Chen Pan was sucked into the realm of Heavenly Demon by Chen Feiyang.

It was pitch black.

And Chen Pan obviously remembered that he slept in the room before waking up.

Moreover, the most difficult thing for him to understand is.

Why do I have the illusion of changing from lying down to standing up after waking up?
Obviously he didn't even move.

I wanted to take out my phone and make a call to see what was going on.

Before he was wondering who to call, he had to wonder where his cell phone was.

Obviously during this period of time, in order to prevent others from eavesdropping on that mysterious person's phone call, he has kept his phone close to his body.

If it wasn't for fear that the phone rang while he was sleeping and he didn't notice it, Tu Long in the same room would hear it.

Chen Pan didn't need to turn off his phone and stuff it into his pillow.

"anyone there?"

Chen Pan could only ask cautiously.

"There is no one here."

Chen Feiyang circulated the magic blood in his body, making his voice dark and terrifying.

"This is hell."

"There will be no one in hell."

"Only ghosts."

"Evil ghost!"

This is the plan Chen Feiyang finally decided on.

Using the Heavenly Demon Realm to pretend to be a terrifying hell, and then let Chen Pan, who didn't know it, think that he really fell into hell.

Chen Feiyang just hoped that in such an extreme environment, he could scare Chen Pan too much to hide anything.


Of course Chen Pan didn't believe it.

But following Chen Feiyang's thought, Chen Pan had no choice but to believe it.

Because there is no such place in the world.

Chen Feiyang was just afraid that he would not believe it, so he gave him some "evidence".

With a thought, Chen Pan no longer felt that he was standing on flat ground.

He gradually felt that the flat and solid floor under his feet gradually became difficult to stand on.

It's as if the ground under your feet is no longer flat, but has become a swamp.

He felt himself sinking.

Then, do free fall directly, and the whole person feels as if he is falling straight down.

It's getting faster and faster!

Then, just as Chen Pan panicked, he felt his falling speed slow down again.

Slower and slower!

At the end, the falling finally stopped.

However, after stopping, Chen Pan was not standing somewhere.

Not standing on level ground, nor in a sunken swamp.

He is suspended in the air!

Chen Pan felt that there was nothing under his feet!
However, he really stopped here again!

"What is this place?"

He was completely flustered, and there was already a feeling of crying in his tone.

"Why am I here?"

"Who are you?"

He never believed what hell it was.

But how could there be such a terrible place in the world?
Suddenly, he thought of something.

"You... are 'gods'?"

he asked in horror.

He remembered that he heard people say that a gang organization appeared in Hannan City recently.

That organization called itself "God".

It is said that their people have some supernatural powers.

Chen Pan didn't believe it at first.

"Even if those people have supernatural powers, it's just a cover-up."

Chen Pan originally thought so.

But now, his persistence has wavered.

Because he is in a strange place that normal people can't get out of.

If it was really made by a human, then it should be a person with supernatural powers.

Chen Pan recalled carefully that he had nothing to do with this mysterious organization.

The reason why I know the existence of this organization is only because I heard it mentioned by others.

He thought about it carefully.

That was when a friend of his friend mentioned it when he went to play.

As for who that person was, Chen Pan had no memory at all.

Chen Pan just remembered that the man mentioned it.

In a mature area, there will always be gangsters who want to get involved.

The place where they work and live is a development zone that has only been developed in recent years.

So there is no gangster organization rooted here.

However, since this place is going to be developed, it means that this place will soon become a place full of fat and water.

No one will miss this opportunity to make a fortune.

So, it doesn't matter if there are gangsters in the neighborhood or some powerful people in the local area.

They all think about the gray benefits of monopolizing this place.

So, they all take action.

A friend of Chen Pan's friend told them.

This area of ​​the development zone was originally called "Fengqi".

The "Xianglong" area on the other side of Hannan City happened to support Hannan City with one dragon and one phoenix.

It has always been known as "the dragon and the phoenix bring prosperity".

It was only later that Xianglong developed first and established many industrial parks.

Many big bosses from other places entered the market one after another to inject capital and build factories.

It also attracts all kinds of young people.

Gradually, the largest local gangster "Flying Dragon Club" appeared.

It is said that the behind-the-scenes boss of the Dragon Club has a close relationship with a local person with supernatural powers.

It is precisely because of the help of that supernatural person.

Feilong will gradually grow, and finally become the largest gang in the Xianglong area.

Now it has become the only gangster.

And the development zone is also the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

A gang has gradually formed.

If that's the case, it's nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

Unexpectedly, forces from other places gradually infiltrated into the development zone.

The two biggest forces are the Flying Dragon Society in the Xianglong area and the "God" organization from the neighboring provincial capital Jiangbei City.

A battle for the right to speak in the development zone is about to start here.

At that time, the Flying Dragon Club, "God", and several small local gangsters will fight for the supremacy.

This has something to do with them.

Chen Pan remembered that the man said at the time.

"If it's just local forces competing, they will at most affect the commercial struggles among some local companies."

"The local companies have long been ranked, and the strength of each other is obvious to all."

"So even if these companies struggle, the overall pattern will not change much."


"If there are foreign forces coming in."

"In order to fight for the right to speak, they must bring helpers."

"And these helpers are some foreign companies."

"The entry of these companies with unknown strengths is bound to affect the whole situation."

Chen Pan clearly remembered that his friend expressed disbelief at the time.

also countered.

"Could it be that gangsters' struggle for the world can still affect our daily life?"

"Don't say anything else."

Chen Pan's unemployed friend patted Chen Pan on the shoulder and said.

"Just tell me, what does the gang fight for the world have to do with our Young Master Chen's desire to become a real estate tycoon?"

Chen Pan remembered.

At that time, the man saw his whole body clearly with a kind of almost clairvoyant vision.

He smiles.

"Brother Chen is in construction, right?"

"Well, I'll take the offense and use Brother Chen as an example."

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