"Poor child, what about your mother? Not long after Adric graduated, I heard that he was married. It seems to be the youngest daughter of the Black family. It seems to be Helena. Adric died, and she alone It must be difficult for you to raise an adult."

"My mother, who died before my father disappeared."

"Oh, Merlin!" Madam Pomfrey's eyes turned red, she took out her handkerchief to wipe the overflowing tears, she looked very sad, her relationship with her father was really good.

Sitting at the side, Lily couldn't help asking: "Hill, how did you come here after all these years?"

It is hard to imagine how a child who lost his parents at the age of one spent these ten years. During this time, he must have suffered a lot.I have suffered a lot.

"It's okay, my father and my mother's relatives have contributed a lot, because of their help, life is going smoothly." Hill smiled. He has indeed lived well these years, with no worries about food and clothing. Free and easy, "Of course, living alone is a bit lonely, but I'm used to it."

Seeing that his arm was wrapped in a breathable bandage, Hill stood up and said to Madam Pomfrey, "I think, I should go and leave you alone, Madam Pomfrey."

Madam Pomfrey intended to keep Hill, but she noticed the firmness in Hill's eyes, and just sighed, and let Hill leave.

Seeing Hill stand up and leave, Lily hurriedly said goodbye to Madam Pomfrey, and then quickly followed Hill.

"Adric, what a boy, oh~"

Shaking her head, Madam Pomfrey closed the door of the infirmary, she also needed to be quiet.

Seeing Hill who was still silent, Lily didn't know what to say.Words of comfort?But Hill should have been tired of hearing these things for a long time. When Madam Pomfrey comforted him just now, his expression was very flat. Thinking about it, he must have heard such comforting in his daily life.

What should I say?Lily shook her head in distress. She was usually eloquent and fearless, but why couldn't she say anything now?
When he reached the stairs, Hill stopped and said to Lily, who was still following behind him, "You'd better go back to the dormitory to rest, and I'll take the books back for you."

"how about you?"

"Me?" Hill shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, "Didn't Snape ask me to clean the Potions classroom? I still have to clean that classroom." False, God knows how much trouble Snape will use this opportunity to cause him.

Seeing the depressed and helpless expression on Hill's face, Lily burst out laughing, his expression was so cute.

[That's it, sadness or something, whatever it is! 】

"Why are you laughing!" Hill's expression became helpless, he looked at Lily who was trying to suppress her laughter but always failed, and couldn't help snorting, "It's not because of you!"

Lily suppressed the urge to continue laughing. Looking at Hill with a gloomy face, she realized that no matter how mature she was, Hill was still an 11-year-old boy after all.Maybe his behavior is very mature, but his heart is only 11 years old after all.

"Okay, I'm going to the Potions classroom, and class should be over by now. Damn it! It seems that my dinner is hopeless." Hill estimated the time, Hogwarts cannot use electronic products, and for those already For Hill, who is used to electronic products produced by Muggles, it is still extremely uncomfortable.

"I'll bring you some food, it's my reward for helping me!" Lily said with a smile, she was very happy to be able to help Hill.

"Great!" Hill nodded happily, "Then I'll go first!"

Watching Hill disappear at the corner of the stairs, Lily shook her head. Sometimes she was calm, sometimes she jumped, sometimes she was wise, and sometimes she was slow. Hill, you are really complicated!

Hill, who had solved his biggest trouble, walked briskly, and soon came to the Potions classroom.Sure enough, get out of class was over here, but Snape was still here, probably waiting for Hill.

"It's not bad, I didn't keep me waiting." Snape said coldly, he seemed to always have this expression, as if someone owed him money, "There are brooms and mops and buckets, remember , Clean it up a bit, and don't give me a reason to deduct points from you!"

Hill lazily walked to the place where the cleaning tools were placed, grabbed the broom, and began to sweep the dust on the ground.This kind of work should have been done by house elves, but some professors like to clean the classroom as a means of punishing disobedient students.Obviously, Snape was the best among them, and his Potions classroom was basically not cleaned by elves.

Because there was plenty of time, and someone else would take the dinner home for him, Hill was not in a hurry at all, but just swept the floor slowly, so slow that even Snape couldn't stand it anymore.

"Fox! Didn't you eat? At your speed, you won't be able to clean it up tomorrow night!" Snape harassed Hill mercilessly with his poisonous tongue, but Hill didn't take it seriously.The events of the day had already proved that the battle with Snape was destined to be a long-term battle, and this could not be resolved with just a few words.

"Oh, dear Severus, so you are here, I have been looking for you very hard." A gentle but dignified voice came in, "Oh, Mr. Fox is here too , what's wrong? Did he make a mistake?"

Hill raised his head. Sure enough, there would be no one else but Dumbledore, but what was his purpose for coming?

Seeing Hill stop sweeping the floor, Snape frowned, "Continue sweeping your floor! I'll go out for a while, if I see you slacking off when I come back, hum!"

"Oh, Severus, young people, especially children, always make mistakes, and we should be more tolerant!" Dumbledore looked at the silent Hill kindly, "Speaking of which, Little Fox's The relationship between father Adric and you is not bad, I remember you have a good relationship."

Hill's movements froze for a moment, but he continued to sweep his floor, of course, his attention had shifted to the conversation between Dumbledore and Snape.

"Hmph! Believing in Adric was the biggest mistake in my life!" Snape gave Hill a hard look, and then said to Dumbledore, "Go out and talk about something!"

Dumbledore nodded, and then went out with Snape.When he was about to leave, he coughed, and then seemed to be talking to himself, "I remember that it seems that using magic spells for cleaning is still very good, and Severus didn't seem to say that it can't be used."

Seeing Dumbledore's figure disappear at the door, Hill was stunned for a moment, then threw the broom aside, took out his wand, and waved it lightly a few times.

With the wave of the magic wand, the broom that fell on the ground stood up automatically and quickly swept the ground.The bucket was filled with clean water, and the mop started mopping the cleaned ground after wetting it.The rag flew onto the table and wiped the table automatically.All the tools seemed to be operated by someone behind, quickly and beautifully cleaning up the entire Potions classroom.

Hill's face was full of joy, if Dumbledore hadn't pushed Snape away, if Dumbledore hadn't reminded him, he was still cleaning up slowly and stupidly.

A few big drops of sweat gradually poured out on his face, manipulating so many things at the same time, manipulating them to do different things, manipulating them for such a long time is also a very strenuous task for Hill.Fortunately, Hill had a similar experience a long time ago, and he has always been used to solving problems with a magic wand, so he is still very proficient in doing it.

Finally, after 10 minutes, the entire Potions classroom was cleaned up. After calculating the time, there was still time for dinner.

After setting everything up, Hill cheered and rushed out of the Potions classroom.Snape would be very angry when he came back, and maybe a few points would be deducted, but so what, there was no hope for him in the first place.

On the way to the auditorium, Hill accidentally ran into Harry and the others, and they seemed to be going to the auditorium for dinner.

"Hey, how was your day, Hill?"

Harry asked excitedly, life at Hogwarts was simply a paradise for Harry, and everything was so new to him.Magic, this magical power fascinated him.

At the same time, Harry found that he was only fifty or a hundred paces away from everyone else. Many people here, like him, came from Muggle families and never thought that they would be witches and wizards.They had so much to learn, and even someone from a witchcraft family like Ron might not be much ahead.

Ron, on the other hand, looked tired. He was born in a wizarding family. He got used to the life in Hogwarts very quickly, and soon got tired of it.And he was scolded by Professor McGonagall in class today, and he was in a bad mood.

Hermione was holding a book and reading, and she just nodded to Hill as a greeting.A top student in the Muggle world must also be a top student in the wizarding world. This is Hermione's theory.She has always worried that she will be left behind by her peers because she was born in a Muggle family, but she later found that except for Hill, it is difficult for anyone to compare with her. She is first-rate in terms of knowledge and understanding.

"It's okay, for a Potions class, I successfully got 17 points deducted from Ravenclaw, and I was fined to clean up the Potions class room after school." Hill shrugged, with an expression of indifference , but his words stunned the three of Harry.

"17 points?"

"Plus another punishment for cleaning the classroom?"

"What the hell did you do?"

The three of Harry looked at Hill in disbelief. In their impression, Hill was a standard good student who knew everything.It would be possible if 17 points were added to a class, but 17 points were deducted from a class plus a penalty, which was unbelievable.

"Actually, I did a good job." Hill spread his hands, accidentally revealing his arm covered by the sleeve, which was wrapped in a bandage, and it looked like a fresh injury.

"Hey, buddy, what's going on?" Ron noticed Hill's injury, and he was in a much better mood now. With Hill in front of him, no matter who he was, he would feel better.

"Well, here's the thing..." Hill explained to them what happened in the Charms class.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief. On the one hand, they admired Hill's courage. Trying medicine by himself is not something any 11-year-old boy can do; on the other hand, they began to worry Potions class, because Hill clearly said that Snape hated Gryffindor the most!
Hermione put down the book. She was frightened by Hill before, and she was very clear about Hill's excellence. She tried many times in private for the [Levitation Curse] before it succeeded so-so, but if she wanted to do it I don't know how long it will take to lift weight like Hill.What's more, Hill is self-taught!
Talking while walking, they soon arrived at the auditorium, where many people have already started eating.Saying goodbye to Harry and the others, Hill sat on his seat under the weird eyes of all the Ravenclaw students, and next to him was a slightly surprised Lily.

Picking up his favorite lemon juice, he took a sip and listened to the discussions around him. A smile flashed across Hill's face. It seemed that the news that he had been deducted 17 points had already spread.

Seeing Robert who was sitting opposite him, hesitating to speak, Hill smiled calmly, "Robert, how long do you think it will take me to earn back 17 points? Or, guess how long it will take me to earn back 34 points?" points, give Snape a hard slap in the face"

Confidence, strong to conceited confidence!

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