"Slytherin is champion again this year, isn't it?"

"Oh, maybe that's the case."

"Hill, what do you know?"

"Don't worry, there will be a good show in a while!"

Hill casually chatted with Terry, Lily and the others. He was not injured, so he wouldn't lie in the ward for a few days like Harry and the others.He and Draco each got what they wanted from Dumbledore and walked away contented.

The Great Hall was decked out in Slytherin green and silver to celebrate their seventh consecutive House Cup win.On the wall behind the guest table hung a huge banner depicting a Slytherin snake.

[Wait a while to see what expressions those little snakes will have! 】

Hill glanced at Snape, still with the same dead face as usual, even though Slytherin won the House Cup, he didn't show any special expression.

【Did Voldemort really not know that Snape had a problem?Could it be, or did he pretend to be ignorant while pretending to understand? 】

Not long after, Harry, who had just left the hospital, walked in. There was a sudden silence in the auditorium, and then suddenly everyone started talking loudly again.He walked to the Gryffindor table and sat between Ron and Hermione.A moment later, Dumbledore also arrived, and the noise in the auditorium gradually died down.

"Another year has gone by!" said Dumbledore cheerily. "Before we indulge in these delicious meals, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's platitudes. What a year it has been! Surely in your little heads They are all a little richer than before... There is a whole summer vacation waiting for you, so that you can digest those things well before the next semester starts, and free up your mind...

Now, as far as I know, we must first conduct the awarding ceremony of the Academy Cup. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: No.4, Gryffindor, 310 two points; No.3, Hufflepuff, 350 two points; LaVine Crowe 450 five points, Slytherin 470 two points. "

A burst of thunderous cheers and stomping broke out at the Slytherin dining table, while students from several other colleges looked at them coldly. This No.1 is really glorious!
At this table in Ravenclaw, everyone looked at Hill with weird eyes, exactly seventeen points!The difference between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was exactly seventeen points, which was also the point that Hill lost in the first class!
However, the Ravenclaws did not mean to criticize. After all, Hill has scored 114 points this semester, making their score more than 3 points more than No.100 Hufflepuff.

"Damn it! Only seventeen points!"

"Everything was expected, and to be honest, I thought it would be worse."

"It doesn't matter, they won't be able to laugh after a while."

Lily looked at Hill with a calm face, her eyes sparkled with curiosity, she knew that Hill must know something, because he was always elusive recently, and had no idea what he was up to recently.

"Yeah, yeah, good performance." Dumbledore said, "However, a few recent events must also be taken into account." The auditorium became very quiet, and the smiles of the Slytherins also subsided a little.

"Uh, uh," Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I've got some last points to assign. Let me see. By the way... "The first, Mr. Ron Weasley..."

Ron's face turned red all of a sudden, like a sun-baked carrot.

"...he won the best game of chess at Hogwarts in many years, for which I award Gryffindor House fifty points."

The cheers of the Gryffindors nearly knocked the enchanted ceiling down.The stars above their heads also seemed to be trembling slightly.Percy can be heard shouting to the other prefects: "It's my brother, you know! My youngest brother! Passed Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard!"

It was hard for everyone to calm down again. "For the second item, Miss Hermione Granger... She faced the fire and calmly reasoned logically. I will reward Gryffindor House with fifty points."

The Gryffindor students were all ecstatic, jumping up and down around the dining table they had improved by a whole hundred points!

"Third Draco Malfoy!" said Dumbledore.The auditorium suddenly became extremely silent. "He showed great courage and wisdom. Even in the face of such a powerful enemy, he did not back down. For this, I would like to reward Slytherin House with fifty points."

Gryffindor fell silent, looked at the Slytherin table in disbelief, and looked at the annoyed Draco.

Slytherin also added fifty points!

Gryffindor's enthusiasm gradually faded away, and now the gap between them and Slytherin has widened again!
Draco looked annoyed, while the rest of the Slytherins were calm and kind of weird.The reason for their extra points was known to the whole school, and they prevented the terrible Dark Lord from stealing the Philosopher's Stone.

However, Draco is a standard Slytherin, and his parents are both Death Eaters!

Facing the questioning eyes of the Slytherins, Draco just scolded Dumbledore in his heart, which was not part of the discussion between him and Dumbledore!

【asshole!Immortal!So how do I get a foothold in Slytherin? 】

"The fourth Hill Fox..."

When Dumbledore read Hill's name, he paused deliberately, looked at Ravenclaw, and looked at Hill with a calm face.

"Hey, Hill, you got points too, didn't you?"

"Maybe so, who knows."

Facing the doubts of the Ravenclaws, Hill just shook his head lightly. The matter of bonus points did not seem to be mentioned in his discussion with Dumbledore.

[Is it to appease Slytherin's anger?Let them become No.3, so that the object of their hatred is no longer just Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw is also involved.Oh, what a good plan! 】

"In all fairness, I should deduct [-] points from him, because he violated the rules I said at the beginning of the school and entered the forbidden room!" Dumbledore looked at the stunned students with satisfaction. Then he changed the subject, "But Mr. Fox is so good, he passed all the levels alone! At the same time, at the last moment, for his friends, he bravely entered there again , saved his friends!"

Harry, Hermione and the others looked at Hill in disbelief, and passed all the levels alone?When did it happen and why didn't they know?
"Damn it! He's hiding too much from us!" Ron said angrily. Judging by this posture, Hill's bonus points will definitely not be less.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other, with a hint of doubt in their eyes at the same time.

[How many things are still hidden from us? 】

"So, I want to award Ravenclaw seventy points!"

The Ravenclaw table is also boiling. With Hill's [-] points, they surpassed Slytherin by [-] points!

"Great job! Hill, you are amazing!"

"Congratulations, Hill, you scored 184 points this semester!"


Facing the congratulations from the Ravenclaws, Hill could only smile wryly. It seems that Dumbledore is going to give Harry [-] points!
Sure enough, just when the Ravenclaws were excited, the Slytherins were angry, and Gryffindor was sorry, Dumbledore spoke again.

"Fifth Harry Potter!" said Dumbledore, and the celebrations of the Ravenclaws stopped, and they had a sense of foreboding. Therefore, I would like to reward Gryffindor House with [-] points."

This time was very strange, there was no sound from the audience. Although they were amazed by Harry's extra points, but with all the previous circumstances, they would not do anything else until the result was fully revealed.

"There are many types of courage," Dumbledore smiled. "We need superhuman courage to deal with the enemy, but it also takes a lot of courage to stand our ground in front of friends. Therefore, I would like to reward Mr. Neville Longbottom Twenty points."

If anyone were standing outside the Great Hall at this moment, they might have thought there had been an explosion, and the Gryffindor table was roaring with cheers.Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood up and cheered loudly, only to see Neville, pale with surprise, immediately overwhelmed by the crowd rushing up to embrace him.He had never won a point for Gryffindor!

Amidst the Gryffindor's jubilation, the Slytherin table was still silent, but the anger in their eyes and the deformed tableware showed that they were not as calm as they seemed.

shame!This is a disgrace to Slytherin as a whole!

There was a flash of anger on Draco's face, Dumbledore had scolded Slytherin and him!

[So, Dumbledore, you never regarded our Slytherin students as Hogwarts students, did you?Sure enough, if you don’t have strength, you can only endure it...]

"That means," Dumbledore had to growl over the thunderous cheers, "that we need to make some small changes to the decor here."

He clapped his hands, and in an instant the green dangling streamers turned bright red, and the silver turned gold; the gigantic Slytherin snake disappeared, to be replaced by a majestic Gryffindor lion.Snape was shaking Professor McGonagall's hand, forcing an awkward smile on his face.

"Dumbledore is eccentric!"

"Exactly! Why give Harry [-] points!"

"Four of the six people who added points this time belonged to Gryffindor!"

"I think Hill and Draco just added it to avoid the displeasure of Ravenclaw and Slytherin!"


In fact, apart from Gryffindor, people in other colleges were more or less unconvinced.I won't mention Hufflepuff, they have nothing to do with the world. Although they are very upset, they can only admit it.

But Ravenclaw, they had beaten Gryffindor badly in Quidditch before, and they had more house points than them.However, Dumbledore's inexplicable extra points allowed Gryffindor, who was originally at the bottom, to win the championship.Although he defeated Slytherin, who had been pressing on his head, Dumbledore's openly favoring Gryffindor still dissatisfied the Ravenclaws.

"Whatever it is, Dumbledore graduated from Gryffindor, and so did Professor McGonagall. Both the principal and vice-principal are from Gryffindor, plus the 'Boy Who Lived' Harry, this year they are Destined to win the championship."

Although it was an explanation and appeasement, Hill's words were full of contempt for Dumbledore.There was no other way, this method was worse than Snape's!

Ravenclaws can only accept the reality, but fortunately, the Academy Cup is not Slytherin's, and Gryffindor, who won the Academy Cup, was beaten in the Quidditch match, so he can barely comfort himself.

At this time, no one dared to say anything in front of the Slytherins, not even the Gryffindors. Didn't they see the murderous look on the faces of everyone at the Slytherin table?

The shame of being overturned twice has completely awakened Slytherin. I believe they will perform better next year, and no longer just rely on Snape's protection as before.Perhaps, this is what Dumbledore hoped to see.

Hill got the No.1 logically, not only the No.1 test score, but also the highest bonus points. It can be said that he is the best-performing student this year.

One night, Hill came to the door of the Room of Requirement alone. This is a room that can meet people's real needs when they are desperate. It is located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts. If you want to enter, you need to describe " Barnaba the Nervous Trains Dwarfs to Dance the Ballet" tapestry, and walks up and down the corridor between the vases the size of human beings three times, all the while concentrating on what he needs, after which the door of the Room of Requirement will open for it, and do what it can to satisfy it. the needs of the people.

Without any effort, Hill easily entered the Room of Response.Looking around, it was a room as big as a football field, with elegant diamond-shaped windows lined up on both sides, casting symmetrical beams of light side by side.Numerous miscellaneous items piled up into towering hills, while crumbling broken furniture seemed to gather into long meandering rivers. If you look closely, you can find that most of them have burnt stains or corrosion It is not difficult to guess that they have been destroyed by magic; thousands of books are scattered like the rubble of a mine.

"it's here!"

Booker's voice guided Hill to the diadem, and he saw the bust of an ugly wizard on a long crate, and a dark rusty... diadem.

"It won't be a problem, will it?"

Facing Horcruxes, Hill felt that he had to be more careful, this was no joke!

"With the protection of [Soul Guard], as long as you don't want to, no one can hurt your soul! Besides, heh, it seems that the situation is much better than I expected. The crown is in good condition and has begun to suppress Voldemort's soul fragments Already!"

Hill, who was guaranteed by Booker, picked up the crown without hesitation. Looking at the rusty, worn-out crown, his eyebrows frowned, and then he searched carefully, and finally found the passage:

"Inestimable wisdom is a man's greatest wealth."

Putting the crown into the bag, Hill slowly walked out of the Response Room, and the next step is to go home and study slowly.He now has a sense of urgency, he can't tolerate his father surrendering to Voldemort, he wants to rescue his father!
"No matter what the reason, I will definitely save you!

parting line
"Okay, see you next semester! Have fun in the summer vacation!" Hill hugged Kaka and bid farewell to Harry and the others. This year has passed really quickly, and time may pass faster and faster in the future Bar!

"It's really nice to meet you!" Harry looked very excited. This year, he met many new friends. They experienced many things together and formed a deep friendship.

"When you are bored during the summer vacation, you can come out to play. I will go crazy if I stay at home." Ron is obviously reluctant to let go of school life. After returning home, he will have to face his nagging mother and unreliable father .In addition, Fred and George will surprise him constantly.

"Can I play with you, Hill?"

It was Lily who was talking, and she had a good relationship with Harry now.However, she was as bold as ever, and she said it so blatantly.

"Uh, no problem. You also have the address. Come and play if you have time. Harry and you are the same. If you feel bored, come and play at my house."

Hill wiped the cold sweat off his brow, he really couldn't bear the narrow eyes of Harry and Ron.And Hermione, although she didn't show any emotions, what's the matter with this strong sense of danger?

Hill waved goodbye to everyone, and slowly left the station alone.

"Hill, thank you for this year."

Hill stopped and looked at Draco leaning against a corner with a smile on his face.

"You figured it out, didn't you?"

"That's right, thank you very much. I won't refuse if I can help you in the future."

Seeing the calm expression on Draco's face, Hill shook his head lightly, it seems that Draco has grown a lot too.Impetuousness and arrogance are no longer seen in him, replaced by calmness and low-key, the whole person is like a big tree, firmly rooted in the ground, unmoved by wind and rain, as stable as a mountain.

"Then, see you next semester!"


Walking out of the station, looking at the blue sky, Hill smiled slightly, and started his journey home!

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