But the problem now is that Director Liu's face is considered to be enough, and his face is also considered to be given to him, but this result still makes him a little unwilling.

Originally, he thought that with his presence and the pressure from Director Liu, his son would never have any problems. After completing the formalities, he could take his son away.

But now they have to be detained for 24 hours. Boss Han, the director of a small police station, would never take it seriously. Damn, even if I want to touch him, I have to think about the consequences.

And the reason why his son was detained was another person.Boss Han turned his head slightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

For such a long time, what am I doing right now? Of course I’m sitting there, watching a show with a glass of water in my hand. How could I miss such a wonderful show.

Including Boss Han's thought to be very small movements, I captured them within the scope of my vision.

At the same time, I also kept Boss Han in my heart. I wanted to finish with me, but I was afraid that you were not qualified enough.

If Boss Han is in this city, he can be regarded as a huge crocodile, sitting on hundreds of millions of assets, and indeed has a lot of power, but if his vision is enlarged, this Boss Han is not counted, and he is not even enough to carry shoes .

As for a person like Boss Han, in addition to his strong background on the surface, he also has a lot of means behind the scenes. Otherwise, why would he have such a large asset.

But these things seem to be nothing to me. Of course, my self-confidence naturally comes from the four people who protected me in the past.

Although they are no longer my people and have been brought back to the headquarters, the devil training back then allowed me to inherit their strength well.

In the words of the four of them, my strength has basically reached about [-]% of that of the four of them.

When we parted for the last time, they were also very surprised that I had such a talent, and before they obtained this strength, they had to suffer a lot, even if it is said that I crawled out of the dead.

It stands to reason that with my current strength, I shouldn't have been hurt by these gangsters when I was at the barbecue stall, but I am an ordinary person now, and I don't want to be caught by some relevant departments and used as a guinea pig for research.

And by doing so, you can also disguise yourself as a victim.

Now the boy surnamed Han has been arrested and taken to the detention room. Boss Han also left when he had nothing to do, and now I am left alone.

I have to leave quickly, right now, it's already four or five o'clock, if I don't hurry back and take a rest, I won't be able to do the work in the company.

Besides, seeing Xinran and Meng Ying looking like sleepy people at the moment, I feel a little distressed.

When the police station was clear, I stood up and walked over to Director Zhang.

"Brother Zhang, I don't have any problems now, can I go?" I said to Director Zhang with a smile. distance.

Director Zhang smiled, it can be seen that he still appreciates me, at least he is very kind to his temper.

"It's okay, you can go now."

Hearing this, I quickly thanked and was about to leave, but Director Zhang stopped me.

"Remember, within 24 hours, the mobile phone must be turned on at all times and be available on call. In the future, if you have nothing to do, just fight with others. Young people should not be so angry."

"Haha, thank you Director Zhang, I will definitely remember your teachings."

After I finished speaking, I went over to wake up Meng Ying and Xinran who had already fallen asleep. I said to myself that these two are heartless. My brother and I have already entered the police station. Why are you two still in the mood to sleep? Let me go back After that, don't clean them up well.

But I'm just talking about this. If I really want to clean up the two of them, I think they can clean up for me, so I guess I won't have to go to the company tomorrow.

It's so late, of course I can't go back to the villa, Xu Na is already asleep now, and I bring Meng Ying and Xinran with me, it's really inconvenient.

Although Xu Na, Meng Ying, and Xin Ran knew certain things well, they didn't say anything. Besides, if three women were to play a scene, if they were to meet at this time, who would know? What will happen.

It's better to sleep in another place. In this case, at least it will be more stable.

Originally, I planned to go to the hotel and get a room, but Meng Ying said that it was inconvenient. After all, a man and two women would definitely be misunderstood by others.

If I went to the police station because of this incident, I would have to swallow it in my stomach if I really knocked out my teeth.

So I decided to sleep at Meng Ying's house tonight. The bed at Meng Ying's house is big enough and it's more comfortable to sleep on.

By the time I arrived at Meng Ying's house, I was so confused that Meng Ying and Xinran were similar to me, and now I don't want to do anything, I just want to sleep, but even this little wish can't be fulfilled .

When I was just about to lie down on the bed and go to sleep, Meng Ying and Xinran pulled me up with their spirits from nowhere.

"Hurry up and take a shower, your body is so dirty, it stinks to death." Meng Ying pulled me and said.

"I didn't see what time it was. Why take a shower? It's not the same when I wake up tomorrow morning." I said in a daze.

"What time does the bath have anything to do with it? Get up quickly." Meng Ying pulled me and insisted that I go to take a bath.

Now my upper eyelids and lower eyelids seem to be in conflict with each other, and I wanted to go to bed early, but I couldn't resist, so I was dragged to the bathroom by Meng Yinghe Xinran.

Fortunately, the bathroom in Meng Ying's house is not very small. Although it seems a bit crowded for the three of us, there is no problem.

I was like this, basically closing my eyes and letting the two of them manipulate me. I hardly did anything during the whole process.

Although such a scene is incomparably charming, but compared to those two girls, they are also tired, and they did not do anything too outrageous, but it is inevitable to do things with hands and feet, and I don't bother to care about them.

Finally finished washing, when I came out of the bathroom, I glanced at the gap in the curtains, and found that the outside was already a little bright, I cried out in my heart, I didn't expect this night to pass like this, and I didn't know that I could still sleep for how long.

After finally arriving in the room, I lay down straight away. Meng Ying and Xinran got into my arms one by one from left to right, breathing slightly.

Perhaps Meng Ying, Xin Ran and I were really a little tired. After a while, I fell asleep.

In the dream, I came to a very strange place, it was a very high cliff, crowded with people.

But a very strange thing, all the women crowded around me, and I was the only man among these women, and the expressions of those women were all different.

Some are happy, some are disappointed, some are vicious, some are indifferent, and so on.

Anyway, there are all kinds of expressions, and almost everyone is different.

To be honest, under such circumstances, my heart was terrified, and even my body couldn't help shaking. I don't know why I came to such a place, and I don't know why there are so many women around me. with me.

Who are they, what do they want to do, and why are they stuck in a place like this with me.

I really couldn't understand it, and I couldn't calm down. The panic made me almost lose my normal thinking ability.

I want to get out of this place quickly, but it is very difficult for me to move even a little bit, as if I have been immobilized by a fairy.

At the same time, I wanted to yell to reduce my fear, but found that I couldn't yell at all.

In such a situation, I don't know how long it took, but I can clearly feel the activities in my heart, but my body doesn't seem to be mine at all.

Among such people, I feel my own insignificance and my own helplessness. I very much want someone to come to me and tell me what I should do now.

Suddenly, I spotted a few familiar faces among the crowd
Xu Na who married me in a fake marriage, Meng Ying and Xin Ran who slept next to me, bank clerk Huang Li who almost fell in love with each other, Ai Li who wanted to seduce me, Liu Xuan who left sadly after a miscarriage, who judged me to have mental problems The psychiatrist Zi Ling, Dong Siyu who has been wandering by my side, and the married Xiaoxue...

And in addition to these people I know, there are many people I don't know, all crowded together like sardines, but there is no sound.

But after seeing these familiar people, the fear in my heart was slightly reduced, at least I was no longer alone.

But at this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew by, making my eyes a little uncomfortable.So I quickly closed my eyes and waited for the wind to stop.

But after I closed my eyes, a very strange thing happened.

It was still very crowded just now, but soon the surroundings became more spacious, but listening to the whistling wind in my ears, I still didn't open my eyes.

After a while, I felt the sound of the wind quiet down, and I slowly opened my eyes, and a scene that surprised me appeared in front of me.

Those women who were still huddled together jumped down one by one like dumpling.

And before they jumped down, they would all take a look at me, and after a second or two, they would jump down without hesitation.

'What the hell is going on here? '

I shouted in my heart, but I was silent. Suddenly, the feeling of powerlessness in the face of the pressure of life before I met Xu Na burst out.

My heart hurts, because I am not cold-blooded, but a living person.

And after such a thing appeared in front of me, my heart really almost collapsed.

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

At this time, Xu Na came to me, and after saying this, she jumped down without hesitation.

"I want to marry you, but..."

After Huang Li finished speaking, she also jumped off the cliff.

"You are the most important man in my life."

This time it was Meng Ying who also jumped after speaking.


Xin Ran only said one word and jumped down too.


Ellie just snorted coldly, gave me a very vicious look, and followed in the footsteps of those women.

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