Sensing Ruan Decheng's murderous intent, Jiang Mingyang felt like scolding his mother.

He threw out the cubs of giant beasts, and also threw out the military region to surrender to the enemy, and the political region even wanted to kill him.

Didn't he offend Yan Xingxiu? As for being so stubborn.

Ninety-nine, 81, and [-]th are all over. If you are killed by your own people in the end, it will be too unjust to die.

Seeing Ruan Decheng approaching, Jiang Mingyang raised his hands in a throwing gesture, and shouted while running: "Don't kill me, I have important information!

I know the location of the cub, and I have evidence of treason in the military area, and I am willing to be a tainted witness. "

Unexpectedly, Ruan Decheng was still unmoved, grabbed Jiang Mingyang's neck, lifted him up high, and asked with a sneer: "Stop pretending!

What is his relationship with you, why does he know your name, and why does he chase you down!
If you want to use me as a weapon, and want the political district to block disasters for you, you are still young! "

No one who can become a warrior is a fool.

After becoming a martial artist, he has the courage to enter the abyss, and he can still be the lord of a city, let alone a small generation.

Jiang Mingyang did so clumsily, how could Ruan Decheng not see it.

The reason why he showed his murderous intent was not to really kill Jiang Mingyang, but to show him off and let him cooperate obediently and avoid tricks!
"Cough cough cough, he is from the military region, I found out that he was in collusion with the demons to treason and surrender to the enemy, that's why he chased me all the way.

When he attacked Fei Bin, I went to support him, and Fei Bin called my name.

My generation of warriors, throwing their heads and blood, devoted their lives to fighting for the motherland, but a traitor can destroy everything!
The reason why I reminded loudly is that I am afraid that traitors will go unpunished, and I have absolutely no intention of taking the political area to prevent disasters. "

Jiang Mingyang's mind is extremely fast, his ears are red and his face is red and roaring, Bian Hao doesn't get stuck making up lies, the reasons, reasons, and emotions are all in place.

The image of a college student who is ignorant of the world, enthusiastic and angry, and easily emotional is vividly displayed.

Not to mention that Ruan Decheng had no choice but to believe it, even Jiang Mingyang himself almost believed it.

Ruan Decheng's face softened, and just about to let go of Jiang Mingyang, he grabbed his neck hard and shouted: "Open the backpack!"

Politicians are the best liars, even if they have already believed [-]%, it will not affect their continued doubts in the slightest.

Ruan Decheng didn't believe it, that man's relentless pursuit was simply because he was exposed.

Jiang Mingyang took off the backpack and opened it tremblingly. Ruan Decheng snatched it and threw Jiang Mingyang aside.

After checking back and forth, after making sure nothing was hidden, he looked up and down the ragged Jiang Mingyang.

"Sir, there is really nothing. I am seriously injured and I have made great achievements. Can you give me some medicine and nutrient solution?"

Jiang Mingyang spoke at the right time, smiling awkwardly and flatteringly, while gathering the tattered clothes to make himself look more decent.

"Hmph, it's not up to you whether it's a great achievement or not.

After the battle is over and the cubs are found to testify against the military area, your benefits will be indispensable. "

Ruan Decheng sneered, pulled out a backpack from the carriage, and threw it directly to Jiang Mingyang.

As the saying goes, slap a sweet date, Ruan Decheng is well versed in the way of controlling people, and the means of controlling people are natural.

"Hey, sir, don't worry, I know what to do."

Jiang Mingyang is also a master of flattery, while searching for pills and nutrient solution, he agreed with a flattering smile.

Jiang Mingyang didn't know Ruan Decheng's identity, nor did he intend to.

Anyway, they were all cannon fodder, not to mention two giant beasts, these people couldn't stand just one prince.

In case the princes are offended, they will explode with all their strength and destroy them in minutes.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to recover and escape from this place quickly.

Ruan Decheng stopped talking to Jiang Mingyang and turned to pay attention to the battle situation.

The elite team was short of five people, and when there was a stalemate with the giant beast, it was difficult to win in a short time.

Although the five men besieged the prince, although they had a considerable advantage, the prince was very experienced in combat, and it was very difficult to win in a short time.

Jiang Mingyang hid behind the convoy, and took out two bottles of ordinary healing pills and several tubes of nutrient solution from his bag.

He leaned against the chariot, took a handful of elixir, sipped a tube of nutrient solution, and lazily observed the situation, feeling really relaxed and comfortable.


A slight strange cry sounded, Jiang Mingyang turned his head to look around, and instantly locked the source.

Guo Sibo, with a bruised nose and swollen face, leaned out of the car eagerly to ask for help.

He was so miserable, he obviously didn't know anything, but he was tortured along the way.

At this moment, I finally saw my friend, so I naturally asked for help.

Jiang Mingyang glanced at Ruan Decheng's back, just as he was about to move, Ruan Decheng asked without turning his head, "Where are you going!"

Ruan Decheng didn't believe in Jiang Mingyang, and he would never let Jiang Mingyang go before his goal was achieved.

"That kid knows too much, I'll teach him how to shut up."

Jiang Mingyang smiled cruelly, his eyes flickered coldly from the corner of his eyes, frightening Guo Sibo into panic and despair.

He thought that the rescuers came, but he did not expect to attract evil stars.

"you sure?"

Ruan Decheng sneered playfully, turned around and handed over a dagger, and said: "Handle it well, there will be a reward!"

Ruan Decheng admired Jiang Mingyang's sensibleness, and even wanted to train him.

The most important thing to surrender is to vote for a certificate. Is there a more valuable vote than killing your former teammates on the spot in front of Ruan Decheng?

Leaving aside other things, the crime of murdering a colleague alone is a big deal.

"Hey, sir, don't worry, I'm the best at this kind of thing."

Jiang Mingyang took the dagger and walked towards Guo Sibo with a grin.

"Jiang Mingyang, I misread you!

We are comrades-in-arms, we have lived and died together, and we have supported each other, but you want to kill me to surrender and become a lackey of the Holy See! "

Guo Sibo scolded angrily, Jiang Mingyang shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "I want to kill you because of my good relationship, otherwise it would be worthless to submit a certificate."

"Scum, you are shameless, you bastard, you are a wolf!"

Guo Sibo roared wildly, Jiang Mingyang turned a deaf ear to it, and said with a sneer, "Let's play a game, the name of the game is: How many knives can stab a warrior to death."

Jiang Mingyang wandered up to the chariot, opened the door with a sneer and got on the chariot!
Ruan Decheng watched coldly from the beginning to the end, without any intention of stopping.

He wanted to see how far Jiang Mingyang could go in order to survive. If he could really be desperate, it wouldn't be impossible to keep him alive.

After Jiang Mingyang got into the car, he closed the car door smoothly. Guo Sibo shrank back in horror, and growled in grief and indignation: "Scumbag, I will fight with you..."

Without saying a word, Jiang Mingyang stabbed Guo Sibo's thigh with a knife.


Guo Sibo screamed miserably, Jiang Mingyang covered his mouth with his hands, and said with a smile: "Why so much nonsense.

This battle is long, we have plenty of time to play slowly! "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mingyang stabbed him again, and Guo Sibo screamed again.

The scream was piercing and piercing, even if you didn't see it with your own eyes, you could guess that it was the miserable scream that could only be caused by the blade stirring in the flesh.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Sensing Guo Sibo's vitality weakened, Ruan Decheng nodded in satisfaction, and turned his attention to the battlefield again, but the scene in the carriage was different...

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