Unlimited loot system

Chapter 554 The Witch Arrives (3)

"Physical strength alone cannot be immune to spiritual charm, so some interesting changes must have taken place in your body.

I have recently studied the core structure and data of the ancient gene fragments and parasitic seeds of the Xingtian Project, and I have gained a lot of experience and gains, and I just verified it on you. "

Lin Xiling talked eloquently, not caring about Jiang Mingyang's attitude at all, nor whether he resisted or not.

"Lin Xiling, you, you, you want to study me again!"

Jiang Mingyang wished he could beat her to death, the painful memory of tying him to the operating table last time hadn't been forgotten, yet she tied him up again.

People have inertia, as long as the first time is successful, the second time will be much easier.

Lin Xiling had already completed the first time, and the second time was naturally much easier.

"It's fine if you don't want to, Jiang Qianyue's body collapsed one day, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Lin Xiling sounded like an old lady who doesn't force you, you think it through yourself, and Jiang Mingyang wanted to kill someone in anger.

"Sister Qianyue? Has something happened to her again?"

Jiang Mingyang was a little nervous, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Jiang Mingyang himself didn't know what kind of feelings he had for Jiang Qianyue.

It was obviously just a scene, but Jiang Mingyang was moved by Jiang Qianyue's kindness and tenacity, and he didn't want her to suffer any harm or accidents.

"I want to know, lie on it."

Lin Xiling's tone was slightly annoyed, and he pointed at the operating table with a cold face.

"Oh, I can talk now."

Jiang Mingyang sighed resentfully, and finally lay down on the operating table voluntarily.

Lin Xiling didn't know what kind of feelings she had when facing Jiang Mingyang.

When Jiang Mingyang really lay down on the operating table, there was an inexplicable sadness and taste in her heart.

But this kind of emotion is fleeting, and it is instantly expelled by the work status.

"The information on the Eye of Sin is incomplete, which limits Jiang Qianyue's growth limit.

Jiang Qianyue is not a warrior, but more like a monster that grows by devouring.

However, she is a monster planted in a flower pot, and when it grows to the limit, it will inevitably burst the flower pot.

Everything about her comes from the armor, once the armor is broken and disintegrated, she will also fall with it.

I have the core structure and data of the ancient gene fragments and parasitic seeds of the Eye of Sin Project.

I have some experience recently, but I dare not try it on Jiang Qianyue, so I can only choose you who have rough skin and thick flesh to practice.

You are also related to the Xingtian project, maybe it can give me more inspiration. "

Lin Xiling prepared the equipment while wearing gloves, and explained the situation in an easy-to-understand manner.

Jiang Mingyang nodded clearly, but Varun, who was controlled by Lin Xiling as his assistant, was filled with panic and despair.

"You! You actually know the core structure and data of Xingtian Project's ancient gene fragments and parasitic seeds!"

Varen never dreamed that the two young men of his age in front of him knew so many secrets.

He was able to know these secrets, and also because he gained the ability to hack into computers after being transformed, and secretly read some top-secret documents.

"You even know it. It seems that there are records inside the church."

Lin Xiling showed a bright smile. She looked at Valen as if appreciating a work of art, and said morbidly: "When Bai Xiaosheng told me that you can also mentally invade the Internet, don't mention how excited I was."

"I can too?"

Varun opened his mouth wide in horror, and said, "Who else can do it?"

Warren always thought that the invasion of the network with spiritual power was unique to him, and it was a top-secret plan developed by the church.

But judging from Lin Xiling's tone, it seems that the invasion of mental power into the Internet is a Chinese cabbage, and she can grab a lot at will.

"Do you know why I'm here waiting for you?"

Lin Xiling showed a witch's smile, a naive, innocent, innocent smile without a trace of emotion, making Valen feel like falling into an ice cave.

At this point, the problem is no longer important, because Varen already has a premonition that something more terrifying will happen.

"Because the person who confronted you on the Internet copied your database, and there are many things I am interested in.

I believe you can help me get more of what I like.

For example, the core structure and data of the Xingtian Project's ancient gene fragments and parasitic seeds collected by the church.

For example, other experimental data that I am very interested in and the formula of some special elixirs.

For example, teach how to make you.

There are too few people who are born with spiritual power suitable for the Internet. If a group of warriors with digital spiritual power can be cultivated, the research progress of the institute will be increased by a hundred times.

If this is achieved, it will only be a matter of time before Huaxia takes off. "

The more Lin Xiling talked about Valen's heart, the colder he was. He always thought that he had won, but he didn't expect it to be a scam by a natural spiritual power digitizer.

He didn't even know that he was being copied. Not only did he lose, but he lost completely.

"Don't worry, when I finish dealing with him, I will study you carefully."

Lin Xiling showed the witch's smile again, and Valen yelled in horror: "No, you can't do this to me.

I am the treasure of the church, my value is irreplaceable, the church will never let you go! "

"Hehe, it's just an abandoned child, don't be self-righteous.

If there are no natural spiritual digitizers in the church, how can your ideas arise?
Since the church is willing to treat you as an abandoned child, it means that there are better ones, and you are just an inferior product. "

Lin Xiling was like a devil, not only killing him with one word, but also annihilating Valen's hope.

Lin Xiling doesn't need to have a thinking Valen, she just needs to be quiet for her to study puppets.

As if he had lost his soul, Varun was controlled by Lin Xiling as his assistant, extracting the substance from Jiang Mingyang's body.

Blood, oral and nasal mucus, and hair are all easy to deal with. After all, Jiang Mingyang is still human, and no matter how strong his body is, it still has softness.

Jiang Mingyang resisted and researched it not because he was afraid of pain. In fact, the process of extracting substances was not painful.

But the problem is that Lin Xiling has a quirk, not only strips him naked, but also extracts the reproductive fluid!
He is a majestic seven-foot man, it's okay to be stared at by others and let him be a mermaid, and he will suffer double trauma of body and soul. This uncle and aunt can't bear it.

These Jiang Mingyang can bear, the most terrifying thing is the process of extracting reproductive fluid.

The pain of the needle piercing the testicle is something that any male creature would resist, and it is absolutely unbearable.

"Why do you grow such a big thing? It's too much of a hindrance."

After Lin Xiling stored the extracts, her eyes fell on Jiang Mingyang's body, and she was slightly disgusted while complaining.

"Tch, that's masculine dignity, Frankenstein knows nothing."

Jiang Mingyang was thinking in his heart, turned his head and ignored Lin Xiling, but his face showed an arrogance that only a man could understand.

"Who, help me take that thing aside."

Lin Xiling ordered casually, turned around and picked up a very slender needle tube with a very long needle from the equipment rack.

As soon as Lin Xiling finished speaking, Valen showed disgust and refused with a face full of resistance, but his body moved involuntarily.

Jiang Mingyang opened his eyes excitedly, and said angrily: "Lin Xiling, you dare to let other men touch my brother, I will fight you hard!"

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