Regardless of whether Yang He's judgment is right or not, I think it is necessary for me to go to Yunxing to have a look.If it is true as he said, then this person is designated not to stay.

With this thought in my mind, I hurriedly dressed and went downstairs, and drove towards Yunxing again.

After arriving at Yang He's office, I was so busy that I didn't even sit down. I walked in and said directly to Yang He, "Tell me about that person again, I didn't hear you clearly on the phone just now!"

"Master, you... your face is so ugly? Are you sick?"

"No! It's just that I'm so tired recently!"

Can I not be tired?First, I served Xiaoxue several times a day.For most of the day when I was running around in the car, I didn't even drink my saliva.To have the strength to come to Yunxing, I wonder if I am too strong.

Seeing that my complexion was not very good, Yang He opened his mouth and didn't ask any more questions.After making a phone call and going out, he poured me a glass of water.

Holding the water glass handed over by Yang He, I sat on the sofa beside me.Thinking about the person Yang He mentioned just now, I kept making judgments in my heart.

"Manager, may I come in?"

After a while, a man in an old-fashioned suit came to the door.After glancing inside, he looked at Yang He and asked in a low voice.

"Please come in!"

Seeing the person coming, Yang He blinked at me, implying that the person I was looking for had come.After seeing the hint he gave me, I looked at the man in front of me again.

"I don't know what the manager wants me to do!"

"It's nothing, I just want to know about your work experience!"

"Didn't I explain this question clearly last time I came here? Why are you still asking!"

When Yang He asked him to tell his work experience again, the man showed a puzzled expression on his face.Seeing that he was a little curious, Yang He gave me a nonchalant look, as if he wanted me to explain to him.

"It's like this. We generally have to do some training for new employees. You must know that you have worked as a warehouse manager before, but I don't know how many years you have worked in it?"

Originally, I wanted to hear what he had to say, but now I have become a person asking questions.Looking at this man, I stood up reluctantly, and at the same time doubted Yang He's ability to work.A dignified manager can't even do this well, and he doesn't know what else to do.

"Oh, that's right! I used to work as a warehouse manager in Donglai Enterprise for five years. Isn't it because the company is not doing well and is planning to lay off employees? I think it's better for me to propose it than to let others drive me away. In this way, I left Donglai and came to Yunxing, thinking to see if I could go back to my old job.”

It is estimated that the whole man may not know my identity, and he should regard me as the manager of Yunxing.After looking at me and talking about some of his personal work experience, he has nothing else to say.

"That's fine! It seems that you are an old worker, and you probably don't need training. Then go get busy!"

Is the efficiency of Donglai enterprises not good?Strange, I remember this group is okay?How could there be layoffs?Although I have some doubts in my heart, I am still ready to let him go back.Speaking of whether he lied again, I have no idea.I can only tell me the existence of the problem after I see Wu Liang, or someone who knows him.

"That's good! Manager, shall I go back to work now?"

"En! You can go back!"

I already let him go back, so there is no need for Yang He to let him stay.After saying hello to Yang He, the man left the office.After leaving me and Yang He in the end, I walked over and closed the door.

"Master, what do you think..."

"Show him to me, and I'll tell you what to do after I find out what's wrong with Donglai!"

"Okay! I'll watch him first and wait for the young master's order!"

At the beginning, I wanted Yang He to fire this person, but later I changed my mind.Since Wu Liang placed him in my company so aboveboard, I'll take a good look at what he wants to do.

As soon as the work here was over, Xu Na called.

"I heard that you went to the company to find me? Why do you want to treat me?"

It seems that Zhang Liang has already told Xu Na that I want to treat guests, listening to the excited voice in Xu Na's words.I chuckled lightly and said to her, "That's right! I'll pick you up when I get off work, and then we'll have a big meal!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you at the company!"

"En! I'll go there later! Hang up first!"

After explaining to Yang He some issues that need attention, I drove to Hengtong.Thinking about the things to celebrate tonight, I temporarily put Yun Xing aside.

"Why did it come so soon!"

From hanging up with Xu Na to my appearance in Hengtong's office.It took me less than 10 minutes.Looking at me who seemed to have fallen from the sky, Xu Na asked curiously with her small mouth open.

"Isn't this idle and nothing to do? Otherwise, how could it be so fast!"

"The young master probably didn't go far! If you go here from home, it will take half an hour at the fastest?"

I checked the time and calculated the distance.Zhang Liang looked at me with some malicious intentions.

"What nonsense! I did go home, but I went to Yunxing halfway, otherwise how could I come so fast!"

I didn't expect that Zhang Liang would still make fun of me, in order to prevent Xu Na from saying that I was following her.I had no choice but to tell the story of going to Yunxing, but I didn't say why I went to Yunxing.

"That's perfectly normal, after all, we are still very close to Yunxing Group!"

After hearing my explanation, Zhang Liang immediately acted like he suddenly realized.Nodding his head he accepted my statement.

"What about you! Are you off work?"

"It's half an hour before I get off work!"

"That's not waiting, let's go now!"

Now that I'm here, there's no need to wait half an hour.Looking at Xu Na and Zhang Liang, I proposed to leave early.

"This is not good! Everyone hasn't left yet, is it appropriate for us to go now?"

"Appropriate! Very appropriate! The young master has spoken, why don't we listen to him?"

When Xu Na heard me say that she was going to leave early, she still felt something was wrong.But Zhang Liang didn't think as much as she thought, and directly dragged me out.

"That's right! I said it's okay to get off work! We'll get off work now."

Now that Zhang Liang has lifted me out, there is no room for me to shrink back.Looking at Xu Na who was still standing there, I came over and pulled her up and walked outside.

When I came to the door, I suddenly had a bad idea, glanced at Zhang Liang who was about to get off work, and said loudly, "Zhang Liang, I think Xu Na and I will go there first, you just wait for a while!"

"What? Young master, it's too inhumane for you to do this!"

I didn't expect that I would magnify my move before I left, Zhang Liang chased after me with a look of disgust.

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