Harry Potter: My Elemental Magic Turns the World Upside down.

Chapter 80 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

"Hagrid, you have to learn to control your power."

"You are a giant, when should you explode? How?"

"The magic of the earth element has given you a battle armor with amazing defensive power. What do you need to be afraid of?"

"Your body looks bulky, but as long as you can run and control your body, everything will be flexible."

"Magic warrior is a profession with very powerful explosive power in close combat. If a magician can't stay away from you before your attack falls, then his world will fall into despair."

"Malfoy, what are you doing? Hurry up and attack, with all your strength, knock down Hagrid."

On a certain island, Kettler threw wind blades, fireballs, water balls, thunderballs, etc. from time to time, constantly causing trouble for Hagrid and Malfoy.

Hagrid and Malfoy are constantly using their own strength to fight.

A magic warrior needs a certain physique. Secondly, he can mobilize his elemental power at any time and spread it all over his body. Without a wand, he can just use his hands and feet to release melee magic, or stimulate his body for defense and other assistance.

This requires talent and perseverance, not everyone can do it.

The same is true, although the profession of magic warrior exists, there are not many of them.

But it cannot be denied that their power is explosive.

Strong strength and physical fitness are often the nemesis of a magician, especially when being close, your wand may be disarmed first.

A wizard without a wand is equivalent to having no combat power, just like ordinary people.

Kettler honed them very leisurely, and when necessary, Kettler would personally show them the power of magic warriors.

For example, Kettleair blasted a three-ton stone with one punch, using earth elemental magic.

From sunset to dusk, except for an hour of rest and half an hour of supplementary consumption, they are working hard to hone their bodies.

Although Hagrid's bulky body was very tired, his physical strength would undoubtedly be much better.

But Draco Malfoy is terrible. His body is still developing, and he will soon be honed to the point where he has to rest and continue.

"Okay, let's stop here today, let's go back first."

"After you go back, follow the method I told you and pay attention to training yourself."

Kettleair looked at the tired two and took them back to Hogwarts.

Hagrid dragged his exhausted body, greeted Kettleair and left.

Malfoy was kept by Kettleair, and said: "Your body is still developing, you need to take it step by step, otherwise, it will affect your growth, do you understand what I mean?"

Malfoy nodded and said, "Professor Kate, I understand, I will pay attention to rest."

After Malfoy left, he returned to his dormitory.

He desperately wants to rest now, and then go to fill his stomach.

However, Malfoy just fell asleep on the bed, and then a cold breath enveloped his body, waking Malfoy up.

Malfoy looked around, and then saw the figure in black robe hidden behind the curtain.

"You seem tired? Draco!"

The joking voice gave off a very unfriendly feeling.

Malfoy immediately stood up from the bed, stared at him, took out his wand, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Hehehe, you don't want to know who I am?" the man in black stared at Malfoy and sneered.

"However, I'm very interested in how Kettleair can make you a magic warrior."

"Draco, you should tell me!"

Malfoy sneered, and immediately pulled out his wand from the side of the bed, pointed it at the man in black, and shouted, "Thunderball Curse!"

The black-robed man also sneered, and quickly said, "Damn out!"

The thunderball collided with the magic that came from the lasing, and was instantly canceled out.

"Disarm spell!"

Another voice sounded, and before Malfoy could make a move, his wand was snatched away.

Malfoy's face changed slightly, and he immediately entered the magic warrior mode, and directly attacked the man in black.

"Passed out!"

The man in black cast magic on Malfoy again, but in an instant, Malfoy avoided him and quickly approached the man in black.

The man in black didn't rush, and quickly cast a spell in front of him, saying: "Armor protection!"

Malfoy's Thunder Knife landed on the armor barrier, glowing with blue light, and they also fell into a stalemate directly.

"Ah, as expected of a magic warrior, this power is very strong."

"However, you are still too weak. Maybe after a few years, when you grow up, you may be able to kill me."

Looking at Malfoy's angry eyes, the man in black said with a smile on his face.

"That's not necessarily true!" Malfoy growled in a low voice, his right foot, which was shining with lightning, charged for a blow, and said, "Thunder kick!"

The man in black looked at the thunder and lightning, and the eyes shrouded in the black robe shrank suddenly. He wanted to cast magic, but he suddenly realized that if he gave up his defense at this time, Malfoy's thunder knife would fall. on him.

But if he defended like this, then Malfoy's other attack would directly penetrate the armor and land on him.

"All petrochemical!"

"There are many obstacles!"

At this moment, two other figures appeared in the room, casting magic directly on Malfoy.

Malfoy's body began to petrify, but under the condition of lightning stimulating the whole body, the petrification effect was obviously affected.

Malfoy looked horrified, but he couldn't stop it.

The man in black, who was almost killed by Malfoy, immediately ran away.

Malfoy's attack landed on the barrier, and the barrier sank in directly, almost breaking, and he himself fell to the ground, and his whole body entered a petrified state.

"take away!"

The voice sounded, and a person also came to Malfoy, grabbed Malfoy and left.

"Come here, and without saying hello, I will take my students away, isn't it too presumptuous?"

Then a voice sounded, and the three men in black robes in the room immediately became tense, grabbed Malfoy and walked along the window, cast their magic shape-changing and left.

boom! boom! boom!
There were successive collision sounds, and the three men in black robes did not appear in a distant place holding Malfoy as expected.

Instead, he bumped his head against the south wall and fell to the ground in great pain.

For a moment, they were even more dizzy and seemed extremely desperate.

"Tongtong Petrochemical!"

A voice sounded, and before the three men in black could react, they were petrified.

At the same time, a figure also appeared in the room.

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