Sha Jinrui was very angry.

As a social person, he is a veteran of the second entry palace.

Whether it's friends from Shahe Town or the urban area, they have to give him a little bit of noodles more or less.

This is why he dared to monopolize the city's construction sand.

Well now, in the small Qingshan Village, the Zhang family actually sold the sand to the Bai Group.

Now, he even beat up his younger brother Sha Laosan.

This already constituted a provocation, a provocation against him, the big brother of Shahe Town.

At 05:30 that afternoon, under Sha Jinrui's instruction, Sha Tudou called nearly [-] members of the community, took eight cars and two buses, and went straight to Qingshan Village.

At seven o'clock in the evening, it was getting dark.

The large army of Sha Tudou came to the entrance of Qingshan Village.

He ordered two buses to be blocked at the gate of Qingshan Village.

Countless people from society with all kinds of guys got out of the car.

On the side of the dark road, as far as the eye can see, there are dark human heads, all of them with cigarettes in their mouths, breathing thick smoke.

The truck that had just been fully loaded from the Zhangjia battlefield was stopped before it left the village.

"Go!" Sand Tudou waved his hand.

Without any nonsense, the younger brothers rushed into the truck, grabbed the truck driver from the cab, and pulled out the car keys.

In less than half an hour, more than a dozen vehicles in Lei Zhen's convoy were all piled up at the entrance of the village.

The driver was also detained without exception.

They squatted on the side of the road one by one with their heads in their arms, like prisoners who had just entered prison.

Sha Laosan, whose head was covered with bandages, kicked anyone he saw.

"You gang of Dogecoin drivers, aren't you awesome during the day?"

"Damn it, you still beat me with a wrench, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants! Why are you cowardly now?"

No driver answered, and no one dared to raise his head.

Everyone in the mixed society knows that the more people work hard, the less people turn around and run, let alone the driver?

There are too many people on the other side, too many to count.

Don't talk about fighting, I dare not even speak now.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Sha Tuo came over and asked Sha Laosan: "Sir, who else is beating you?"

"There are also the gang of bastards, Wu Di and his brothers haven't found them yet!" Sha Laosan grinned as he spoke.

He was supposed to be recuperating in the hospital at this point.

But I couldn't suppress the anger in my heart, so I had to go to Qingshan Village to vent my anger.

Sha Tudou stretched out his foot and kicked a driver on the ground, and scolded: "You, call Wu Di now and say that Sha Tudou is looking for him!"

The driver hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and called Lei Zhen.

At this time, Lei Zhen, Wu Di, Erlaizi and others were having dinner at Zhang Xiuqin's house.

Three tables were set up, and the old man Zhang even accompanied him in person, and there was enough liquor and beer.

Sha Lao San made trouble during the day, and these few people present are all heroes, so naturally they should reward them well.

"Come on, Brother Di, Brother Zhen, let's go!" Er Laizi raised his glass, already blushing and thick neck.

"Buzz buzz!" The phone on Lei Zhen's desk vibrated.

"Drink later!" Lei Zhen waved his hand, picked up the phone, and turned on the speaker.

"Hey, old six, where have you been?"

The driver Lao Liu on the other end of the phone hurriedly said, "Brother Zhen, something happened!"

"What the hell? What happened?" Lei Zhen asked the sixth child with a smile, he didn't care at all, he thought it was a small trouble like a punctured tire or a traffic jam.

However, what the sixth child said next stunned Lei Zhen on the spot.

"The people from the Sha family have come again and detained our truck at the entrance of the village, and the brothers are also squatting on the side of the road and being beaten!"

"What?" Lei Zhen stood up abruptly, and everyone at the table fell silent.

At this time, Sha Tudou's voice came from the phone: "I am Sha Tudou, ask Wu Di to answer the phone!"

Lei Zhen hurriedly turned his head to look at Wu Di, who said, "I'm here!"

"Hmph!" Sha Tudou snorted coldly: "I'll wait for you at the entrance of Qingshan Village, and bring me your brother and that bastard in the village, not one of them will be missing!"

"Okay!" Wu Di only said one word, and his face suddenly became dark.

"Beep beep..."

The phone has been hung up.

Lei Zhen asked, "Brother Di, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? They own the person and the car, we have no choice but to do it with him!" After Wu Di finished speaking, he slapped his hand on the table.

"Brother Di was right, we did it with them!" Er Laizi smashed the beer bottle on the spot.

The other young and old in the room also laughed coquettishly.

"What the hell, do these grandchildren dare to come?"

"Got to beat them out of the shit tonight!"

"There are no cowards in Qingshan Village, so go back and copy the guys, beat up these bastards!"

In the next second, all the young and old at the table stood up and left the table one after another, took out all kinds of equipment for the battlefield from the yard, and followed Wu Di to the entrance of the village.

The entrance to the village was already blocked by a team of trucks, and after passing around one car after another, no one was seen.

There were only a lot of cars and buses parked on the side of the road, it was dark, and no one could be seen.

The bastard who drank a lot of wine gradually became bolder, raised the steel pipe and started shouting: "Who the fuck is a sand potato? Get out!"

"I'm Sand Potato!" A bald man with a face full of acne marks stepped out of a car by the side of the road.

Erlaizi beckoned, and the young and old in Qingshan Village quickly surrounded Sha Tuo.

"Papa papa!" Sha Tudou clapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards, both cars and buses turned on their headlights, and the dark village entrance was as bright as day.

The more than 200 social people who have been sitting in the car all the time, like birds out of the cage, surrounded each other excitedly.

In just a split second, the extremely arrogant bum was scared, and so were his little brothers.

As a bum in the village, where has he seen such a big scene?
Front, back, left, and right are all the opponent's people, and all of them are tattooed with dragons and tigers, looking extremely fierce.

"Brother Tudou, he is a bum!" Sha Laosan in the crowd pointed at the bum.

Erlaizi said, "Brother Tudou, I..."


Sha Tuo slapped Er Lai Zi on the face.

Immediately, the bum's little face swelled into a monkey's butt, and he spat in the place, which was full of blood.

"Fight back!" Sha Tuo squinted his triangular eyes, looking extremely fierce.

"Don't dare!" Erlaizi drooped his head and said what was in his heart.

On such an occasion, if he dared to fight back, the 200-odd people like Sha Tudou might beat him to a pulp.

As for those old and young men, it is estimated that half of them ran into the village, and half of them ran out of the village, and the rest might be so scared that they diapered their pants on the spot.

"Clap clap clap!"

Sha Tuo gave another three big slaps, directly knocking the skinny bastard to the ground.

Erlaizi still has a personality, although he was beaten severely, he didn't say a word.


Sha Tuo spat on the ground and said cursingly, "You guys dare to fight like others?"

"When I was killing people in society, you little Bi Basket was wearing open crotch pants!"

"Hahaha!" Sha Laosan laughed: "Second Laizi, aren't you awesome during the day?"

Erlaizi shook his head: "Not awesome!"

"Bah!" Old San Sha spit thick phlegm on Er Laizi's face, then pointed at the young and old in Qingshan Village and asked, "Where are Wu Di and Lei Zhen?"

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