Hill followed the voice and looked over. The person who spoke was Lily. She was sitting with a few girls at this time, and they seemed to be talking about something very interesting. Everyone's faces were slightly flushed.

"She came back a long time ago, not long after we returned to the lounge." Robert looked at Hill's puzzled expression and explained actively: "She came back after going to the women's bathroom, and she learned about the troll on the way. And then he came back here."

Hill was speechless for a while, so it was like this, she went, but didn't stay there, that's all.

But, why does it feel that there is something wrong with Lily's eyes?

Hill shook his head, probably because of dazzlement, but when he looked at Lily again, he found that everything was normal.

"I'm going back to rest first, you continue."

After bidding farewell to Robert and the others, Hill returned to the room alone. After cleaning up his personal hygiene, he lay on the bed, closing his eyes and recalling what happened during this period.

Next is the matter of Quidditch. Professor Quirrell shot Harry, but was blocked by Snape, and finally cracked by Hermione.It seems that there is nothing special, just follow the plot, but is this really okay?

In the original story, there are too many coincidences. Hermione accidentally broke Quirrell's spell, but what if Quirrell was not disturbed or was a little bit late?

This plan of Quirrell is extremely naive. It should not have been written by Voldemort. It is probably designed by Quirrell to please Voldemort.The reason is simple. It is common for Quidditch to fall from the broom. As a referee, Mrs. Hooch has a very important duty to rescue those who fall.Besides, how could Voldemort, such an arrogant person, let other people solve his enemy?
The big deal is that when the game starts, they will run to squat near Quirrell, and when the game starts, they will go there and set fire, and then the problem will be solved. Anyway, Voldemort himself is not very optimistic about this plan.

Hill, who had figured everything out, finally let go of the burden in his heart, and began to sleep peacefully.

It's just that the changes of some things will not always be seen by you!
After Halloween, it's officially November.After entering November, the weather becomes very cold.The mountains around the school are gray and covered with ice and snow, and the lake is as cold and hard as tempered steel.Every morning there is frost on the ground.Hagrid could be seen from an upstairs window, wrapped in a long moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge beaver fur boots, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch.

The Quidditch season has finally started. In two days, there will be a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. This game is also very important. If the Gryffindor team wins, their ranking in the Academy Cup will be greatly improved. Rise to No.2.

Currently, Slytherin ranks first in points, followed by Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.The rankings have pretty much stayed that way for the past seven years.

In the morning, Professor Sprout taught herbalism. The class was held in the greenhouse outside the castle. It was mainly to learn the characteristics, uses and how to cultivate various herbs, which were linked to potion classes.It's just that Professor Slaughter is much cuter than Snape.

After finishing the herbal medicine class, Hill was going back to the castle. During this time, he stayed in his room and read books when he had nothing to do.The content of the book is very complicated, and there are all kinds of strange things.

"Hill, can you walk with me?"

"Where to go?"

Hill looked at Lily, her words were very meaningful.After experiencing what happened on the eve of Halloween, especially after Terry and others explained what happened to Hill that night, especially the reason for his departure, the relationship between Lily and Hill seemed to return to the beginning of school. time.

During this time, Lily often looked for Hill to do homework together, eat together, and go to the lake to bask in the sun together.In short, their current state is extremely close to being a couple, or in other words, except that the layer of paper has not been pierced, they are now a couple.

11-year-old couple, Hill can only smile wryly, it's too early to talk about this now.Therefore, Hill's attitude was always lukewarm and lukewarm, and he passively accepted the existence of a girl beside him.

"Go to an exciting place this time!"

Lily's face is full of mystery, of course, excitement is essential.Sometimes, Hill really wonders if the guy in the Sorting Hat is really reliable, why are there so many Gryffindor characters around him?Aren't Ravenclaws supposed to be gentlemen and ladies?

"Well, let me see, Snape's office? It's definitely exciting."


Lily was amused by Hill's cold joke, and Hill also laughed. The atmosphere is really good.

"Alright, let's go to the Forbidden Forest this time!"

Lily, who came down seriously, hammered Hill angrily, and there was a "painful" expression on the latter's face. Of course, if the expression was not so exaggerated, the effect might be better.

"Forbidden Forest?" Hill frowned. It wasn't a good place. There were everything in a mess, including unicorns, giants, centaurs, dragons and snakes.

"Yeah, I've been to all the interesting places nearby, but I haven't been to the Forbidden Forest. It always feels very mysterious. I want to see it for myself."

Lily's words are quite in line with her personality. She is a bit like Hill, both of whom belong to the kind of restless and adventurous people in their bones.Recently, they have traveled all around Hogwarts, and the only places they haven't visited are the bottom of the lake and the Forbidden Forest.

All Hogwarts students were warned by Dumbledore not to go to the Forbidden Forest when they entered school, but there are definitely not a few who sneaked into the Forbidden Forest.Especially those Gryffindors, who almost regarded it as a back garden.

"Really? Can't you change the place? It's not fun there."

"But I think it's very interesting. I heard some people mention it. It seems that many people have played in Gryffindor. It's very interesting!"

"It's really boring. Don't listen to those people's nonsense. They haven't been there in person."

"So, have you been there?"

Hill shook his head. He has read many books about the Forbidden Forest, but he has never been there.

"Then are you going or not? If you don't go, then I will go alone!"

Facing Lily's ultimatum, Hill could only raise his hands in surrender and let her go alone. He was really worried.

Estimating the time, the slaughter of the unicorn seems to have happened after Christmas, which is still early, so it should be fine.At least, in broad daylight, Voldemort wouldn't dare to come out blatantly.As for the others, Hill was confident that he would have no problem escaping with his life saved.

There is still some time before lunch, so Hill and Lily decided to go to the Forbidden Forest first, not to go deep, and come back after walking around for a while, which is also the safest way.

For some reason, Hill always feels that something is wrong, but this feeling is very faint, if there is nothing.As for the feeling, Hill still believed in it. He didn't feel the danger, but something was wrong.

Since there was no danger, Hill and Lily walked into the Forbidden Forest and made a circle around the periphery.

To be honest, Hill felt a little regretful. Although it was daytime, the trees in the Forbidden Forest still blocked a lot of sunlight, making it a little dark here.The trees grow in strange shapes, all kinds of strange calls come and go, and the atmosphere is still very weird.

Unlike Hill, who was full of thoughts, Lily seemed to like the atmosphere here very much. If Hill hadn't reminded her, she would have gone deep into the Forbidden Forest.Even so, she and Hill still walked towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest unknowingly, although they didn't realize it.

Suddenly, there was a weak cry from ahead, it was the scream of dying!

Hill immediately took out his wand, grabbed Lily's hand and strode back without hesitation, his eyes fixed on the direction of the cry!
The next moment, a person came out from the shadow of the trees, with a purple scarf, a timid appearance, and a strange smell.It was Quirrell, the last person Hill wanted to see!

"Professor Quirrell, why are you here?"

Although it was nonsense, Hill hoped that Quirrell would give him a reasonable answer.What he was afraid of was not Quirrell, but Voldemort, the Dark Lord who gave Dumbledore a headache!

"I'm just here to pick up a little something."

Still stuttering, the reason seemed reasonable, but Quirrell's fingers were covered with silver-white liquid, dripping full.Even without reading the book, Hill knew what it was.

Unicorn blood!
Unexpectedly, Quirrell started hunting unicorns so early.That's right, it was found out at Christmas, but it didn't say that Christmas started.

There was a smile on Hill's face, he smiled at Quirrell, and then said: "Then, I won't disturb you, I will leave first, you continue."

"No, no, no!" Quirrell shook his head, looking at Hill who was slowly retreating, a trace of ferocity flashed across his face, "You can't leave!"

"Passed out!"

A red light rushed out from Quirrell's wand and hit Hill straight.If hit, Hill will definitely lose his ability to resist.

"Tch, but a fifth-level wizard, you are really weak!"

For a long time, Hill has never seen Quirrell make a shot, and his strength has always been a mystery.However, he couldn't be too strong, otherwise Voldemort wouldn't be able to control him so easily.Hill reckons it's between level five and level six, so it's really not that strong.

"Level five is enough, against someone like you..."

Quirrell's words stopped abruptly, because, the next moment, his wand was out of his hand.

"Oh, professor, don't you know that there is such a technique as silent casting?"

Holding Quirrell's wand in his hand, Hill watched the rise and fall playfully.Although he looked relaxed on the surface, in fact, he was ready to launch a prop.

Voldemort, when Quirrell has an enemy he can't deal with, will he still be silent?

The dark wizard who was still among the top wizards even though he was dying, the enemy who made Dumbledore helpless for a while, the leader of the Death Eaters who almost subverted the existing magic world by himself!

Even in the face of Voldemort, Hill still has such a sliver of confidence, the reason lies in an item in his hand!
As we all know, it is forbidden to cast [Apparition] around Hogwarts, but this is not absolute. At least, Hill has a way to break through this prohibition!
【Safety first, that prop, although precious, is still not as important as your own life! 】

Hill's left hand was hidden under the robe. He pinched a piece of paper and was about to activate this item. This was one of his trump cards.

["Freedom" is a prop that allows people to break through all constraints and perform apparition.By the way, this prop is specially made for Hogwarts! 】

In fact, Hogwarts, as a school of magic, has always had many evil wizards playing their minds.In order to fight against the prohibition of Hogwarts, those people once researched the means to break this prohibition.However, before the plan even started, the group of black wizards were wiped out.And this "freedom" was taken by the Fox family as a trophy.

"Freedom", as the name suggests, you will be free if you use it.For the black wizards, they got the chance to kill freely; for Hill, what he got was the chance to escape and ascend to heaven!
"Grab my arm!"

Hill whispered to Lily, and he took a step back, just waiting for Lily to grab his arm, and he would activate the prop.

Lily grabbed Hill's arm, so tight she gripped Hill that it hurt a little.

【Are you nervous?Also, in this situation, everyone will be nervous. 】

The next moment, Hill finally understood what was going on with the series of discords before.

"Except your weapons!"

Looking at his empty right hand, Hill showed a wry smile on his face, so it turned out that all this had been planned as early as the night of Halloween.

【Heh, I'm too careless. It's been smooth sailing all this time, so I let down my vigilance unconsciously. It really deserves it! 】

Hill took a deep breath, ignoring Quirrell who was approaching him step by step with a grin.He turned his head and looked at Lily, who had been behind him and was well protected by him, but attacked him at the last moment.

Lily held her own wand in one hand and Hill's wand in the other, and the second [Expelliarmus] came from Lily's hand.

After just glancing at Lily, Hill turned his head, and he was indeed controlled. As for the effect of the Imperius Curse or the potion, it doesn't matter anymore.As for when the spell was cast, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Your magic spell is really good, no wonder even the trolls have been knocked down by you!" Still stammering, it seems that this is not a disguise by Quirrell.There was a smug smile on his face, his strength was poor, that's right, but he still caught Hill.

Hill is very helpless, if he wants to escape, he is not helpless.It's just that Lily is being controlled. If he wants to leave her and run alone, Hill thinks he can't do it.Besides, he still wants to know what this trap is for.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" By this time, Hill became a bachelor, and his mind calmed down, "You set up such a trap to lure me here. If there is nothing wrong, you are really an idiot Already!"

"Let me talk to him!"

A dry and gloomy voice floated out from Quirrell, Hill's eyes narrowed, it seemed that the worst situation had finally appeared.

The next thing is that Quirrell unbuttoned the scarf, revealing Voldemort's disgusting and terrifying face.Although it had been envisioned in his mind, Hill was startled by Voldemort's face.

Facing that ugly face, Hill frowned, and then asked, "Dark Lord?"

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

Voldemort seemed to be very patient, his eyes sparkled with curiosity, although he had some expectation of this kid's ability, but the calmness of this kid still surprised Voldemort.

At the same time, he is also very satisfied!

"I said that I'm scared to death now, do you believe it?" Hill shrugged. It seemed that Voldemort was not going to kill him, so he became calm.Moreover, he noticed, Voldemort seemed to have some sanity.

As long as there is reason, there is still a glimmer of life!
"Interesting kid." Voldemort laughed, his laughter was harsh, like a knife cutting through glass, "There is indeed something, I want something from you!"

"my life?"

"No, it's more important than that!"


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