Half an hour later, Xia Group meeting room.

The 25th floor is the place used by the Xia Group for plenary meetings and various activities. It can accommodate more than 1000 people from the Xia Group headquarters for meetings at the same time.

In the first row, Ren Luo's followers also sat here shamelessly, Zener and Yang Yang sat together, and the workers also sat below and looked at Xia Yunxue on the stage.

The projector was turned on, and on it was the latest salary table of Xia's Group personnel.

It can be seen that the salaries of nearly twenty company managers, including Xia Yunxue, have been greatly reduced.

"This is the latest salary table of our Xia Group. From now on, the finance department will strictly follow this information to pay employees' salaries."


The person who succeeded Ye Yuxuan as the head of the finance department was an elderly man, 50 years old, a well-known gold medal accountant in Zhonghai City, named Qiu Yan, who Xia Yunxue trusted more.

"Xia's Group's current achievements are believed to be known by everyone. They are all due to the three products we launched, recovery medicine, beauty water and Qixiang pills, but the fundamental reason for maintaining sales is that our grassroots employees work overtime to produce , so after Secretary Yang Yang discovered this loophole, I immediately compared the salaries of all employees in the company and made corresponding adjustments."

"But I found that the more incompetent people are, the more they will resist."

Xia Yunxue posted the resignation application of Ren Luo and the six people, so that everyone in the company could see it clearly.

"To tell you the truth, I have long wanted to fire the six of you, but it has always been because you have been in the company longer than me. Before that, you followed my grandma and I took over the Xia family. You are not convinced, but you have made a big move Expulsion together may cause dissatisfaction among the people below, so I have been looking for opportunities, and fortunately today I finally found an opportunity."

Ren Luo's face was livid, and he growled, "Xia Yunxue, what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? The professional abilities of the six of you are obvious to everyone. I think you should also have a position. This time, the company's employees above the ministerial level will not be spared. But the last stand Only the six of you came out, and as for the reason, I won’t go into details.”

Xia Yunxue cleared her throat, "Today, the general meeting was called to discuss this matter. In the future, the Xia family will pay more attention to newcomers and low-level employees. For incompetent group executives and some unmotivated employees, the Xia family will We will make salary cuts, dismissals, etc., and I hope you will continue to work hard in the future, and I hope you can understand me and these workers who are busy on the front line."

After a short period of calm, thunderous applause erupted in the meeting room.

"President Xia is so beautiful."

Zena on the side stared dumbfounded. The goddess of Zhonghai finally saw it today.

"That's right. I feel so honored to be able to work beside Mr. Xia. Mr. Xia does things vigorously and resolutely, and never favors anyone!"

Zener said, "Hey, what is that person doing up there?"

When I looked closely, it was a short, dark-skinned worker with a basket on his wrist.

Under the watchful eyes of more than 1000 people, he actually walked onto the stage directly. He was running for Xia Yunxue!
Everyone held their breaths, Xia Yunxue was wondering whether she should retreat...

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