorted back to the headquarters, and the white coat quickly rushed back to the underground base of the Night Palace with four monsters.

At this time, there were still 10 minutes before the explosion, but everyone in the underground base did not look nervous at all.

Duan Qing was leaning against the metal wall, swallowing his breath in boredom.

A few field members lazily cleaned up the corpses.

After the underground base was issued a self-destruct command, after all the doors and windows were closed, the main control computer released poisonous gas, poisoning all the scientific researchers to death.

It is taboo to conduct human experiments. Although the researchers deserve to die, the methods behind the scenes are still too bloody.

In the main control room, Lin Xiling was doing business, but he was also focused on two things.

While operating the main control computer and canceling the extremely cumbersome self-destruct program, she reached out to check Jiang Qianyue's situation.

Her slender palm hovered over Jiang Qianyue's forehead, and electric arcs constantly stimulated the sinful eyes.

At this moment, the white coat flew into the base, dropped the imprisoned monster, and said: "The internal staff took Jiang Mingyang away, and the monster brought it too.

You'd better save Jiang Qianyue, otherwise Jiang Mingyang will really lose his face. "

From the point of view of the white coat, the Eye of Sin protruded from the body and was still parasitic on Jiang Qianyue's head. It was basically hopeless to save her, let alone return to the way it was before.

"You don't need to worry about this, I can't save it, and there is my mother."

Lin Xiling spoke very bluntly, and she didn't get angry in the white coat, as if she had gotten used to it long ago.

"Did Jiang Mingyang expose me?"

Lin Xiling changed the subject, and said with a smile in the white coat: "That kid is very ghostly. Not only did he not expose you, he beat up Sun Yongsheng, and Sun Yongsheng didn't dare to touch him."

"Tch, short-sighted fool."

Lin Xiling didn't bother to complain, but Duan Qing suddenly interjected: "That bastard is about to become a hero, why do you want him to be a wanted criminal?"

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