Urban Giants God of War

Chapter 190 Run away

After Duan Hu said this, the Double-faced Buddha panicked.

And the reason why he panicked was because Duan Hu guessed his mind right.

Because the Dragon King's base camp is in Jiangbei, even if Jiangnan is defeated, he will never come to sit in the town in person. By then, Jiangnan will most likely belong to his double-faced Buddha.

So instead of subduing Fan Qiang and Qin Xiong, it would be easier for him to kill them directly.

And Duan Hu is also based on similar considerations, he can win all the territory in the provincial capital overnight, but he not only wants to win the territory, but also wins the hearts of the people.

So it is very necessary to subdue Fan Qiang and Qin Xiong. If they subdue, their little brother will subdue naturally. They are more useful alive than dead.

As for killing Dong Hu, besides killing chickens to scare monkeys, Duan Hu did have selfish intentions. Ever since the scar appeared on his face, he vowed to kill Dong Hu himself.

And now, he has done it.

"Master Hu, the villain dare not have a domineering mind. The villain just wants to help Master Hu solve his problems. It's because the villain didn't think about it. Please don't blame the villain."

The double-faced Buddha's head was already sweating, because the current Duan Hu had a very murderous aura, and it was only a matter of thought whether to kill him or not.

Fortunately, in the end, the murderous aura on Duan Hu dissipated, he restrained his killing intent, and said lightly: "Take them away, I don't believe that they are really not afraid of death!"

After speaking, Duan Hu walked away with his [-] subordinates, stepping over the corpses all over the ground.

The double-faced Buddha narrowly escaped death and heaved a sigh of relief.

Although it was a false alarm, it made him break out in a cold sweat. After calming down, he ordered Zheng Wei: "Ah Wei, bring the two of them back to the hall."

After speaking, the double-faced Buddha also left.

Zheng Wei came to Fan Qiang and Qin Xiong, and told his younger brother to tie them up and take them to his car.

Qin Xiong and Fan Qiang looked at Zheng Wei bitterly, spat at him and called him a despicable villain.

Zheng Wei's expression was indifferent, unmoved.

After returning to the guild hall, Duan Hu sat on the soft bed of the double-faced Buddha, and said with a smile: "Old Buddha, you still enjoy life and set up a bed here, so you won't be here every day, right? ?”

The double-faced Buddha's heart said that a bully is a bully. He is really uneducated. Is this a fucking bed?
However, he didn't dare to say these words. In fact, he was sweating coldly, because Duan Hu showed such a smile, obviously nothing good happened.

"Hehe, Master Tiger, you really know how to joke." The Double-faced Buddha said with a smile on his face.

"Who the hell is joking with you? Double-faced Buddha, you have been at ease in the south of the Yangtze River all these years. I don't think even my elder brother, the Dragon King, can compare to you!"

The smile on Duan Hu's face faded away, and he returned to his ferocious look.

The double-faced Buddha fell to his knees with a thud in fright: "Master Tiger, the villain dare not, the villain is absolutely devoted to the Dragon King, and has never had a second heart."

The double-faced Buddha seemed to be out of his wits with fright, but the fear did not dispel his reason.

He seemed to have figured out why Duan Hu treated him differently as soon as he came here. Presumably, Duan Hu himself had the ambition to occupy Jiangnan.

The double-faced Buddha's mind turned sharply. He didn't know if this was the original intention of the Dragon King, so he couldn't have any openings and let Duan Hu grab his handle.

Seeing the appearance of the double-faced Buddha, it was difficult for Duan Hu, because in the final analysis, the double-faced Buddha is a meritorious person, and his attitude is still so low. The men were chilled.

So after a moment of silence, Duan Hu's tone softened: "It seems that you don't have any second thoughts about my elder brother. Get up, it was just a test for you, don't take it to heart."

"The villain won't take it to heart."

Double-faced Buddha climbed up from the ground, with a forbearing expression on his face, because he knew that Duan Hu would never give up on this, and maybe the next so-called test would soon save him.

"Go and bring me Fan Qiang and Qin Xiong, I'll chat with them."

Duan Hu sat straddling the soft collapse, and said with a golden sword.

"Yes, Lord Tiger!"

After the double-faced Buddha responded, he ordered his men to go down and bring people up.

But after a while, the men came back, but Qin Xiong and Fan Qiang did not bring them.

"Buddha, the person is gone." The subordinate said in a panic.

"What is missing, who is missing?"

Double-faced Buddha's heart skipped a beat, don't let anything happen!

The subordinate said: "Fan Qiang, Qin Xiong is gone... and Brother Wei, he is gone too!"


The Double-faced Buddha immediately tightened his eyebrows, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He hurriedly called Zheng Wei, but there was a reminder that the other party had turned off the phone.

"Fuck, you bastard, you're fucking looking for death, so don't take me with you!"

The double-faced Buddha cursed loudly.

At this time, Shi Hu asked: "Old Buddha, what's going on? Where is the person I asked you to bring?"

The Double-faced Buddha didn't dare to hide anything, and explained in a panic: "Master Hu, I'm sorry, I was taken away by Zheng Wei's son-in-law. I will send someone to chase them. Don't worry, they will never run away." , and we will catch them back soon!"


Duan Hu was furious, "How the hell do you do things? This can also make people run away? Are you a fucking pig?"

"I'm sorry Master Tiger, don't be angry, I was negligent! I will definitely make up for it."

The double-faced Buddha said solemnly.

"Hmph, make up for your mistakes? Can you make up for it?"

Duan Hu walked towards the double-faced Buddha slowly, "Old Buddha, you are really fucking old, otherwise, how dare those cats and dogs betray you? How can you work for the Dragon King with your current state?"

The double-faced Buddha sighed inwardly, it's over, everything is over.

But in order to save his life, he timidly said: "Master Tiger, you are right, I am indeed old, when the Dragon King comes, I will explain my problem to him personally, and I will hand over all my territory And brother, find a place to retire, I just beg you, Lord Tiger, to spare my life!"

Hearing the words of the Double-Faced Buddha, Duan Hu was taken aback for a moment. He really didn't expect that the Double-Faced Buddha had already guessed his true thoughts.

"Old Buddha, old Buddha, I used to say that you are smart and scheming, but I was still not convinced. Today I have seen it. You are really wily and resourceful. Brother is right. In terms of brains, I am indeed not as good as you!"

Duan Hu patted his head, and looked at the double-faced Buddha with a ferocious face.

The Double-Faced Buddha finally understood that Duan Hu didn't get the Dragon King's permission to treat him like this, so he only needs to survive the Dragon King's absence, and when the Dragon King arrives in person, then all the dark clouds will be cleared to see tomorrow!

"Master Hu, Jiangnan belongs to you. I will never dare to snatch it from you. Don't worry, I will definitely ask you to take charge of Jiangnan in front of the Dragon King. I just ask you, Lord Tiger, to give me a way out."

The double-faced Buddha begged bitterly.

But Duan Hu smiled grimly: "Hey, old Buddha, old Buddha, you are a smart person, then you must understand that I am more at ease when you are dead than alive!"

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