Today is August [-]st, which is also Hill's nominal birthday. However, this day is destined to be the same as the previous days. There are no greeting cards, no blessings, just an ordinary day.

Hill lay lazily on the sofa, grabbed Kaka and hugged her in his arms, muttering, "Kaka, you should lose weight, and I won't be able to hold you after a while. By then , I can't take you to Hogwarts."

"Aw~ Aww~ Aw~"

Kaka's cry was full of dissatisfaction, and it was indeed the case. Kaka was only a little over a foot long, and only two feet long including the tail, which was a normal figure.However, for Hill, who is only 11 years old, he is still a little too big. At least, it is difficult for Kaka to stand on Hill's shoulders now. After all, a child's body is so big.

"Phew, there's nothing I can do about it. Look, how many times have you fallen off my shoulders since last night? Seven times or eight times? At least you have to change places. You can't do anything about your shoulders. stay."


Kaka yelled a few more times, then broke free from Hill's arms, jumped to the ground, and lay down on the ground.

Hill looked at Kaka's actions curiously. I really don't know what this situation means. It has never happened before.

Accompanied by a deep "woo woo~", Kaka's body gradually became smaller, until it was only about half an inch before stopping, and Kaka had turned into a miniature fox.

Hill looked at Kaka who had shrunk a lot in surprise, and then looked at Booker who was resting on a corner of the sofa, "What's going on with Kaka?"

"Well, isn't it just a stupid fox that can transform, what's so strange." Booker's tone was full of disdain, it was very different from this stupid fox, "This stupid fox can only transform itself The body becomes bigger and smaller, and the largest does not exceed the original size, and the smallest is not less than half of the original size, which is too bad."

"Aw~ Aww~ Aw~"

Kaka heard Booker's evaluation of it, maybe it didn't understand, maybe it understood, in short, it felt the disdain in Booker's words.Kaka said that it is very angry now!

Hill smiled, bent down and picked up Kaka, and then put Kaka on his shoulders, just right.

Calming Kaka, who was a little irritable, Hill looked at Booker, "Booker, will the 'Boy Who Lived' Harry Potter go to Diagon Alley to buy things today?" On the coffee table in front of him There is a newspaper, "Daily Prophet", that is yesterday's newspaper.

The newspaper used a big headline to write the words "The Boy Who Lived Returns!", and then there were long paragraphs about this magical "Boy Who Lived" Harry Potter. .

"Well, it should be today. Hagrid should have delivered the letter to him yesterday, and today he should be taken to Diagon Alley. They will also meet that unlucky Quirrell who is possessed by the Dark Lord."

Booker tried hard to sit up, but after several attempts, he had to admit that his ability to move was almost zero, after all, it was just a book.

"By the way, haven't you finished reading the "Complete Harry Potter"?"

Hill rubbed his temples, just woke up, his mind is still a little confused.

"There is no way, this kind of thing, it is hard for anyone to believe it. The seven years of Harry Potter's life in Hogwarts, including the confrontation with that person, all It's all been recorded. And it's written like a novel, not some vague, obscure prophecy that I've seen. If it weren't for something to be proven, I would never believe this book the content recorded in the book."

"Then do you believe it now?"

"There is a little bit of faith. After all, there must be a reason for my ancestor to leave this book. Most of the things should be correct. However, there must be some changes, whether it is details or other aspects. "

Booker made a mistake, and he asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"Haven't you noticed? I don't exist in this book, which is an incredible thing in itself." Hill rubbed his temples with his hands, with a confident expression on his face, "I'm not the kind of mediocre person man!"

"Maybe you are right, but you really shouldn't have existed in this book, it's just..."

"Okay, let's not mention this for now. I'm very interested in the stories recorded in the book." Hill's face showed a rare excitement, and most of the time his face was lazy. smile, and very little else.

"Speaking of which, my dear little master, you are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic. I guess your life in Hogwarts will not be peaceful. Why don't you try to directly accept the identity of Voldemort and see how he and Dumbledore's battle?"

"If you are weak, let's talk about it when you have the ability to protect yourself." Hill picked up the black tea that he had brewed, and took a sip, "Speaking of which, I am more interested in that ancestor, you and him information?"

Booker lay on the sofa, opened his cover, and let the breeze blow over its pages. This was his favorite way of resting.There is not a single word on the pages of the book blown by the breeze. As a magical book that claims to be as old as the Hogwarts Sorting Hat and exists at the same level, Booker will only write on the pages when its owner needs it. display text.

For Booker, there is almost nothing in this world that he doesn't know.As an antique that has lived for more than 1000 years, although it is locked in a box most of the time, its profound knowledge is still very rare.Every generation of the Fox family heirs will inject their lifelong knowledge into this book when they are dying. The accumulation of dozens of generations has created such a magical existence as Booker!

"Well, do you mean my first master? I don't know much more about him than you. He was old when I was made, and he left after handing me over to his descendants. , I have disappeared since then. Then, most of the time, I was locked in the box by your ancestors, and was only taken out when they were dying, carrying their life's knowledge, and then put back into the box."

"Isn't that boring?"

"It's okay. I sleep most of the time. I sleep for decades. If you convert it in 1000 years, it's only a few dozen days. I'm still a baby!"

The corner of Hill's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to throw Booker out because he had other questions to ask.

"Didn't my ancestors discover the book Harry Potter?"

"I read it to each of them, but, think about it now, is that book understandable by ordinary people?"

Hill thought for a while, that's true, the original version of Harry Potter is in Booker's book, and there is a large string of unknown letters in it, with no order, no intervals, and no idea what is being written.

By a chance coincidence, Hill discovered the real secret of the complete Harry Potter book!
Those letters are all pinyin in Chinese!
The Chinese Pinyin was officially established, formed a system and became known to outsiders from 1955 to 1957, and it was officially widely used in the world in 1982!
It would be a ghost if those ancestors could decipher it!
However, speaking of it, Hill's father, Adric, still had a chance to decipher it, but he didn't know if he had discovered it.

"I don't know about this. The possibility should be small. Who would think so much?"

Shaking his head, temporarily putting the question aside, Hill stood up, grabbed Booker and stuffed it into his pocket, "It doesn't matter that much, let's go shopping in Diagon Alley, and meet that Harry Potter by the way. To be honest, I am really looking forward to the stories that happened in Hogwarts!"

"Well, Hogwarts, I haven't been there for a long time, and there are many old friends there, I don't know if I still remember me." Booker said excitedly, sticking his corner out of Hill's jacket pocket , "I'm looking forward to it too!"

"Then shut up! You don't want to be discovered by others, those people will compete for you crazily!"

Hill stuffed Booker back into his pocket again. His worry was not unfounded. A magical existence like Booker is definitely what any wizard would want!They will stop at nothing to snatch this book!
Booker muttered a few times, and let Hill put it back in his pocket, it was not ignorant.

Pushing open the door of the villa, the golden sunlight sprinkled on Hill's silver hair, intertwined into a gorgeous halo of brilliance and enveloped him!
"Then, Diagon Alley, here I come! Let me meet the Boy Who Lived!"

Dividing line at the Leaky Cauldron
There are many entrances to Diagon Alley, but since it is to see Harry Potter, the "Boy Who Lived", it is most appropriate to enter from the Leaky Cauldron.

The Leaky Cauldron is located in the center of London, quite far from the suburbs.But Hill has been here quite a few times, so he is quite familiar.

Hill spent his babyhood in a nursery. It’s not that he has no relatives. Strictly speaking, he still has a few relatives. However, he subconsciously resists those relatives and doesn’t want to have more contact with them. .

As an orphan, Hill spent five years at St. Mungo's Hospital until, at the age of six, he decided to leave and return to his present address, the Fox family cottage, his former home.

Although Hill didn't care about those relatives, without the help of those relatives, he wouldn't be living as well as he is now, with no worries about food and clothing, and never lacking in money.All he did was read at home, and occasionally went out for a walk to relax.

It seems to be a very good look.

The Leaky Cauldron, a place only wizards can see.It was a dingy little bar, unremarkable and unremarkable.People hurrying past don't even look at it.Their eyes only fell on a big book store on one side and a record store on the other because they couldn't see it.

It seemed that Hill came at the right time. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the loud voices in the bar, and vaguely heard Harry Potter's name.

After tidying up his somewhat messy clothes, Hill hugged Kaka in his arms and pushed open the door of the Leaky Cauldron. The noise coming to him almost made him think he was in a busy city.

"I'm Cordry, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I've seen you at last."

"It's an honor, Mr. Potter, it's an honor."

"I've been looking forward to shaking hands with you for a long time, and my heart is pounding."

"I'm so happy, Mr. Potter, I can't explain how I feel. My name is Dick."

"I've seen you before,"


Realizing that there seemed to be a new guest, the noisy voice inside stopped for a while, and everyone's eyes turned to Hill at the door.

Being stared at by so many people, Hill didn't feel anything at all, just some secondary wizards.He just nodded his head calmly, and then looked at the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, an old man with almost bald hair who looked like a sunken walnut.He is the owner of the bar, and people call him Old Tom.

Without the idea of ​​watching the "Boy Who Lived" with a look of surprise like those ordinary people, Hill just walked to the front of the bar, tapped the bar lightly, and woke up Old Tom who was still in the crowd watching mode.

"Old Tom, here I go again! Give me a glass of lemonade!"

Old Tom and Hill were also acquaintances, he pointed at Harry Potter and said with a smile: "Little Fox, don't worry about the lemon juice, there is a great big man here today!"

[Wrong, it's three!Harry Potter, Voldemort, and me! 】

Following Old Tom's words, Hill looked at Hagrid who was surrounded by the crowd. He had no choice but to be too tall.Then, Hill struggled to find Harry Potter beside Hagrid.

"Isn't this Harry Potter?"

There was a strange look on Hill's face. To be honest, Hill was quite surprised. Although he knew from the book that Harry Potter had a bad life at his aunt's house, he saw Harry Potter's life. At that time, he was still taken aback.

A very thin and small boy, who looked only seven or eight years old, was obviously malnourished.The short black hair spread out in all directions, and it was unbelievably messy, as if each hair had a strong desire to express itself and follow its own will.

On the bridge of the nose is an extremely rustic black-rimmed round glasses that can no longer be more tattered. The glasses seem to have been broken many times, and they are wrapped with layers of transparent tape, making them look more dilapidated.

A pair of big emerald green eyes.The palm-sized face shrinks rapidly from the line below the cheeks, and finally closes to the pointed chin.His face was slightly pale, just the kind of color that is not often exposed to the sun.

He wore a long, wide shirt and baggy trousers that fell below his knees and the trousers were sloppily folded.On the feet are a pair of old white sneakers. The artificial leather on the surface of the shoes is rolled up to reveal the dark padding inside.

[The ancestor is above, compared to him, I am simply a prince! 】

It can't be helped, the gap between Hill and Harry who are also orphans, even orphaned on the same day, is too great!Not only the appearance and clothing, but also the difference in temperament is too great.

With a little effort to push through the crowd of onlookers, Hill came in front of Harry.

"Hi, my name is Hill Fox, just call me Hill. Nice to meet you, Harry Potter."

There was no deliberate fawning, no hypocritical politeness, all Hill did was say his name, and then greeted him indifferently.He has his own arrogance, and he is also a proud person. He doesn't bother with the behavior of ordinary people.

Harry seemed very busy at this time, he kept shaking hands with the wizards around him, and kept saying polite words, but in fact he couldn't remember so many people at all, he just kept nodding, like a Like a machine.

[These wizards don't look like wizards at all! 】

Gently helping his sagging glasses, Harry felt a little funny. A day ago, he was just an unlucky boy who was bullied, but now he has become some kind of great big shot.

"Hi, my name is Hill Fox, just call me Hill. Nice to meet you, Harry Potter."

A voice different from others came into Harry's ears, this voice was neither flattering nor hypocritical.It was just an extremely plain greeting, as if the owner of this sentence was greeting a passerby.

[Phew, there is finally one who is not so fanatical. 】

That's right, the wizards onlookers were too fanatical, and their enthusiasm really made Harry a little overwhelmed.He longed for a little help from Hagrid, but he seemed to be in the midst of chatting with a few wizards and completely oblivious to Harry's pleading eyes.

Sighing slightly, Harry felt a little tired of this atmosphere, and somehow became the object of so many people's onlookers. For an 11-year-old boy, especially a boy who had been bullied all the time, this was a bit overwhelming. accept.

[It doesn't feel good to be ignored, and it feels even worse to be the focus! 】

Harry turned his head in the direction of the previous voice, his eyes meeting the other's.

It was a boy of the same age as him, but he was not as short as himself, and had already begun to show the slender figure of a teenager.The silver hair, which was a little messy, was scattered casually, but it had an eye-catching chicness.Although his hair was silver, it wasn't hot or dazzling, but a soft, almost warm color, pure enough to make one's heart tremble.The silver eyes were as bright as stars, and as the pupils trembled, it seemed as if the stars were disillusioned.

Against the backdrop of the black clothes, his skin was almost crystal clear, and a faint halo appeared in the morning light, like an angel.He stood very casually, a little white fox was held in his arms.Although he just stood there casually, it attracted people around him to look at him involuntarily, almost making him breathless.Around him, even the dust seemed to quiet down unconsciously, and the restless air became leisurely and peaceful.The entire environment seems to have been silenced.

Cold, lonely, with a touch of indifference and alienation.

Harry couldn't help but want to get close to the boy, not because of anything else, just because he saw something familiar in this boy.

"My name is Harry Potter, uh, you probably already know that, and I'm glad to meet you too."

Harry couldn't help but want to slap himself a little bit, what a shameful opening!Moreover, I didn't hold his outstretched hand, it was really rude!
"Above Merlin! You are Little Fox?!"

Harry had never thanked someone so genuinely before, and Hagrid's words lifted him from his embarrassment.

【Thank God!Hagrid, thank you so much! 】

However, Harry looked at Hagrid suspiciously. Does the strange boy Hill Fox in front of him know Hagrid?

Hill withdrew his outstretched hand in a daze, and the whole process was extremely calm and natural, as if the previous embarrassment never happened at all.Then, he looked at Hagrid suspiciously.

【Hagrid shouldn't know me, I don't remember seeing him before! 】

"Sorry, I haven't asked for advice yet, are you?"

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, the keykeeper at Hogwarts. I know your father, Adric. He's a very nice guy. We used to work together in... well, I've heard him talk about you a lot, Say you have silver hair and silver eyes, and you're beautiful!"

Hagrid was very excited, and his words were a bit messy, and his enunciation was not very clear, but Hill knew that Hagrid had worked with his father.

Hill has always been curious about everything about his father, Adric Fox.Many of Hill's previous memories are blurred, and his impression of his father is only in the photo.

It was a gentle young man with blond hair, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and a suit and leather shoes. He looked more like a Muggle businessman than a wizard.There is a confident smile on his face all the time, as if nothing can stop him.

However, Adric had died ten years ago.

"Listen to me, Harry." Hagrid patted Harry on the shoulder, almost knocking him down, "Little Fox's situation is similar to yours, his mother died early, and his father passed away too The Fox family has always been the most upright wizard family, everyone in their family is a kind wizard, you should associate with little Fox more in the future, he will be your best friend!"

Harry's mouth was wide open, and the silver-haired boy in front of him was actually an orphan just like himself.No wonder it feels a little familiar, that faint sense of indifference and alienation, is it because of childhood misfortune?However, why did he still have that faint smile on his face, even after hearing about his parents?

[He, why, can, laugh, so, calmly! 】

"Hey, Little Fox, please take care of Harry more in the future. Uh, I mean Harry has been in the Muggle world, and he is still very unfamiliar with everything in the wizarding world. I hope you can help me more when you are in school." He's busy."

Hill nodded slightly, "If I can help, I will definitely not be vague."

"That's enough, you know that Adric and James are good friends too!" Hagrid nodded, feeling very satisfied.

"Ah, this is little Fawkes, son of Adric?"

A pale young man approached, looking very tense, with one eye twitching.

Professor Quirrell!

An unlucky guy who was controlled by Voldemort!

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