Water and sky line.

Ye Beifeng was answering Lan Tian's phone call, and the other party was talking to him, saying that he would use the power of technology to defeat the mighty God King, but suddenly, Lan Tian let out a muffled groan and said nothing more.

problem occurs!
Such a thought popped up in Ye Beifeng's mind instantly.

"Zeus, something happened in Haijing City, I have to go there immediately."

"Poseidon has gone home to accompany his wife and children. He is in Haijing. Let him go and have a look."

Poseidon was notified, and Poseidon, who finally returned home, was forcibly arrested and sent to work. He is the chief instructor of the Sea Shark Patrol Team. With this identity, he can freely enter and leave the scientific research base. After 10 minutes of talking on the phone, Hai Bad news came from Beijing.

Lan Tian was seriously injured and was dying.

The withered leaves of the evil art were also found in Lantian's laboratory.

"I found the withered evil tree. It should be that someone used the evil fruit to gain powerful evil power and hurt the blue sky."

After receiving the call, Ye Beifeng rushed to Haijing City immediately, accompanied by Zeus and Mu Bai.

Although Lan Tian has a bad temper, people in their forties still have the same temper as a child of a few years old. Ye Beifeng also knows that he wants to prove his strength too much, but in the face of absolute power, in the face of powerful technology Also to no avail.

With China's most powerful weapons and equipment, it is impossible to cause trauma to the God King.

More importantly, he is Lan Yuying's father. Although there were some quarrels between the two of them, Ye Beifeng still hopes that he will be fine. After all, Lan Tian is very strong and can help them develop some very useful equipment. For example the previous detector.

"Doctor, I am Ye Beifeng, the patient's family member. How is the situation now?"

"It has been out of danger, but the wound site is contaminated with a very special mucus, which is constantly burning the patient's wound, and cannot be removed with alcohol or disinfectant. We want to seek the advice of the family members to remove the tissue from the wound site."

Ye Beifeng frowned, "Will the removal affect subsequent recovery?"

"If the mucus has not penetrated into the flesh and blood, it can be fully recovered later."

"Doctor, I am Mu Bai, Director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department from Zhonghai Hospital, and I request to join this rescue."

Mu Bai is an old customer of the hospital, and many doctors know him.

"plz follow me."

"Boss, don't worry if I'm here, I will never put Uncle Lan's life in danger."

With Mu Bai joining, Ye Beifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Beifeng, patients keep coming in from the hospital. It seems that the person who ate the evil fruit has started to go crazy!"

These patients were all injured to varying degrees. Although they were not fatal, some mucus would still be left on the wound site. These were the saliva of people who had eaten the Evil Fruit. burn wound.

Zeus said: "You stay here, I'll go and have a look."

"it is good."

Zeus disappeared into the darkness, and a white light appeared in the sky. Who is this person who ate the evil fruit?
This night, the hospital accepted about [-] innocent patients with different injuries.

Three people died. When they died, their expressions were extremely painful, and their flesh and blood were rotting all over their bodies. The poison had already invaded their bodies, and they missed the best time for treatment.

Ye Beifeng's expression was grim. Could it be that his previous guess was true?

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