Datongmu Huiye and Heijue looked down, and they saw Akai, who was squatting on the ground with his whole body, rising from his whole body with more violent red energy than before.

Seeing this scene, Datongmu Huiye asked Heijue, "Didn't you say that he can no longer use stronger power?"

"That... Mother, that's the same sentence, human beings have potentials that we can't imagine!"

"Mother, let's find a way to escape first!"

Kaguya nodded, and then opened the Sky Realm again to hide in it.

at the same time.

The strength on Akai's side has also been accumulated, forming a phantom of a dragon's head around him.

Seeing that Datongmu Huiye was about to escape, Akai rushed out without saying a word.

The phantom of the dragon's head around him rushed out along with Akai.

Just when Kaguya was about to step into the Sky Realm, she suddenly felt a distortion in the surrounding space, and then the already opened entrance to the Sky Realm was forcibly closed due to the space distortion.

That's it. Kaguya Datongmu failed to open the Heaven Realm for the third time
At the same time that the Sky Realm disappeared, Akai's voice sounded.

"Ye Kai."

Akai burned all his life and youth and kicked Kaguya Otoriki's chest.

This made Kaguya, who had always been expressionless, terrified, and in the end, blood gushed out of his mouth continuously.

In the sky castle.

Uchiha Madara watched the battle between Akai and Kaguya, nodded secretly and said, "Is it Bamen Dunjia? Among the people I have fought against, he can rank second in terms of physical skills!"

As for who is the first?Of course it's Senjubashirama.

Originally, Qianshouzhujian's body skills were not as good as Bamen Kaihuang's, who asked Lan Ran to cheat him!
Naturally, the vision of Uchiha Madara, who has been successfully blurred and broken, has become higher.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was a little shocked when he saw Akai who was beating Kaguya Hime.

He didn't expect that the former Taijutsu ninja, Konoha's Special Jōnin Maitekai would have such strength.

Even if it's just a flash in the pan, then this is equivalent to a super trump card of Muye Village
In fact, Hiruza Sarutobi looks down on physical ninjas, as can be seen from his title [Ninjutsu Doctor]

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's point of view, Taijutsu only needs to be enough, and what is really powerful is ninjutsu.

Either Maitekai's task completion rate is comparable to Kakashi's, and he can't just be a special ninja.

The second generation of Naruto Senshou Feima nodded secretly and said, "This is what a Konoha ninja should look like."

After Ye Kai was used, A Kai lay down on the ground and lost consciousness, and his body began to talk completely from his feet. It is estimated that he will die completely in a few minutes.

At this moment, Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke came to Akai.

The two medical ninjas Sakura and Tsunade checked Akai's condition while using medical ninjutsu to keep him alive.

After holding it for more than ten seconds, Tsunade let go of his hand helplessly.
"Our means could not keep him alive"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Kakashi's eyes turned red.


not far away.

Seeing this scene, Qianshou Zhujian wanted to come forward to save Akai. After all, he had a good impression of Akai, who can sacrifice his life to protect his companions!

But before Senshou Bashima stepped forward, he was stopped by Naruto who came back first.

"Don't go, even if you save him, he will become a cripple who can only rely on a wheelchair and crutches!"

"But...but it's better to be alive than to be dead."

Hearing Hashirama's words, Naruto looked at him speechlessly.

Seeing this, Zhujian remembered that he was also a dead person.
Thinking of this, he scratched the back of his head and said in embarrassment, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm also a dead person."

the other side.

Akai also completely lost his vital signs.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked sad, and even the few people who were not Konoha looked at Akai who had been completely carbonized on the ground with heavy faces.

"Hey, this is not the time to be sad, Datongmu Huiye has not resolved yet!"

At this moment, Sasuke pointed to the distance and said to everyone.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, and they saw Datongmu Huiye floated into the air again, but at this time, Huiye was a bit miserable, half of his body completely disappeared.

But even so, she is not dead yet, and her disappearing body is still regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Datongmu Huiye spat out a mouthful of blood, and then said, "No. I. I want to run away"

At this moment, Kaguya Datongmu stared fixedly at Akai, who was dead and carbonized below, for fear that Akai would jump up again.

Kaguya Datongmu feels that the humans on this planet are really terrible
Their paulownia family is not as good as the people on this planet in the development of chakra.

The Datongmu family is best at devouring, in addition to using treasures such as chakra converters.

The way to become stronger is to constantly look for life planets to plant trees, and then devour the life essence of the entire planet.

Who would have imagined that Chakra, which is like water or air to the Daitongmu family, could be developed to such an extent by people in the ninja world.

"Mother. That bushy eyebrow is dead, they should"

Before Heijue finished speaking, Kaguya interrupted directly, "I don't want to hear any more, human beings have potentials beyond our imagination."

"And I can't suppress the ten tails in my body now!"

Hei Jue:.
Hei Jue didn't expect that his mother could not control Shiwei after being kicked like this.
At this moment, two figures collided and flashed towards this side.

When everyone looked up, they saw Tonero Otongmu and Minato Namikaze flying towards this direction at a high speed.

"My lord, you are a sacrificial person."

"I saw!"

"Mother, since the Sheren has arrived, you can let the Sheren carry it first, and you will restore it!"

"Mother, don't hesitate anymore, the matter has reached this point, in order to have a stable life in the future, let's give it another go!"

Hearing this, Otoriki Kaguya nodded stiffly, then closed his eyes, and began to suppress Juo.

Hei Jue, on the other hand, directed Da Tong Mu Sheren to carry out delaying tactics.

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