"At eight o'clock this morning, the combat brigade of the authoritative department of Haijing City announced an important notice to the national media."

"Half a month ago, they received a report from the villagers of Jianghe Village. When the villagers went to the mountain to cultivate the land, they accidentally excavated a corpse from the mountain soil. At that time, the villagers contacted the relevant departments. The exploration of the underground conditions revealed that the bones of ancient humans were buried in the land around Jianghe Village."

Pictures of the bones were broadcast on television.

"According to the latest 3D image technology to reproduce the appearance of the bones before death, it turns out that this is the bones of the Titans who had been extinct ten thousand years ago."

There is a very careful data comparison on the image.

An adult Titan is five meters tall and weighs nearly a thousand catties. The Titan has a strong body and infinite strength.

"Hundreds of complete skeletons have been excavated from the ground, and we will build mausoleums around Jianghe Village to commemorate these races that were once extinct by humans."

The shocking news quickly spread around the world.

Countries around the world are forwarding this news.

Many countries have also sent expert teams to China to conduct a more detailed investigation of the unearthed ancient humans.

But there are also many doubts from the outside world.

I think this is a self-directed and self-acted drama to win the attention of human beings.

The battle brigade also quickly dispatched a small team to blockade the area around Jianghe Village to protect the bones.

And Lantian's research on Tianyu's blood has also come to an end.

"Dr. Lan, our machine cannot detect the components in this blood."

Lan Tian has begun to doubt life.

"I see, this research should be temporarily suspended."

He searched for information and found an explanation about the Titans.

This is a race from the upper three realms. Its body parts are completely different from human beings. Even modern technology cannot analyze Tianyu's blood. Lan Tian has already deeply realized the backwardness of human beings.

Lan Tian called his assistant, "Is Ye Beifeng's blood still stored in our blood bank?"


"You bring me his blood."

Lan Tian compared the blood of the two, and found that Ye Beifeng's blood was more human-like, almost the same in color, but when cloning, the cloning machine was suddenly destroyed by a powerful force, and the whole laboratory was filled with black smoke .

"Doctor, doctor, are you okay?"

The assistant took Lan Tian out of the laboratory, "Everything we have done these days has been ruined."

Lan Tian's brain was completely blank. He thought that technology could explain everything, but he didn't expect to encounter Waterloo now.

He ignored Ye Beifeng's stop and wanted to study superhuman blood, but he failed in exchange.

Outright failure.

"I want to be alone for a while."

Lan Tian was very depressed. As a scientific research expert, such a failure was an extremely heavy blow to him.

Human beings have become powerful because of technology.

But beyond this world, there are forces that technology cannot explain.

He read the news on his mobile phone, and Ye Beifeng did it anyway.

Clenching his fists tightly, Lan Tian dialed Ye Beifeng's phone number.

"Why, why are you publishing all this?"

"Are you still so stubborn now? You should have understood that technology cannot solve everything for human beings. I also know that you want to resurrect the Titans to prove your blood cloning technology, but the result is obvious. You failed, and you failed a lot. thorough."

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