"Come to the hospital quickly! President Xu is lost!"

"What did you say?"

Sitting in the car, I was about to go back to find Liu Xuan.I never thought that her phone call came first.As soon as I got connected and heard Liu Xuan's crying voice, my mind went blank. Is Xu Na lost?how so?
Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Lightning immediately turned around and drove me to the hospital, running through red lights several times along the way.Seeing my icy expression, Lightning didn't dare to ask a word, just speeding up the car with all his might.

After arriving at the hospital, I ran all the way into the ward where Xu Na lived, and when I opened the door, I saw the empty bed and Liu Xuan who was standing by and crying.

"What happened? Why did Xu Na leave without saying goodbye?"

I grabbed Liu Xuan's shoulders like crazy, and glared at her with a snarl.

"I don't know either! I came to deliver a change of clothes to Mr. Xu today, and when I opened the door, it looked like this!"

Liu Xuan was obviously stunned by me. She pointed to the empty hospital bed next to her in panic, and explained to me what she saw when she came.

Listening to Liu Xuan's explanation, I just remembered that she had gone home a long time ago.It seems that Xu Na's departure was purposeful. In order to allow herself to leave quietly, she deliberately sent Liu Xuan away.Since Liu Xuan is not here, where is Xu Na's doctor?Thinking of this question, I ran out in a hurry, shouting in the corridor while running.

"Doctor! Where's the doctor? Where's Xu Na's attending doctor? Where is he?"

"Keep your voice down! Don't you know this is a hospital?"

My yelling quickly aroused dissatisfaction among the crowd. A girl who looked like a nurse stopped in front of me and reprimanded me.

"Gon! Get out of here!"

Looking at the female nurse blocking the way in front of me, I don't have the mood to explain to her!After scolding her severely, I pushed her out.

"Please calm down, I am Mr. Xu's attending doctor, please tell me if you have anything to do!"

The voice outside quickly spread to the doctor's office over there, and Xu Na's attending doctor also came out after hearing my shout.Seeing that it was me who was yelling, he took me into his office while comforting the female nurse who was pushed away by me.

"Xu Na is missing! And she disappeared in your hospital, don't you want to give me an explanation?"

After being dragged into the office by him, I was able to calm down a bit, but the anger in my heart still hadn't been vented.Thinking of what Xu Na lost, I felt a surge of anger in my heart.

"President Xu disappeared? This shouldn't be! When I went to check the wards in the morning, I saw that she was still there. When did she get lost?"

After hearing what I said about Xu Na's disappearance, the doctor obviously didn't believe it.Recalling the last time he saw Xu Na, he told me everything in detail.At the end, he asked curiously, "Mr. Xu, is there any important matter in the company? Are you in a hurry to go to the company?"

It was only after he said this that I realized that I was so busy looking for Xu Na just now that I forgot about it.

"I'm sorry! Please take me to apologize to the nurse just now!"

Xu Na's leaving without saying goodbye may have something to do with the last time I came to see her. Thinking of this, I tried my best to restore myself to a normal state. After apologizing to the doctor, I turned around and walked out.

Walking in the corridor back to the ward, I took out my mobile phone and hurriedly called Zhang Liang, asking him if Xu Na had returned to the company.

"Mr. Zhang, hello!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhang Liang's bright voice came, but right now I don't have time to follow and appreciate his voice, so I went straight to the topic.

"Director Zhang, has Xu Na returned to the company?"

"Is Mr. Xu discharged from the hospital? Is she not in the hospital? Mr. Xu."

I hung up before Zhang Liang finished speaking. It was obvious that Xu Na hadn't returned to the company. It seemed that she had really left, or escaped.

After returning to the ward, I helplessly looked at Liu Xuan who looked anxious.Feeling regretful in my heart, Xu Na's departure must have something to do with me.If I hadn't told her about the acquisition of Hengtong last time, she would definitely not have left like this.Speaking of which, it's all my fault!
"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, she must have left in a hurry. I'm in the closet next to her..."

Seeing the displeasure on my face, Liu Xuan came to me gently.She was still holding some boxes in her hand, which seemed to contain the medicine Xu Na was taking.

"You are this?"

"This is Mr. Xu's medicine, you have to take it every day!"

"She didn't even take the medicine, how could she leave in such a hurry!"

Although Xu Na's condition has recovered, she has not recovered enough to stop taking medicine.Looking at the medicines in Liu Xuan's hands, a bad premonition sprouted in my heart.

At this moment, my cell phone rang, and seeing it was Lightning's call, I hurriedly connected it.

"Master, just now An Yu called, she said that Miss Xu was taken away!"

"What? Where is Dark Rain now?"

"She's following those people, us"

"Go right away!"

Sure enough, Xu Na didn't leave by herself, someone kidnapped her.After learning about this situation, I ran out in a hurry.

I sat in the car and didn't wait for Lightning to leave. I said to Lightning with incomparable anger, "Find someone to investigate the hospital's surveillance and find out who kidnapped Xu Na!"

"Good sir!"

Lightning drove the car to follow the location sent by An Yu, and I was wondering who this person was all the way, but I didn't have any clue after thinking about it.In desperation, I can only hope that Xu Na is safe and sound, as for the rest, I will wait until Xu Na is rescued.

As Lightning's car ran wildly on the road from time to time, seeing the things around me became more and more familiar, I began to doubt my eyes.When the car stopped at last, I looked at the lightning with doubts at the familiar scene.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"En! This is the place Anye gave me!"

I thought Xu Na was kidnapped!Isn't she home now?Looking at the familiar house in front of me, I breathed a sigh of relief and walked into Xu Na and my home.

"President Xu, it's a bit unkind of you to do this!"

"It's not my idea? Why put the blame on me?"

"What right do you have to sell the company? Did you ask the head office what it meant when you were doing this?"

After pushing open the door, I saw a familiar figure.It was Liu Wen, who claimed to be the secretary of Hengtong Headquarters, who was sitting beside Xu Na, looking at Xu Na angrily.

"Headquarters? A joke, since it's the headquarter, why don't you help Hengtong through this difficulty?"

Seeing that he was embarrassing Xu Na, I walked in with a sneer.Facing his glaring eyes, I slowly walked towards Xu Na.

"You haven't recovered yet, how can you sneak back?"

"I don't want to either! It's just that someone forced me to come back!"

Seeing the concern on my face, Xu Na smiled slightly.He didn't say it clearly, but he also pointed the finger at Liu Wen who was on the side.

"This man is really damned, he doesn't know how to be considerate of others!"

I didn't pay attention to Liu Wen's fierce gaze, walked to Xu Na's side, took out her medicine, and prepared to pour water for her.

"You came just in time! Tell me! Why did you sell Hengtong? Why didn't you say hello to the head office?"

From the moment I entered the door, Liu Wen's gaze never moved.Seeing that I still didn't notice myself, Liu Wen couldn't sit still, and began to take out the head office to suppress me.

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